After every one of our daily prayers, we say the prestigious prayer of Aleinu. It is such an important part of our prayers that we always say it standing since...
After every one of our daily prayers, we say the prestigious prayer of Aleinu. It is such an important part of our prayers that we always say it standing since...
Last week, spoke about the ill effects of anger. Rav Irving Bunim, Zt”l, Zy”a, had a beautiful way of expounding on this concept. He says, when a person is angry,...
After Klal Yisroel victoriously defeated the Midianites, the posuk in Bamidbar goes on to say [31:21], “Vayomer Elazar HaKohein el anshei hatsava haba-im lamilchamah, ‘Zos chukas HaTorah’ – Elazar the...
How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that?...
As we make final preparations for Shavuos, including a fervent desire to come away from the yom Tov with a renewed commitment to the “learning” of Torah, we need to...
The posuk describes the pursuit of Torah study as being, “Yikara hi mipninim – More precious than pearls.” Homiletically, the Gemora interprets this posuk to mean, “M’kohein G-dol hanichnas lifnei...
One of the major goals of life is to achieve many victories against the Yeitzer Hara, the Evil Inclination. The thinking Jew knows that one of his or her greatest...
Rabbi Weiss: Dear Yeitzer Hara! I’ve been thinking lately a lot about the various pitfalls that can disrupt a person’s worship in shul. Can you suggest any tips that can...
The Gemora calls our ancient sages Sofrim, people who know how to count. This seems to be an odd name for our great men who were endowed with encyclopedic knowledge, erudition, and deep piety. However, the name Sofrim depicts...
With Pesach incredibly just days away, and as we begin once again to say farewell to pizza and pasta, we need to ask ourselves what spiritual lessons we want to...