Let’s continue with our theme of enjoying and enhancing our Shabbos observances. 25. After the Shabbos davening, there is a beautiful custom: Everyone wishes each other to have a ‘Good Shabbos’...
Let’s continue with our theme of enjoying and enhancing our Shabbos observances. 25. After the Shabbos davening, there is a beautiful custom: Everyone wishes each other to have a ‘Good Shabbos’...
Let’s continue to cast our gaze on ways of increasing our awareness and appreciation of our great treasure, the Shabbos. We will continue to emphasize the need to preserve a...
Once again we turn our attention to the great treasure of Shabbos. We will continue to emphasize the need to preserve a spirit of contentment with an absence of pressure...
The importance of creating a special aura in our homes and in our lives on Shabbos simply cannot be overstated. We all emphasize the need to preserve a spirit of...
We know that Avraham went on a seemingly suicidal mission against four mighty kings with powerful armies to save his nephew Lot. The Gemora informs us that, aided by open...
As the entire world was about to be destroyed by the great mabul, the flood, the only means of escape was to get passage on Noach’s ark. Only those who...
The central theme of the joyous festival of Sukkos is the Clouds of Glory, the Ananei HaKovod, which the sukkah itself comes to commemorate. For forty years during their sojourn...
In Masechtas Yoma [38b], the Gemora tells us that when we come before the Heavenly tribunal for the final judgment, each one of us will offer excuses. The poor man...
Last week we discussed the unique power of tzedakah and how it literally can save our lives, add to our longevity, bring us wealth, and generate serenity and tranquility. Chazal...
If I were to ask you which mitzvah we should zoom-in on in Elul, you would likely answer tshuvah, repentance. You would then reasonably follow-up with the task of making...