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    After many, many years of barrenness, Hashem blesses Rochel with a son whom she calls Yosef. This name has a dual meaning. First, it is a prayer for the future....

    After twenty challenging years in the house of Lavan, Yaakov was ready to leave with his four wives and family. Anticipating that Lavan would be up to no good, Yaakov...

    It’s important to realize that our first reactions are often not the correct response. For example, you’re walking on Thirteenth Avenue and you see two Hatzaloh ambulances and a crowd...

    Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are the three pioneers of Judaism.  Each one introduced a vital component of Yiddishkeit.  Avraham Avinu initiated chesed, kindness, Yitzchak Avinu demonstrated avodah, Divine service such...

    We know that there is no extra letter in the Torah. Everything is said for multiple reasons so when there is a glaring repetition, the commentators scramble to explain it....

    CHARITY STARTS AT HOME The Medrash tells us that young Avraham Avinu was left one day to take care of his father’s store of idols. Avraham Avinu did a bold thing....

    When discussing the Creation, the Torah informs us of a drama which took place when the trees were being created. The posuk states, “Eitz pri oseh pri l’minahu – Fruit...

    This past Hoshannah Rabbah, I had the somber privilege of officiating and saying a hesped, eulogy (of course, of the kind that is permitted on a quasi-yomtov day) at the...

    Once again, global Jewry starts reviewing the Torah with gusto. There are many, however, who just never seem to be able to get into the routine of  consistently reviewing the...

    We are informed that Hashem created the world for kindness, as it says “Olam chesed Yiboneh.” Avraham Avinu arrived at the conclusion when he meditated over the purpose of the...