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    During the Nine Days, we practice habits of mourning over the destruction of our two Batei Mikdashos, our two Temples, and the millions of Jewish lives that were lost in the wake of their ruin. The Gemora teaches us...

    Last week, we cited the fundamental Rashi, that the way for a man to treat his wife like a husband should, is legad’lah u’lechavevah, to make her feel important and wanted. Making her important is one of the commitments...

    In the beginning of Shacharis, the morning prayer, we say Adon Olam. The Meforshim say that this is very appropriate since the Gemora tells us that Avrahom Avinu was the first to refer to Hashem as Adon, Our Master,...

    The tfilah of Elokai n’tzor continues, “V’limkal’lai nafshi sidom – May my soul be quiet to those that curse me.” Now, cursing is a rather radical action. The Siddur Meforesh includes that it means, “To those that insult me.”...

    In our Maariv prayers, we thank Hashem for being, “Machalif es hazmanim – Changing the seasons.” Since it adds spice and variety to life, we acknowledge our appreciation for this on a daily basis. And although every season...

    How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that? Because a talmid chochom has Torah in him....

    As we make final preparations for Shavuos, including a fervent desire to come away from the Yom Tov with a renewed commitment to the “learning” of Torah, we need to understand a unique aspect about Torah study. In the...