In his monumental work about midos (character traits), the Orchos Tzadikim, declares that love has the greatest potential to wreak havoc in a person’s life, more than any other midah....
The Torah dictates to us that a Kohein must maintain a higher level of kedusha, holiness. As it says, “Lo yitama b’amav,” he should not become contaminated to the dead...
The Torah proclaims,“Al kein yomru hamoshlim,bo’u cheshbon.” The Gemora in Bava Basra interprets this verse homiletically as follows. “Hamoshlim, eIlu hamoshlim b’yitzram – Rulers refers to those who rule...
Once again, I turn my reader’s attention to the Orchos Chaim l’HaRosh. In Number 68, he declares that for a successful life, “Tzedek tzedek tirdof,” one should vigorously pursue acts...
Once again, I’d like to share with my dear readers another piece of wisdom from the Orchos Chaim l’HaRosh. In Number 67 of this holy sefer, the Rosh tackles the...
As we take leave of Shavuos, we should try to ensure that its lingering memory should be more than our favorite blintzes and cheesecake. Now, while we still remember our...
Let me ask you a philosophical question. What is the hardest mitzvah in the Torah? The most difficult and challenging to fulfill? The Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer says that the hardest...
Once again, as in the previous two columns, I’d like to share with you another piece of sage advice from the ancient book of wisdom, Orchos Chaim l’HaRosh. The Rosh...
Last week, I reported to you that I started giving a series of lectures (on and KolHaloshon) from the amazing sefer Orchos Chaim l’HaRosh. I’d like to share with...