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    One Friday morning, about a month ago, I awoke late.  The evening before, I was working till the wee hours of the morning and slept through my alarm clock.  Staten...

    As I was walking home from shul on Friday night, I was thinking about the sermon I had just delivered exhorting my congregants to always be on guard from the...

    For every Yom Tov, it is very meaningful to know the specific reasons for each holiday. But when it comes to Succos, it is a Halachic requirement. As the Bais...

    Before Rosh HaShanah, there is a universal quest to ask Hashem for a better year.  Better parnasa/livelihood, better nachas, better gezundt, better shalom bais/marital harmony.  Better, better, better.  Hashem responds,...

    Recently, I gave a shiur  on sholom bayis-marital harmony.  A day later, I asked one of my friends who attended with his wife if he thought it was helpful.  He...

    When preparing ourselves for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, many people concentrate upon character refinement.  They might work hard to improve their anger control, they struggle mightily to stamp-out forbidden...

    I want to share with my dear readers a sobering true story that warns us about one of the more base sides of the human psyche.  There was a man who...

    The Gemora in Berachos [14b] reveals a wonderful promise:  Whoever says Tehilah l’Dovid (Ashrei) three times a day can be confident that they are a member of the Afterlife.  The...