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    Elokai n’tzor concludes as we back up three steps and say a final petition. “Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisroel, v’imru amein – He who makes peace in heaven, may He make peace amongst us...

    The tfilah Elokai N’ztor continues with, “V’chol hachosh’vim alai ra’ah, meheirah hafeir atzasam v’kalkeil machashavtam – All those who plot evil against me, may their plans be quickly foiled and their machinations be ruined.” The Avudraham beautifully explains that this...

    Here, on the eastern coast, spring finally seems to be here. It looks nearly certain that we won’t see snowplows until next year and, as the plants start to bloom and the temperatures rise, Klal Yisroel collectively takes out...

    After saying the Yi’h’yu l’ratzon following Sim Shalom, some people have the minhag to say the kapital of tehillim “Shir lama’alos, esa einai el haharim,” before commencing Elokai n’tzor. This is based on the opinion of the Asora...

    Pesach preparations are complex and multi- faceted. Way before Pesach, many people personally go to the matzah bakery and physically assist in the baking of the matzos, fulfilling the Talmudic dictum, “Mitzvah bo yotzeir m’b’shlucho – It is a...

    The world over, Jews will soon be wrapped- up in the annual search for chometz. Most of us are also aware that this is not simply s p r i n g - c l e...

    The bracha of Sim Shalom continues, “Bar’cheinu Avinu. kulanu k’echad – Bless us our Father (Hashem), all of us as one.” The Rokei’ach interprets this to mean, ‘Like our forefather Avraham, who is known as the one,” as it...

    In the blessing of Peace, we ask, “Sim shalom, tova uverachah – Grant us peace, goodness and blessing,” Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, zy”a, explains we clarify that we only ask for Peace which has the qualities of goodness and...