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    In the entirety of Scripture, there aren’t many people who have been given so many accolades by Hashem as Noach. The Torah waxes reverently about Noach’s character. It extols him...

    We are taught that, “Mo-adim l’simcha, chagim u’zmanim ul’sason – Festivals towards (promoting) joy, holidays and times for (promoting) exaltation.” Rav Shamshon Rafoel Hirsch asks why doesn’t it say, “Mo-adei...

    One of the most urgent segments of our Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur liturgy is the proclamation we say with great feeling, “Us’shuvah us’filah u’tzedakah ma-avirin es ro-ah hagizeirah –...

    The month of Elul is upon us with all of its seriousness and high stakes. First of all, it is the last month of the year and in Yiddishkeit this...

    Believe it or not, Elul is upon us! How do we juggle the seriousness, gravity and trepidation of Elul with the lazy days of summer? How can we relax and...

    In our daily Krias Shema, we say, “V’ahvata es Hashem Elokecha – And you should love Hashem Your Go-d.” Both the Rokei’ach and the Baal HaTurim reveal that the word v’ahavta is an anagram of ha’Avos, our Patriarchs, referring to Avraham,...