Recently, I was invited by my friends, Michael and Suri Kest, to do a speaking circuit in Los Angeles, California. One of the places I lectured was in the Yeshiva...
Recently, I was invited by my friends, Michael and Suri Kest, to do a speaking circuit in Los Angeles, California. One of the places I lectured was in the Yeshiva...
We are now at the beginning of the period called Bein Hametzarim, known more commonly as the Three Weeks. As a nation, we mourn the destruction of our two holy...
As summer approaches there is an annual migration to our favorite vacation spots. In the tristate area, over a half million people make the annual pilgrimage to the Catskills summer...
Last week, we mentioned the unusual phenomenon that in Aleinu, the first 7 words in a row all contain the letter lammed. Upon further investigation, I discovered that in Ahavah...
The Be’er Heitiv in Orach Chayim [132:3] teaches us that we should say the Aleinu prayer with awe and reverence since Hashem and His Heavenly retinue listen to its recital...
After every one of our daily prayers, we say the prestigious prayer of Aleinu. It is such an important part of our prayers that we always say it standing since...
Last week, spoke about the ill effects of anger. Rav Irving Bunim, Zt”l, Zy”a, had a beautiful way of expounding on this concept. He says, when a person is angry,...
After Klal Yisroel victoriously defeated the Midianites, the posuk in Bamidbar goes on to say [31:21], “Vayomer Elazar HaKohein el anshei hatsava haba-im lamilchamah, ‘Zos chukas HaTorah’ – Elazar the...
How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that?...
As we make final preparations for Shavuos, including a fervent desire to come away from the yom Tov with a renewed commitment to the “learning” of Torah, we need to...