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    Chumash Bereishis is also known as Sefer HaYashar – the Book of the Upright. This is because one of the primary aims of studying it is to learn from the ways of the Yesharim, the Righteous Ones that...

    The Yom Tov of Succos is upon us. All over the globe, Klal Yisroel sits under the schach and reflects back to over 3000 years ago when Hashem protected us from hunger, certain dehydration, and the nighttime frost...

    As we approach closer and closer to the Day of Judgment, we are earnestly trying to find ways to upgrade our mitzvah output for the coming year. We understand that in order to make a strong case for a...

    The Kasav Sofer, zt”l, zy”a, says that the blowing of the shofar during Elul reminds us of the objective of shapru ma’aseichem, make your ways prettier. (Shofar and shapru, to be pretty, share the same root.) One of the...

    The month of Elul is an extraordinary time of opportunity and investment. Firstly, it is the last month of the year and we have a Talmudic rule that, “Hakol holeich achar hachasom – Everything is determined by the...

    With Shabbos Nachamu in our rear view mirrors, all sights are on getting ready for Elul. The month of Elul is synonymous with teshuva, repentance. It is also a time when we increase our charity as much...