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    I. Ferries on Shabbos There have been times in history when Jewish communities have settled on different sides of a river. The question arose whether people could cross the river on Shabbos. Of course, if there is a...

    Laws about gun control serve as perpetual fuel for political debates. However, everyone agrees that some people should carry guns in some circumstances. Whether police officers or soldiers, on duty or prepared for duty, some people need to carry guns...

    I. Lower East Side Dispute The question has arisen numerous times whether a community may buy a church building to be used as a synagogue. In the 1850’s, such a question arose in a political battle over the oldest...

    I. Important Mitzvah In Jewish law and tradition, redeeming a captive (pidyon shevuyim) is the highest form of charity. The Talmud (Bava Basra 8a) refers to it with the unusual term of “great mitzvah” and Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De’ah 252:1)...

    I. One Shul, Multiple Minyanim It is now common for some shuls to hold multiple minyanim at different times. The most active are open nearly 24 hours a day, holding morning services every half hour, alternating rooms so there...

    I. Artificial Intelligence and School Work Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made great progress over recent years. Within the past few months, one company released two products online for the public to use. Dall-E creates graphic images based on a user’s natural...

    I. Gehinom in the Jewish Tradition Every once in a while, someone in the media will say that Jews do not believe in “Purgatory”. This is puzzling because the fire of Gehinom...

     I. Extent of the Prohibition The Gemara (Gittin 7a) asks from where we learn that music is forbidden. The Gemara answers with a few possible verses, including “Do not rejoice, Israel,...

     I. Who is Driving? Driving a car is operating a dangerous weapon. An accident can cause significant financial damage and physical harm, even death. But who is responsible for the damage?...

     I. Singling Out a Teaching When you say something, sometimes the loudest part is what you leave unsaid. The Gemara (Bava Basra 164b) warns against praising someone because that can lead...