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      In contemporary society, respect for our leaders is almost extinct. We’ve become cynical to the extreme - feeling that our leaders frequently talk out of both sides of their mouths,...

    The Alshich HaKodesh, the Holy Alshich, Zt”l, Zy”a, asks a penetrating and fascinating question. When Moshe Rabbeinu was born, Yocheved was frightened that the Egyptian death squads would confiscate him...

    There is a well-known controversy surrounding the chronological timing of when Yisro arrived to visit the Bnei Yisroel in the desert. It revolves around whether he came before Matan Torah,...

    The Medrash relates a fascinating narrative between Hashem and Moshe Rabbeinu. When the Jews were in the desert, an individual called the m’koshesh eitzim desecrated the Shabbos. Hashem asked Moshe...

    When the Torah makes mention of the two stellar brothers, Moshe and Aharon, sometimes it says Moshe first and sometimes it says Aharon first. Rashi takes note of this and...

    In contemporary society, respect for our leaders is almost extinct. We’ve become cynical to the extreme - feeling that our leaders frequently talk out of both sides of their mouths,...

    Good news travels fast! This was true even before the era of internet and social media. Nowadays, good news is almost instantaneous so by the time of the writing of...

    As hard as it is to believe, Chanukah is already over and the long cold winter of a leap year is upon us with Purim at the other end. Thinking...

    CHANUKAH AND THE FABRIC OF TIME One of the brachos we make on the menorah is, “She’osa nisim lavoseinu bayamim haheim bazman hazeh.” We bless Hashem for making miracles in those...