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    Moshe Rabbeinu proposed an elaborate test using incense to determine who was in the right in the quarrel of Korach and his followers. An interesting question is posed. Since the...

    One of the most fundamental missions of a Torah Jew can be found in the Rambam at the end of the Laws of Chanukah. There, he states, “Kol HaTorah kula...

    In this week’s parsha, it says “ V ’ y a m u s u h a ’ a n o s h i m motzi’ei dibas HaAretz ra’ah bamageifah...

    Baruch Hashem, I re-opened my shul, the Agudas Yisroel of Staten Island, last Shabbos for the first time in 13 weeks. I said a shehechianu (without using Hashem’s Name) with...

    Baruch Hashem, our phones are not ringing every day with levayah announcements and shiva notices. The weekly newspaper does not have whole sections of COVID-19 obituaries. Thankfully, things have slowed...

    In last week’s parsha, we learned all about shmittah. For the diaspora Jew, shmittah has been only a lesson in Torah academics. But, for the religious farmer in Eretz Yisroel...

    Every festival has its unique brand of greeting. Before Pesach, we wish one another, “Chag kosher v’same-ach.” On Chanukah, we say a, “Freilichen Chanukah.” For Shabbos, Ashkenazim say, “Gutten Shabbos”...