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    (We interrupt our series on tefilah to speak about Pesach.) At the end of Magid, the Hagaddah informs us of one of the mission statements of the Seder. “B’chol dor v’dor chi’yev adom liros es atsmo ki’ilu hu yatza...

    As we continue our travels through tefilla, we just finished the second bracha in the Shemone Esrei. At this point, when the chazzan says over for us the Shemone Esrei, we chant the lofty prayer of Kedusha. As...

    As I continue to take you with me on my journey of prayer discovery, let me share with you a sage idea from the Chachmei Chabad. In Krias Shema we say, “Va’avad’tem meheira,” (If we follow idolatry) we will...

    I would like to take my dear readers on a personal journey. Let me explain. I’ve been reflecting lately upon a vital component to a successful life – and that is to daven to Hashem properly. After all,...

    As we get further from the Sinai experience, our spirituality level decreases. This phenomenon is known as niskatnu hadoros, the generations become smaller. For this reason, no Talmudic authority known as an Amora ever disputed a Tanna, a Mishnaic authority....

    They told me this morning at the Daf that Super Bowl Sunday is the busiest pizza day of the year. And 1.33 billion chicken wings will be consumed! As everyone gets ready for a gastronomic infusion, I...

    After the momentous events of the Exodus and the splitting of the Red Sea climaxing with the drowning of the nine million Egyptians who pursued the Bnei Yisroel, Yisro, Moshe Rabbeinu’s father in-law, came to the camp of...