09 Nov An Invisible Enemy
Unfortunately, in the last two weeks, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased 16 percent across the nation and coronavirus is still wreaking havoc across the world causing much of Italy to go...
Unfortunately, in the last two weeks, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased 16 percent across the nation and coronavirus is still wreaking havoc across the world causing much of Italy to go...
Through the media, we are c o n s t a n t l y bombarded by death. This preoccupation with death tends to prey on a person’s mind and...
In this week’s parsha, we are introduced to the father of the Jewish people Avraham Avinu. Since he is our founder, it is understandable that we can derive many fundamentals...
Chumash Bereishis is also known as Sefer HaYashar – the Book of the Upright. This is because one of the primary aims of studying it is to learn from the...
The Yom Tov of Succos is upon us. All over the globe, Klal Yisroel sits under the schach and reflects back to over 3000 years ago when Hashem protected us...
Did you hear about Macy’s? After C O V I D - 1 9 caused it to shut its doors for five months, the mega-retailer expected to come back booming....
In parshas Haazinu, the Torah proclaims about Hashem, “HaTzur, tamim pa’alo – The Rock (a metaphor for Hashem Who is solid and stable like a rock), perfect are His ways.”...
The posuk reveals, “V’ra-u chol amei haaretz ki Sheim Hashem nikra alecha v’yaru mimeka – And all of the nations of the world will see that the Name of Hashem...
As we get closer and closer to Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment, we try to prepare ourselves in every possible way. Of course, we engage in the making of...