28 May Changing the Dynamic in the War Against the Yeitzer Hara
One of the major goals of life is to achieve many victories against the Yeitzer Hara, the Evil Inclination. The thinking Jew knows that one of his or her greatest...
One of the major goals of life is to achieve many victories against the Yeitzer Hara, the Evil Inclination. The thinking Jew knows that one of his or her greatest...
As we engage in the seasonal mitzvah of counting the sefira, and observe the national period of mourning for the tragic deaths of the 24,000 disciples of Rabbi Akiva, we...
How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that?...
Now that we are in the midst of the days of sefira, we are very much involved in practicing what it says is the Shulchan Aruch. One should not shave,...
Here, on the eastern coast, spring finally seems to be here. It looks nearly certain that we won’t see snowplows until next year and, as the plants start to bloom...
Incredibly, spring is in the air and we getting ready for Pesach. Children are told not to carry around their cookies. The global Daf Yomi community, ironically learning Masechtas Pesachim, is...
When Rav Dovid Jungreis was young, he spent time in the home of the venerable Rav of Yerushalayim, Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zt”l, zy”a. One day, Rav Leib Auerbach, Rosh...
As we get ready for Pesach – besides purging the house from chometz, buying the very expensive matzah, and all of the other accoutrements of this very special festival, there...
The world over, Jews will soon be wrapped-up in the annual search for chometz. Most of us are also aware that this is not simply spring-cleaning. Rather, cleaning for Pesach...
It is hard to believe that this Taanis Esther will already be the 30th yahrzeit of the Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Zt”l, Zy”a. There was a time that,...