How would you, in the Torah world, define evil incarnate? When the Torah says, “Vayikach Korach – And Korach took…” the Gemora in Sanhedrin asks What exactly did he take?...
How would you, in the Torah world, define evil incarnate? When the Torah says, “Vayikach Korach – And Korach took…” the Gemora in Sanhedrin asks What exactly did he take?...
Here in the Diaspora, one of the highlights of the yomtov davening is the saying of Birkas Kohanim, when the whole congregation is lovingly blessed by Hashem through the conduit...
It’s that time of the year again!! Thoughts of driving down the “seventeen” with the beach chairs, barbecue grill, and other paraphernalia in-tow fill our minds. Or, you might be...
As we are now just seeing Shavuos in our rearview mirror, some of us might be wondering why our Torah learning isn’t getting you anywhere. Why is it, perhaps, that...
As we stood at Har Sinai, the Torah testifies that, “Vayichan sham Yisroel, neged haHar;” the Jews encamped in front of the mountain. The commentaries immediately pounce that the word...
In the last few decades, one of the great challenges of our society has been the ever-growing problem of unemployment. Many factors have contributed to this. Recently, many lost jobs...
The Torah reveals, “V’atem tihiu li mamleches kohanim v’goy kadosh – You, Yisroel, should be to me a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation.” The million dollar question is...
The Gemora calls our ancient sages Sofrim, people who know how to count. This seems to be an odd name for our great men who were endowed with encyclopedic knowledge,...