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    Why do we celebrate Sukkos for seven days? After all, the Sukkah commemorates the Clouds of Glory that shielded us in the desert for a full forty years when we came out of Mitzraim. How does seven days...

    This erev Shabbos is unique. Normally on Friday, especially in the afternoon, it is a time when we try to abstain from any serious eating for it is very preferred to sit down to the Shabbos meal with...

    We all know Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgement, when our fate is written up and our yearly sustenance is decided. But Rosh Hashanah is also the first day of the Ten Days of Repentance and one...

    Every morning during Elul, we hear the shofar in shul. One of the reasons for this custom is that it is similar to the court giving a debtor thirty days to pay up his debts. So too,...

    As we go about reflecting on our lives getting ready for Rosh Hashannah, the Day of Judgement, it is imperative to think about the following Gemara in the beginning of Masechtas Berachos. The Gemara mandates, “L’olam yirgaz adom yeitzer...

    The incredible opportunities of the days of Elul for returning to Hashem and acceptance of our repentance and prayers can be seen from an awesome statement of the Ben Ish Chai in one of his letters. He writes...

    With Elul upon us, we acutely realize that a lot is at stake at this time of year. I’d like to share with you a few atrategies that I think you might find helpful to jumpstart the...

    Once Tu b’Av arrives we can already wish people a kesiva vchasima tova-to be written and signed in the book of good life for the upcoming new year. Since Elul is just about upon us, it is...

    In Parshas Shoftim, when the Kohein exhorted the troops before battle, he said Shema Yisroel, and Rashi interprets his message, “Afilu ein bahem zchus ela Krias Shema bilvad, k’dai atem she’yoshia es’chem – Even if you only have the...

    Shabbos Nachamu is a perplexing time. Everyone is heaving a sigh of relief after the intensity of mourning, saying elaborate, tragic sequences of Kinos, and gritty fasting. Once again, we indulge in the merriment of music, meat and wine,...