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    As we stood at Har Sinai, the Torah testifies that, “Vayichan sham Yisroel, neged haHar;” the Jews encamped in front of the mountain.  The commentaries immediately pounce that the word...

    The Gemora in Bava Basra [91a] teaches us that the name of Avraham Avinu’s mother, (a very popular extra credit question), was Amasloi Bas Karnavo, and the name of the...

    The posuk describes the pursuit of Torah study as being, “Yikara hi mipninim – More precious than pearls.”   Homiletically, the Gemora interprets this posuk to mean, “M’kohein godol hanichnas...

    At this time of the year, Klal Yisroel breaks out one of its national treasures: the Mishnayos of Pirkei Avos.  This anthology of select ethical teachings, transmitted to us by...

    When I am eating a meal at home alone, I tend to read biographies of gedolim while eating.  Recently, I was reading an ArtScroll biography concerning Rav Meir Shapiro, ztl,...

    In our Friday night Kiddush, we intone, “Ki vo shabbas mikol melachto asher bora Elokim laasos – For on the Shabbos day Hashem rested from all the work which He...

    There is an unusual formula used in the format of the Haggadah.  It is revealed to us at the end of Tractate Pesachim [116a], where it states, “Maschil b’gnus u’masayim...

    Preparations bombard us as we head towards Pesach.  Scouring the house to eradicate chometz, taking down the dishes, selling the chometz to the Rav, buying dresses and suits for the...

    In past articles, we have spoken about the trait of loyalty which is displayed prominently by a dog. The Yerushalmi shares two fascinating stories in this vein. The first concerns...