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    The annual holy narrative of the Pesach Seder is a multi-faceted experience with which we should familiarize ourselves so that we can get the most out of this rarified opportunity....

    Wow!! It’s hard to believe: Purim has come and gone, and now we are facing a job that doesn’t pass so quickly: the purifying of the home for the Pesach...

    The Jewish People are known as Yehudim. The word Yehudim means ‘people who give thanks.’ Indeed, this is one of the fundamentals of our Jewish identity: namely that we are...

    There is a wellknown controversy surrounding the chronological timing of when Yisro arrived to visit the Bnei Yisroel in the desert. It revolves around whether he came before Matan Torah,...

    In Tehillim, Dovid HaMelech declares, “Mi chocham v’yishmar aleh v’yisboninu chasdei Hashem – Who is wise and observes these things and meditates on the kindness of Hashem?” The Hebrew letters...

    In bentching, we declare “V’dorshei Hashem lo yachsiru chol tov – Those who seek Hashem will lack from naught that is good.” The occupation of seeking Hashem, being a Dorshei...