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    In the Succos liturgy, we say “Bal tehei mitzvas succah kala b’einecha ki k’neged kol mitzvoseha das chukoseha shkula – Let not the mitzvah of succah be light in your...

    For every Yom Tov, it is very meaningful to know the specific reasons for each holiday. But when it comes to Succos, it is a Halachic requirement. As the Bais...

    Recently, ArtScroll put out a magnificent sefer from the teachings of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, zy”a, on the Yomim Noraim. In it, Rav Chaim cites an amazing statement by the...

    In the Shemone Esrei, we pray to Hashem, “Toka b’shofar godol lecheiruseinu, Blow the great and mighty shofar to herald our emancipation.” We plead with Hashem to utilize this awesome shofar that will...

    The critical month of Elul is upon us. All prudent Torah Jews are focused on the upcoming Day of Judgment, Rosh HaShanah, and are trying to prepare accordingly. After the...

    When preparing ourselves for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, many people concentrate upon character refinement. They might work hard to improve their anger control, they struggle mightily to stamp-out forbidden...

    DON’T BE AN IDIOT One of the definitions that Chazal give us for wisdom is “Eizahu chacham? Haroeh es hanolad – Who is wise? He who is able to anticipate the...

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS The idea that out of 613 mitzvos Hashem handpicked ten for special highlighting on the two luchos, the two tablets, leads to a lot of fascinating speculation. Let...