The central theme of the joyous festival of Sukkos is the Clouds of Glory, the Ananei HaKovod, which the sukkah itself comes to commemorate. For forty years during their sojourn...
The central theme of the joyous festival of Sukkos is the Clouds of Glory, the Ananei HaKovod, which the sukkah itself comes to commemorate. For forty years during their sojourn...
In Masechtas Yoma [38b], the Gemora tells us that when we come before the Heavenly tribunal for the final judgment, each one of us will offer excuses. The poor man...
Last week we discussed the unique power of tzedakah and how it literally can save our lives, add to our longevity, bring us wealth, and generate serenity and tranquility. Chazal...
If I were to ask you which mitzvah we should zoom-in on in Elul, you would likely answer tshuvah, repentance. You would then reasonably follow-up with the task of making...
What is the significance of having forty days, from Rosh Chodesh Elul to Yom Kippur, in which to repent? It is written down in the Tezel Koton that if someone wishes...
The concept of time is of utmost importance to Klal Yisroel. Rav Soloveitchik explains how we can see this from the very first mitzvah that Hashem commanded the B’nei Yisroel....
One of the big responsibilities of a successful caretaker is the proper nutrition. Often the disease or the treatments or both affect a person’s appetite. It is oh so important...
The mental health of the patient is also strengthened by obtaining for them blessings from a Gadol, and informing them that people are praying for them by the Kosel and...
In the mishebeirach we say by the Torah for one who is ill, we ask Hashem that they should be granted a refuas hanefesh and a refuas haguf, a healing...
The role of a caretaker is certainly not one that we ask for. Surely, it is a very daunting and challenging responsibility. At the same time it is a sublime...