As Chanukah is already in our rear view mirrors (believe it or not) and we are facing (at least here on the eastern seaboard) what the Farmer’s Almanac is calling...
As Chanukah is already in our rear view mirrors (believe it or not) and we are facing (at least here on the eastern seaboard) what the Farmer’s Almanac is calling...
When Yaakov wrestled with the malach, we know the identity of Yaakov’s antagonist. He was saro shel Eisav, the angel of Eisav. He is also otherwise known as Samo’el or,...
One of the brachos we make on the menorah is, “She’osa nisim lavoseinu bayamim haheim bazman hazeh.” We bless Hashem for making miracles in those days of Chanukah, millennia ago,...
As we get ready for the very sweet festival of Chanukah, it behooves us to brush-up on its spiritual messages. In this way, we can ensure that it doesn’t become a mere season of gastronomic delight such as latkas and...
Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Zt”l, Zy”a, makes a fascinating observation. When the Torah records historical events, it invariably starts the narrative with the letter ‘vav.’ Thus, we find in this week’s...
Rivkah Imeinu had a very dramatic pregnancy. The posuk informs us, “Va’yisrotz’tzu habonim b’kirbah – And the twins ran (and wrestled) inside of her.” The Medrash elaborates, as cited by...
The events surrounding the name Yaakov are very puzzling. The Torah explains that he was given the name because upon birth, “V’yodo ochezes ba’akeiv Esav -- And his hand grasped...
Without a question, one of the greatest women in the history of the world was Sarah Imeinu. The posuk testifies that when she was one hundred years old, she was absolutely free of sin like an innocent twenty year old. And...
Through the media, we are constantly bombarded by death. This preoccupation with death tends to prey on a person’s mind and fill him with fears and worries. So too, as...
As we take our yearly tour through the lessons of Bereishis, we see a study in contrasts. On the one hand, we have the cruel selfish behavior of the Sodomites...