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    In many Orthodox shuls, women’s sections are poorly maintained. Whether it’s the lighting, the cleanliness, the availability of siddurim and tissues, air conditioning, or any other number of small and large issues. What are the halachic implications of the...

    It is both a privilege and an obligation to at- tend shul. However, sometimes a commu- nity finds it necessary to expel a member. Under what conditions is it per- missible to tell someone he is no longer...

    I. AI as a Posek Everyone is talking about the implications of artificial intelligence (AI). While the current version of AI frequently gives laughably incorrect answers, it offers us a realistic idea of the possibility of a coherent technology...

    During many eras in Jewish history, Jews converted to other religions, whether due to physical, financial or social pressure or otherwise. Many of these wayward Jews returned to the Jewish community, sometimes after escaping the country. While a Jew who...

    I. Sefaria Controversy A minor controversy brewed recently when some people noticed that Sefaria provides readers a non-Orthodox Bible translation. This offers us an opportunity to have a long overdue discussion about what Sefaria is and is not, and how...

    I. Shadchan for the Masses There is a recent Netflix series about a real shadchan, matchmaker, who sets people up to date for marriage. This raises an interesting question about matchmaking ethics and halachah. I have not seen the show...

    I. Days Without Malei The Mishnah (Mo’ed Katan 27a) discusses when we eulogize someone before burial and when refrain from doing so. On days of communal happiness, a sad eulogy evokes feelings contrary to spirit of the day. Among those...

    Last week, this article appeared with some errors. It is being reprinted this week corrected. I. Fathers-in-Law shall see shortly. The word seems to have gained usage sometime between the years 1200...

    I. Fathers-in-Law There is a deep lesson in the fact that there is no English equivalent of the word “mechutanim.” Mechutanim are the parents of your son- or daughter-in-law (mechutan is the male part of the mechutanim). When your child...