Last week, we spoke about how one should work on controlling the seven gateways of the head: the two eyes, two ears, the two nostrils and the mouth. In the...
Last week, we spoke about how one should work on controlling the seven gateways of the head: the two eyes, two ears, the two nostrils and the mouth. In the...
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we chant slowly the venerable psalm, L’Dovid Mizmor. The saying of this psalm is considered a big segula for parnassa, for one’s livelihood. In...
The month of Elul is upon us with all of its seriousness and high stakes. First of all, it is the last month of the year and in Yiddishkeit this...
Believe it or not, Elul is upon us! How do we juggle the seriousness, gravity and trepidation of Elul with the lazy days of summer? How can we relax and...
The posuk in Mishlei states, “K’kesef l’matzreif vk’cur l’zahav, ish k’fi mehalalo – Like silver in the refinery and gold in the crucible, so is a man according to his...
In our daily Krias Shema, we say, “V’ahvata es Hashem Elokecha – And you should love Hashem Your Go-d.” Both the Rokei’ach and the Baal HaTurim reveal that the word v’ahavta is an anagram of ha’Avos, our Patriarchs, referring to Avraham,...
Here on the eastern seaboard, we’ve been having an unusual amount of torrential rain. When viewing this casually, especially during the summer months, we consider rain a big nuisance. It...
In Parshas Pinchas, the Torah records prominent families of the Bnei Yisroel. There, it states, “V’sheim bas Asher Serach – And the name of the daughter of Asher was Serach.”...
One of the great Biblical acts of valor was the zealous execution of the Nasi Zimri and the Midianite Princess Kozbi by the courageous tzaddik, Pinchas. Although the Torah rarely...
When Balak, king of Moav, saw that the great giants Sichon and Og fell to the Bnei Yisroel, he was filled with terror. These giants who were born before the...