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    The posuk reveals, “V’ra-u chol amei haaretz ki Sheim Hashem nikra alecha v’yaru mimeka – And all of the nations of the world will see that the Name of Hashem...

    These days we are dealing with a somersault of emotions. The summer is coming to a close and many of us say we can’t believe it’s already over. We are...

    Imagine, if one was to gather the ultimate anthology, he would go to Rav Shvadron, Zt”l, and ask him to sift through all of his teachings and choose the most...

    “Don’t give me an Ayin Hora.” “I’m afraid of an Ayin Hora.” “Bli Ayin Hora.” These are all phrases and expressions we’ve heard, and probably use, very often. But what exactly is the...

    As we take leave of Tisha b’Av, we joyfully once again enjoy barbeque while happily listening to music. We once again can look forward to getting into the refreshing swimming...

    In Masechtas Nedarim [81a], the Gemora cites a verse in Yirmiyah [9:11], “Mi ha-ish hechacham v’yavein es zos… al ma avda haaretz – Who is the man who is wise...

    Moshe Rabbeinu proposed an elaborate test using incense to determine who was in the right in the quarrel of Korach and his followers. An interesting question is posed. Since the...