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    The Torah tells us, “Va’yechi Yaakov be’eretz Mitzrayim – And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt.” The Baal HaTurim reveals that the gematria, the numerical value, of the word va’yechi is 34. He explains that 34 represents the...

    As we get ready for the very sweet festival of Chanukah, it behooves us to brush-up on its spiritual messages. In this way, we can ensure that it doesn’t become a mere season of gastronomic delight such as...

    In our Parsha this week the Torah relates, “Vayavey Yosef es dibasom ra-ah el avihem-Yosef brought villainous tidings (about his brothers) to their Father (Yaakov)”. This act of loshon hora- sinful gossip,caused Yosef to be sold into slavery and...

    This week’s parsha relates the encounter of Yakov with his dangerous and murderous brother Eisav, and Yakov’s admitting that he was fearful of Eisav. These events connect directly to our contemporary multiplicity of antisemitic incidents and horrors all over...

    Students of the Torah are well aware that there is nothing superfluous in the language of the Torah. Every phrase comes to teach us a myriad of lessons. Therefore, when the Torah says, “Vayeitzei Yaakov miB’er Sheva v’yeilech Charanah...

    What comes to your mind first when I mention Yitzchak Avinu, Yitzchak, our Patriarch? You’ll probably say, rightfully so, the Akeidas Yitzchak, when Yitzchak allowed himself to be offered by Avraham, his father. Your next suggestion would probably be when...

    One of the more enigmatic personalities in the Torah is Lot, Avraham’s nephew and Sarah’s brother. On the one hand we know that all the while that Lot was together with Avraham, the Shechinah didn’t speak with...

    The Mishna in Pirkei Avos tells us that the world exists due to three things: Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chassadim. Torah is the learning and studying of the Oral and Written Law; Avodah is prayer; Gemilus...

    Many people buy a choson and kallah a Birchas HaBayis plaque to hang in their new home. It contains the wish that their house be blessed with all kinds of success, peace and prosperity, children, and harmony. But,...

    As the entire world was about to be destroyed by the great mabul, the flood, the only means of escape was to get passage on Noach’s ark. Only those who maintained absolute morality were given a coveted berth...