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    Recently, on a Monday morning while I was davening, my mind drifted off to how I had a lot on my plate to do that morning.  With a feeling of...

    The season of Elul is upon us. What should Elul mean to a serious minded Jew? Rabbi Bentzion Lopian, the son of the venerable mashgiach, Rav Eliyahu Lopian, Zt”l, Zy”a, relates that...

    This past week, I gave my annual Q & A lecture for Irgun Shiurei Torah at the Bostoner shul in Flatbush. One of the questions was: Rabbi Weiss, many people I know...

    One of the most important prayers that we say daily is Aleinu.  It is so prestigious that we say it while standing.  Its authorship is shared.  The first paragraph was...

    Let me ask you a philosophical question. What is the hardest mitzvah in the Torah? The most difficult and challenging to fulfill?  The Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer says that the hardest...

    We all know that the first official shaddchan in the Torah was Eliezer, the servant of Avraham. We also know that he wrote the script beforehand, praying to Hashem that...

    Rashi tells us that when Pinchas courageously executed Zimri, the prince of the tribe of Shimon, for engaging in a public act of immorality with Kozbi, the Midyanite Princess, there were those...

    One of the great Biblical acts of valor was the zealous execution of the Nasi, Zimri, and the Midianite Princess, Kozbi, by the courageous tzaddik, Pinchas.  Although the Torah rarely...

    We know that some women are into jewelry.  The Ben Ish Chai, Zt”l, Zy”a, informs us that Mrs. Korach was one such woman.  He relates that she would adorn herself...