14 Mar A Dog Of A Story
In past articles, we have spoken about the trait of loyalty which is displayed prominently by a dog. The Yerushalmi shares two fascinating stories in this vein. The first concerns...
In past articles, we have spoken about the trait of loyalty which is displayed prominently by a dog. The Yerushalmi shares two fascinating stories in this vein. The first concerns...
As I attempt to write about my dear friend, Chaim Ben Klonomis Kalman Silber zt”l zy”a affectionately known by many simply as LOBO (a nickname garnered by his beloved baseball...
Let me ask you, my dear readers. What would you consider is the core limb of the body? I was greatly surprised when I saw in the Sifra d’Tzniyusa of...
Of all the twenty-four books of the Scripture, Megilas Esther is the most enigmatic. One must be a Biblical cryptographer in order to discover the many secrets lurking under the...
As I was coming out of shul yesterday, who do I meet but the Yeitzer Hara himself. As my readers know, I’m always anxious to learn some new tricks, on ...
The Alshich HaKodesh, the Holy Alshich, Zt”l, Zy”a, asks a penetrating and fascinating question. When Moshe Rabbeinu was born, Yocheved was frightened that the Egyptian death squads would confiscate him...
Being that the Super Bowl is this Sunday, I would also like to weigh-in with some thoughts. At the outset, I would like to make a very un-American confession: I...
As we started the chumash of Shmos, we study the painful birth of the Jewish people. The Torah introduces this saga with the preface, “V’eila shmos bnei Yisroel – these...
On this coming Tuesday will occur a global event, which will be noticed only in certain circles. And no, I am not referring to anything having to do with President...
The Gemora teaches us, “Im ein daas, havdala minayin – Without knowledge, how does one differentiate?” This is the reason why on Motzoi Shabbos we say the havdala the insertion...