Is a rabbi allowed to officiate at an intermarriage, a wedding between a Jew and a gentile? Nearly all halachically observant Jews will instinctively answer no. Despite that, I would…
Many years ago, a father brought his son before his bar-mitzvah to meet a certain Hassidic Rebbe. The Rebbe, to the boy’s astonishment, turned to him and asked if he…
One Who Cheats In His Business Doesn’t Believe in G-d Our Parsha begins “And these are the statutes that you shall place before them.” There is a very famous Rashi…
Last week, we elaborated from the Tzror Hamor regarding the verse which says that tefillin are totafos bein einecha, frontlets between our eyes. He informs us that in Egyptian the…
The Noam Elimelech writes in Tzetel Kattan (16) “Man was created in the world to change his nature.” The Tzetel Kattan gives examples of stubbornness, laziness, shamefulness, someone who doesn’t…
Can one clean off a throw-up from your suit from an infant that spit up on Shabbos? That’s a very complicated question! One is not allowed to clean anything on…
Parashat Mishpatim presents a lengthy series of civil laws governing a wide range of circumstances. These laws deal with situations such as theft, property damage, bodily harm, lending money, people…
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 pack defrosted phyllo dough (1 roll) 1 cup Greek yogurt 1/2 cup milk (I used 2% – but you can use any type) 4 eggs 1 cup crumbled…
It was the mid-1940s. The horrific days of the Holocaust were coming to a close, yet the cruel acts of Nazi Germany left its mark. It was time to pick…
WHEN YOUR INNER THIEF STEALS YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN RECLAIM A DOUBLE PORTION OF IT The Jewish Parrot After his wife died, an old Jew received a parrot from his…
When I meet with people in my office, I leave my phone on my desk, behind us and out of reach. This week during a meeting, my phone rang. As…
Our parasha, Mishpatim, is perhaps the first to clearly indicate that Am Yisrael should proceed to conquer and settle the Land of Israel. The pasuk states (23; 20- 31): “Behold,…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , I’m feeling sad and unsure of how to proceed, and I’d appreciate some advice. For context, I got married a little less than a year…
One of the most common areas of halacha which people have different customs is in regard to drinking cholov stam. What is cholov stam? How is cholov Yisroel made? Do…
Parashat Yitro tells of Ma’amar Har Sinai – Hashem’s revelation to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai, and the Aseret Ha’dibberot. Rashi, in his commentary to Shir Hashirim (4:5), makes a…
The release of hostages in recent instances h a s o f t e n taken place on Shabbat. Footage of these events is being viewed worldwide, and as a…
The Rabbeinu Efraim teaches us that the letter shin embedded on the tefillin shel rosh, the tefillin that goes upon the head, has a numerical value of 300. This number…
After the Torah told of Beneh Yisrael’s departure from Egypt, it spoke of their experiences in the desert. It described the great miracles performed for them, showing us how G-d…
I. Anger Is Bad Anger is a destructive force. It does not just cloud judgment, which would imply reliance on instinct. Anger overwhelms judgment, taking you in directions to which…
Our Sages teach that the reason why Yisro merited to have a parsha in the Torah named for him was because of the counsel that he gave to his son-in-…
In particular, two miracles brought Yisro to convert. Rashi (18:1) writes that Yisro heard about kriyas Yam Suf and the war against Amalek, which inspired him to come. Several explanations…
The Story of Yisro The opening of this week’s parsha tells the story of the priest of Midian, Yisro, who chooses to come to the wilderness to spend time with…
When Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, the great Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir, was a young bachur (stu- dent) learning in Grodno, he went to visit to his un- cle, the Rosh…
INGREDIENTS: -2 heads cauliflower cut into small florets 1/3 c sweet chili sauce 1/3 c soy sauce 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 tsp garlic powder Juice of 1 lemon DIRECTIONS:…
Recently certain kashrus agencies have begun to offer courses for women to make them mashgichot. These roles can be either to visit certain plants or to maintain the kosher program…
Our Sages teach that the reason why Yisro merited to have a parsha in the Torah named for him was because of the counsel that he gave to his son-in-…
Yisro Was Impressed By G-d’s Harsh Treatment of Moshe “Yisro… heard all that G-d did for Moshe and for the Jewish people.” As a result, Yisro was very impressed and…
May one have a dog or a cat as a pet? Is there an issur to feed bossur b’chalav to a pet animal? What other issues can potentially be a…
I recently heard a true life story that spoke volumes. It was in the mid-70s. A young successful entrepreneur went to the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l for a bracha. A bracha…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I don’t know what to do. My younger sister is engaged to one of the first guys she dated and honestly, I’m jealous. We are three…
In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General warned the country that we collectively are suffering from an “epidemic of loneliness.” He claimed that the negative health effects of loneliness are on…
CHICKEN WITH OLIVES, FIGS & DATES INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1⁄4 cup honey 1 chicken, cut in 1/8’s Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons…
Yonatan Zigelboum, known by his stage name Yoni Z, is a singer, composer, producer, and dancer whose prodigious talent has firmly established him as a maestro and performer in the…
They told me this morning at the Daf that Super Bowl Sunday is the busiest pizza day of the year. And 1.33 billion chicken wings will be consumed! As everyone…
There is no space between parashas Vayigash and parashas Vayichi, which is why it is called a Parashah S’Tumah, a closed parashah. Rashi (47:28) writes, “Why is this parashah closed?…
How does Tu B’Shevat impact the counting of years of orlah (prohibition of eating fruit from a tree during its first three years)? One may not eat fruit that grew…
Rabbi Haim Palachi (Turkey, 1788-1869), in his work Mo’ed Le’kol Hai (chapter 30), discusses a number of different laws and customs relevant to the month of Shevat. He begins by…
“Vayehi beshalach Pharaoh es ha’am, And it was when Pharaoh sent out the nation…” (Shemos 13:17). The Talmud teaches that when the word “vayehi… and it was” is used, it…
With my youngest child approaching his teenage years I thought my Disney days were over, but when my grandchildren came to me asking, “Zayda, can you come with us to…
POTSTICKERS INGREDIENTS: 1 lb ground chicken 1 bunch chopped scallions 1/3 cup hoisin sauce 1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp garlic 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp sesame oil 1 package…
Lately, a major c o n t r o v e r s y erupted when a highly renowned and influential rabbi stated that G-d needs us. He explained that…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I just spent Shabbos at my future in-laws, and I don’t know what to do. They are a wonderful family, sweet, and welcoming. The only problem?…
Gambling is very widespread today. People go to casinos, and bet on horses and sporting events. They gamble at slot machines and play various card games. Until recently, gambling was…
In illustrating both the importance of honoring our parents and the extent to which we must go to honor them, the Gemara tells a story that seems difficult to comprehend….
The first place Beneh Yisrael came to after crossing through the sea, as we read in Parashat Beshalah, was a place called Marah. The Torah tells us that during the…
This week’s parsha contains the famous “Song of the Sea” (Az Yashir). The Medrash says that Moshe told G-d “I know that I sinned against You with my use of…
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS), a rapidly-growing congregation of over 1,000 families in Boca Raton, Florida. BRS is the largest Orthodox Synagogue…
Before the tenth and final plague, Makat Bechorot, Moshe came before Pharaoh and warned him about the impending calamity that G-d would bring upon Egypt. Moshe then predicted that this…
This week’s parsha, Bo, tells us of the mitzva of V’higadeta l’vincha, and you shall tell your son…” (Shemos 13:8). The story of the Exodus. The story of a people…
Is Time a Storm in Which We Are All Lost? Always Late Sarah was always late to work no matter how much she tried to be on time, or how…
Why are we so captivated by a presidential inauguration? In 1797, after John Adams was inaugurated as second president of the United States, succeeding George Washington, he wrote to his…
Since the inaugu- ration of President Trump, we have w i t n e s s e d numerous pro- Jewish and pro- Israel initiatives from his administration. Among these,…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am dating a guy who wants to be a rabbi. He’s a smart individual with sterling middis and a big heart. At the beginning of…
INGREDIENTS: 1.5 – 2 lbs pargiot trimmed and cut in half 3-4 potatoes (any variety works) – chopped 1-2 red onions – chopped 1/2 cup sweet chili sauce 1/2 cup…
The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made…
Great thinkers convince people and do not try to intimidate them. In the introduction to his Guide for the Perplexed, Rambam issues a command to the reader, invoking G-d’s name….
Immediately after Beneh Yisrael left Egypt, Hashem presented a number of commands that are intended to commemorate and memorialize this miraculous event. One of these mitzvot is pidyon ha’ben –…
Following Moshe’s warning to the King of Egypt of the impending plague of Locusts, the pasuk says, “And he turned and went out from Pharaoh” [Shemos 10:6]. The Ramban writes:…
In this week’s parsha, the Torah sometimes says, “Moshe and Aharon,” and other times it says, “Aharon and Moshe,” putting Aharon first. Rashi explains that the switch is to convey…
Reward and Punishment are also largely dependent on what one thinks. We will offer a couple of examples: A spy hid his maps and papers in the pocket of a…
Taking ozempic, wegovy, and the new wave of weight loss treatments. Is it allowed halachically? Those of us who are learning Daf Yomi are now learning Mesechata Bava Kama and…
FAST FACTS Name: Ritchie John Torres Born: March 12, 1988 (age 36) in the Bronx, NY. Nationality: Puerto Rican. Father is Puerto Rican and mother was born in the Bronx…
On Oct. 7, Michael Gottesman was shot and thought he didn’t have long to live. With minutes left, this is what he said. On October 7, as a member of…
You don’t need to be a doctor to dispense the medicine of friendship. You simply have to care to look them in the face for eight minutes to make them…
Question I’ve heard that some people recite the brachot of “Matir Asurim” upon the return of captives. My question is whether it is permissible to recite this blessing, and if…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I’m engaged to a wonderful guy. He treats me well. He gets along well with my family, but I’m having a problem with how sensitive…
The tefillah of Aleinu is said daily after each tefillah, as well as during the Yamim Nora’im. During the week one can see many people leave shul before reciting this…
Even those with only a passing knowledge of the Five Books of Moses recognize the death penalty applied to various sins. The Oral Torah, committed to writing centuries later, explains…
Parashat Vaera begins in the middle of a difficult exchange between Hashem and Moshe Rabbenu. To briefly review, Hashem had sent Moshe to come before Pharaoh and demand that he…
INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup olive oil 3 yellow onions, thinly sliced 2 tsp crushed garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 tbsp all purpose flour 2…
There is a direct link between the beginning of Parshas Vaera and the end of Parshas Shemos. At the end of Shemos, Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon finally appear in front…
In this week’s parsha, the Torah sometimes says, “Moshe and Aharon,” and other times it says, “Aharon and Moshe,” putting Aharon first. Rashi explains that the switch is to convey…
A wife told her husband, “Our wall isn’t soundproof, and our neighbors hear our conversations. We don’t have privacy. We need a new wall.” The husband replied, “There is nothing…
Before beginning the story of the ten plagues which G-d brought upon Egypt, it presents the genealogy of the first three tribes of Israel – Reuben, Shimon and Levi. Rashi…
Baruch Atah HaShem….. matir assurim. Blessed are you HaShem…. Who releases captives. One of the brachos we say every morning during Shacharis. Following the tragic day of October 7, I…
There is a mitzvah to light neiros on Erev Shabbos in honor of the holy Shabbos. Some poskim maintain the obligation is d’orasia, however, most poskim say it is a…
Today we access Torah texts in many more ways than in the past. Of course, we primarily use printed texts (sefer, sefarim) in our learning. But very often we also…
Parashat Shemot tells of the first time Hashem spoke to Moshe Rabbenu. He appeared to Moshe in the sneh, the burning bush, appointing him Beneh Yisrael’s prophet and leader, who…
Parshas Shemos can be considered a historic parsha. A seminal event in Jewish history occurred in this week’s parsha that has effects until today: This is the parsha in which…
This week, we take leave of Chumash Bereishis and start Chumash Shmos. As we close the final aliya of sefer Bereishis, we say in shul three times, “Chazak.” The Elya…
It states (2:23) “Bnei Yisrael sighed from the labor, and they cried out, and their cry ascended to Hashem from the labor.” The Rabbeinu b’Chayei notes that it states twice…
Is there an issue with having a cleaning person in your house when you are not home? A cleaning lady is always an issue. There’s a fundamental issue with having…
INGREDIENTS: for dough: 1 tbsp active dry yeast 2 tbsp sugar 1 1/2 -2 cups lukewarm water 4 cups flour 1 tbsp salt 4 tbsp olive oil For the top…
We read in Parashat Shemot of the successful attempt made by Yochebed, the mother of Moshe Rabbenu, to rescue her beloved infant. After Pharaoh decreed that all newborn boys among…
Mexico City 2025. The Museo de Cera, the city’s wax museum. Like so many wax museums, it houses life-like wax statues of personalities from the sports, entertainment and political arenas….
Moshe Faced Two Enemies: One He Could Handle; the Other Eluded Him The War Is Over? A man in Germany felt that he needed to confess, so he went to…
Earlier this week, I was standing right next to a large trash can in a public area when something startling happened. A seemingly put-together man walked up, removed the lid,…
As wildfires rage across Los Ange- les, leaving de- struction in their wake, the raw power and unpre- dictability of fire come to the forefront of our minds. Fire, while…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy…
When Yaakov gave his Bracha to Ephraim and Manashe he said, “May the Angel who redeems me from all evil bless the lads, and may my name be declared upon…
The Gemora teaches us, “Im ein daas, havdala minayin – Without knowledge, how does one differentiate?” This is the reason why in the Shemone Esrei on Motzoi Shabbos we say…
Moments before Yaakov Avinu’s petirah, he gathered his children and said (Bereishis 49:1) “Assemble yourself…” The Zohar (Bereishis p.234.) says that Yaakov instructed his children to assemble and daven with…
If one made a bracha on food and then remembered that it is a fast day, what should he do? This situation presents a dilemma. On the one hand, it…
Many parents observe the beautiful, time- honored practice to bless their children every week on Friday night. The blessing they give is, “Yesimcha Elokim Ke’Efrayim Ve’chi’Mnashe” – that Hashem should…
End of life plans. Wills, last requests. Not things that are pleasant to think about. Decisions we tend to delay and push off. Discussions with our loved ones we want…
Culminating Words Thus are the culminating words of the first—and in many ways the foundational—book of the Torah, Sefer Bereishit: “Yosef died at the age of one hundred and ten…
My family loves soup! It’s a great way to start off any meal and sneak some extra veggies into the kids. One of their favorites is butternut squash soup. I…
While print book sales were up less than 1% last year, sales of the Bible rose 22% in the U.S. through the end of October, compared with the same period…
There is a halachic dispute regarding the leftover oil from the Chanukah menorah: 1. Kedusha of the Leftover Oil: One opinion holds that oil left over after the candles have…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Is marriage supposed to be happy or are we all supposed to suffer all the time? We recently had our 2nd child and it has made…
ASARA B’TEVES IS THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for…
Over the past half century, the Orth- odox community has grown tremendously in its practice of married women covering their hair. At what point must a bride start covering her…
Before Yaakov Avinu’s death, Yosef came to visit him with his two sons, Efrayim and Menashe. Yaakov gave them a blessing, and then pronounced, “that forever more, when Jews bless…
Pizza: Hamotzi versus Mezonos. Which bracha? If the dough for the pizza is old fashioned dough, flour and water, it’s going to be a question of hamotzi. If it’s made…
Parashat Vayigash features one of the most dramatic stories in the entire Torah – Yosef’s revelation to his brothers. Many years earlier, when Yosef was just seventeen-years-old, his brothers threw…
This Shabbos, Parshas Vayigash, we read of the emotional moment when Yosef revealed his true identity to his brothers. “Ani Yosef, I am Yosef, ha’od avi chai, is my father…
Do You Know Who I Am? It was the final examination for an introductory Biology course at the university. Like many such freshman courses, it was designed to weed out…
In his book, “The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness,” Dr. Jerome Groopman shares the following story: Barbara received another three courses of chemotherapy, but…
Someone in a place where songs associated with idolatry are played, such as during the Christian holiday season, is not prohibited from hearing them. However, it is correct to refrain…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi. I’m engaged to a great guy. My issue with him is that he seems very indecisive in terms of which career to pursue. After…
INGREDIENTS: 2lbs of beef chuck cut into cubes 1/4 cup of flour 1 teaspoon each of ground coriander, cumin and sweet paprika 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper Salt and pepper to…
A visitor to a supermarket is struck by the vast array of chocolate items for sale, such as candies, chocolate cake, chocolate milk, chocolate cookies and the like. There is…
The Chanukah menorah has eight lights for the eight days of the holiday. There is a ninth light, the shamash, which is not an actual Chanukah light. A box of…
Parashat Vayigash tells the dramatic story of Yosef’s revealing his identity to his brothers. In the years after they sold him a slave, Yosef miraculously rose to the position of…
“And Yehudah approached him…” [Bereishis 44:18]. Binyamin was about to become a hostage. Yehudah recognized the consequences of that eventuality, so he approached Yosef and presented what amounted to a…
The Torah tells us, “Va’yechi Yaakov be’eretz Mitzrayim – And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt.” The Baal HaTurim reveals that the gematria, the numerical value, of the word…
It states (45:1) “Yosef couldn’t restrain himself in the presence of all who stood before him…” The Sfas Emes notes that it seems that Yosef wanted to conceal his identity…
There is something strange about the Chanukah celebra- tion. The festival of C h a n u k a h commemorates an extraordinary victory — of the Mac- cabees, a…
Ask Americans what the greatest threat we face is and you will get a range of answers. Some will say it is global warming and climate change. Others think it…
From My Upcoming Sefer: The Traveler’s Guide If a person is traveling and their spouse or children light the Chanukah candles at home, they fulfill their obligation through that lighting….
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi. I’m a weekly reader of your column. I figured this was the right place to ask my question. On my friend’s very first date,…
As we all know, we use olive oil to light the Chanukah menorah. Recently, olive oil has become very popular for its health benefits. Olive oil has many other uses…
I. Reasons to Deviate Rav Yosef Karo (16th cen., Israel; Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 676:1) says that the first blessing on Chanukah lights is: “le-hadlik ner Chanukah, to kindle Chanukah…
Rav Shalom Schwadron, who was known as “the Maggid of Yerushalayim,” once worked as a teacher in a yeshiva, and he noticed that a certain student did not attend the…
EASY HOMEMADE DONUT HOLES INGREDIENTS: FOR THE GLAZE: 1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar 3 1/2 tablespoons whole milk or soy milk to keep pareve 2 teaspoons vanilla extract FOR THE…
I would like to share a beautiful insight from Rav Matisyahu Solomon relating to the popular Chanukah liturgical poem, Maoz Tzur. Perhaps the most familiar stanza of this poem (owing…
As we get ready for the very sweet festival of Chanukah, it behooves us to brush-up on its spiritual messages. In this way, we can ensure that it doesn’t become…
The Beis Aharon (p.45:) said, “Once, on Zos Chanukah, my father [Rebbe Asher of Stolin zt’l] asked his chassidim to sing, ‘We will return to you, masechta Chanukah, and return…
When is the optimal time to light Chanukah candles? The Talmud (Shabbos 21a) relates that Chanukah candles should be lit when the sun disappears from view, and should remain lit…
The Misva of lighting the Hanukah candles features an unusual component, one which is unique to this specific Misva. Namely, the Rabbis instituted three different standards of observing the Misva….
I was Chanukah gift shopping for my grandchildren. A friend approached me, and asked if I was experiencing what she was going through. She shared that her children’s requests and…
Abaya said that “a child’s words in the street are invariably [repeated from what he or she has heard] from his father or mother.” (Sukkah 56b). Children will do as…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you for your column! I read it with my family every week and we enjoy discussing it! I am in a relationship with a wonderful…
Chanukah lights are kindled in most shuls. This has also expanded to public Chanukah lightings in many cities throughout the world. There is also a large Chanukah lighting in the…
I. Obligations to Give Giving charity, sup- porting those in need, is a great mitzvah. It is important not only in order to help those who need financial assistance but…
Parashat Vayeshev tells the tragic story of mechirat Yosef – the brothers’ selling Yosef as a slave. They at first plotted to kill him, but eventually they decided to lift…
G-d Measures Out Punishment — Exactly The Torah tells us that when Yosef’s brothers were about to sell him, they lifted their eyes and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites carrying…
In our Parsha this week the Torah relates, “Vayavey Yosef es dibasom ra-ah el avihem-Yosef brought villainous tidings (about his brothers) to their Father (Yaakov)”. This act of loshon hora-…
CAULIFLOWER CHEDDAR LATKES INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. Cauliflower, chopped and steamed 1 russet potato, peeled and grated 1 small onion, diced 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. black pepper…
The sar ha’ofim, Pharaoh’s chief baker, told Yosef (40:15-16) that in his dream, he was carrying baskets of bread on his head, and birds were eating from the basket. Yosef…
Can a person who is invited on Chanukah to a wedding eat at the wedding before they light candles in their house? The right thing to do is light candles…
We read in Parashat Vayeshev of the hatred that Yosef’s brothers felt toward him. The background to their hatred is the special love shown to Yosef by their father, Yaakob,…
On recent trips to Eretz Yisroel, I noticed a change in the simple greeting of boker tov, good morning. Instead of receiving a boker tov in return, I would hear…
Dreams Once Bereishit hits its second half, everyone starts dreaming. Yaakov has two dreams. Yosef has two dreams. Paraoh’s butler and baker are dreaming. And Pharaoh himself is dreaming. “I…
A couple of months ago, when the conflict between Israel and Lebanon erupted, we published an article titled ‘Is Lebanon Part of Israel’s Promised Territory?’ We discusses how Hashem promised…
On Chanukah, we insert Al Hanissim into our davening and bentching. It is very practical for us to discuss all the halachos that apply to this. Some questions we will…
Does the OU allow music to be played at restaurants they certify? Many restaurants want to have an ambiance and they want to have live music playing. What’s the OU’s…
When a country sends its army to war, they don’t just teach the soldiers how to shoot and then tell them, “Go to the front!” The great minds of the…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I’m a big fan of your column and enjoy reading it on a weekly basis. I’m having a problem dating. My next-door neighbor, Moshe and…
Time to go home. After twenty long years in the house of Lavan, Yaakov was finally able to return home. While Lavan made the years challenging and difficult, at the…
This week’s parsha contains the pasuk: “And Yaakov remained alone and a man wrestled with him until dawn” [Bereishis 32:25]. The Medrash sees a connection between Yaakov remaining alone and…
We read in Parashat Vayishlah that as Yaakov Avinu made his way back to Eretz Yisrael, a mysterious man attacked him, and wrestled with him throughout the night. Yaakov ultimately…
FRIED COOKIE DOUGH BALLS INGREDIENTS: For the Cookie Dough • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature •…
Yaakob Abinu was making his way back to Eretz Yisrael with his family when he learned that his brother, Esav, was coming to meet him with an army of four…
Brother’s Keeper One day the zookeeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books, the Bible and Darwin’s Origin of Species. Surprised, he asked the ape, “Why are you reading…
Last week, my doorbell rang but when I answered it, there was nobody there. Instead, I found a vase of flowers outside the front door with a note. Flowers on…
This week’s parsha relates the encounter of Yakov with his dangerous and murderous brother Eisav, and Yakov’s admitting that he was fearful of Eisav. These events connect directly to our…
Parashat Vayetzeh begins with Yaakov Avinu fleeing from his home, as his brother, Esav, was trying to kill him. The Torah tells us: Vayifgah Bamakom Vayalen Sham Ki Va Hashemesh…
This week’s parsha opens with Yaakov escap- ing the wrath of his brother Eisav. “Vayeitzei Yaakov m’Beer Sheva, And Yaakov left Beer Sheva, vayeilech Charana, and he went to Charan….
In Yaakov’s famous dream of a ladder at the beginning of Parshas Vayeitzei, Hashem appears to him and tells him – among other things – “Your offspring shall be as…
Students of the Torah are well aware that there is nothing superfluous in the language of the Torah. Every phrase comes to teach us a myriad of lessons. Therefore, when…
going through a hard time, he should be happy with the yesurim and believe it is all for the good. However, when one hears about other people’s problems, it is…
Can one bake an open pan of chicken/ meat in a hot oven immediately after fish was baked in an open pan? What about the opposite, fish after meat, if…
We read in Parashat Vayeseh that when Yaakob arrived in Haran, at the home of his uncle, Laban, he reached an agreement with Laban. According to the agreement, Yaakob would…
My family loves soup! It’s a great way to start off any meal and sneak some extra veggies into the kids. One of their favorites is butternut squash soup. I…
The Yeshiva decided to field a rowing team. Unfortunately, they lost race after race. They practiced for hours every day but never managed to come in any better than dead…
Prior to 1974, the standard practice for dealing with someone who was choking was to whack the afflicted person on the back. Dr. Henry Heimlich argued hitting them that way…
One of the most well-known examples of de- ception in the Torah is Lavan’s betrayal of Yaakov during his marriage arrangements. After Yaakov worked for seven years to marry Rachel,…
I don’t know what to do! I’m dating a guy who I totally adore his personality but cannot deal with his disorderliness. I come from a family where everything thing…
It is unfortunate that cell phones have made their way into our shuls. Yet cell phone usage is not only an issue during davening. Throughout the day, we can’t go…
I. Fathers-in-Law There is a deep lesson in the fact that there is no English equivalent of the word “mechutanim.” Mechutanim are the parents of your son- or daughter-in-law (mechutan…
Ever come home totally famished and grab some junk food – knowing full well, you will be sorry later? What about passing a bakery, getting a whiff of something yummy,…
Can one bake an open pan of chicken/ meat in a hot oven immediately after fish was baked in an open pan? What about the opposite, fish after meat, if…
In Parashat Toldot, Yaakov takes the blessings from his father Yitzchak through deception. This event happens when Yitzchak, who is blind and aging, intends to bless his eldest son Esav…
What comes to your mind first when I mention Yitzchak Avinu, Yitzchak, our Patriarch? You’ll probably say, rightfully so, the Akeidas Yitzchak, when Yitzchak allowed himself to be offered by…
I. Thank You Hashem We recognize and thank G-d for the blessings we receive in this world, sometimes in formal ways with a blessing and other times informally. In a…
In Order to Live We need to eat and drink in order to live. After eating and drinking, waste must be expelled. We must have the proper approach to the…
INGREDIENTS: 2lbs of beef chuck cut into cubes 1/4 cup of flour 1 teaspoon each of ground coriander, cumin and sweet paprika 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper Salt and pepper to…
Enthralled by Wells It seems that our Avos, the Founding Fathers of Judaism, were enthralled with wellsprings. First, the Torah tells us of Avraham’s involvement in well-digging and his rebuke…
The Torah in Parashat Toldot tells the story of the blessings which Yishak Abinu wished to bestow upon his older son, Esav, but which were taken by the younger son,…
After a vicious campaign season with billions of dollars spent vilifying one another, name-calling, and competing who could label the other the bigger threat to democracy, the election has finally…
In this week’s parsha, Hashem promises Yitzchak, “I will increase your offspring like the stars of the heavens and will give to your offspring all these lands; and all the…
The Torah in Parashat Toldot tells what we should probably see as the first instance of antisemitism. Yitzhak Avinu was forced by a drought to settle among the Pelishtim, and…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I really enjoy reading your column each week and I’m hoping you can help me. I’ve been dating a guy for about a month and…
Reb Nota Zenwirth zt’l once came to the beis medresh with a broom and announced that he was waving a lulav. They looked at him queerly. Why was he calling…
The Siduro shel Shabbos (vol.1 1:4) tells about the many miracles that Eliezer saw Rivkah perform. One miracle was that when she came to draw water from the well, the…
Q: Is Turkey Kosher? – I have heard that there are some Jews who do not consider turkey kosher. Can you tell me the reason for this? As far as…
Parashat Hayeh-Sara tells the famous story of Eliezer, Abraham Abinu’s servant, whom Abraham sent to Aram Naharayim to find a girl for Yitzhak. Eliezer’s mission was successful, as he brought…
Boxer Mike Tyson, “Iron” Mike, attempted a comeback. At 58, he went back into the ring to fight a decades-younger Jack Paul. In a pre-fight conversation, Tyson was asked by…
Churchill Sleeping They tell this story about Winston Churchill. As Savior of the free world he felt himself entitled to grab a little shuteye (“schlof”, or nap) in the House…
CRANBERRY CAKE INGREDIENTS: 3 large eggs 2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) margarine softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1…
Several years ago, our community was privi- leged to host Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, zt”l. Before he addressed the over 1,000 people in at- tendance at BRS, I spon- taneously…
The law in Sedom strictly prohibited immigrants from entering the country. This was the most severe law, rigorously enforced with harsh punishments for those who violated it. Not only were…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, My parents don’t understand me. I understand many teenagers or young adults say that, but in my case it is true and is having serious repercussions…
Much has been dis- cussed over the years regarding Thanksgiv- ing dinner. We will discuss whether such a party is allowed, and if turkey may be served. The underlying point…
We stand up for a Torah scroll when it is removed from the ark or moved from place to place. Doing so is a sign of respect for the divine…
Parashat Hayeh-Sara tells the famous story of Eliezer, Avraham Avinu’s servant, who traveled to Aram Nahariyim to find a suitable match for Avraham’s son, Yitzhak. At the well outside the…
A famous Medrash Rabbah on this week’s parsha (58:5) cites the pasuk “And Avraham came to mourn for Sarah and to cry for her” [Bereishis 23:3]. The Medrash asks “From…
One of the more enigmatic personalities in the Torah is Lot, Avraham’s nephew and Sarah’s brother. On the one hand we know that all the while that Lot was together…
It was June 1974. Israel was still reeling from the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War. The long-term rehab centers were filled with injured soldiers. My mother a”h received a…
Hospitality The opening of this week’s parsha, Vayera, relates the tale of Avraham sitting during a hot day at the entrance of his tent and observing three men standing nearby….
When is the last time you asked someone how are they are doing and they didn’t answer, “Busy?” In his article “The ‘Busy’ Trap,” Tim Kreide writes: If you live…
“Will President Trump be good for the Jewish people? Will he be good for Israel? Is President Trump better for us than Harris? Will he stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions?” These…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I don’t know what to do! I’m 21, have returned from seminary and have completed 2 years of college.. My parents, friends and family are all…
The tefillah of Aleinu is said daily after each tefilla, as well as during the Yomim Noraim. During the week one can see many people leave shul before reciting this…
INGREDIENTS: 1 lb small diced fresh tuna Marinade 1 clove grated garlic Juice of one lime 1 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce 1 tablespoon sesame oil Scallions…
I. Self-Interest and Capitalism The theoretical basis for the economic system of Capitalism is self-interest, another term for greed. Those who devalue greed, who view the accumulation of wealth as…
Akedat Yitzhak, when Avraham was commanded to sacrifice his son and he immediately complied – until at the last minute G-d told him to withdraw his knife, as this was…
The Derech Hashem Runs Down the Middle of the Road The Rambam writes in Hilchos Dayos that there are different types of people in the world, each with their own…
The Mishna in Pirkei Avos tells us that the world exists due to three things: Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chassadim. Torah is the learning and studying of the Oral and…
Once, a person told his Rebbe that he wished he had no tests. His Rebbe told him, “Take three pots and fill them with water. Cook a potato in one,…
Please explain the word “GLATT”-is it still shayach today? Very, very much! Not only is it relevant today, but it probably has more applications today than it originally did. Glatt…
The Torah in Parashat Vayera tells the famous story of “Akedat Yishak,” when G-d tested Abraham by commanding him to slaughter his only son, which was born when he was…
During election season, society often splits, with some supporting the sitting president and others opposing him. It’s become common to hear people making jokes and derogatory remarks about the president-elect….
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, Thanks for your column, I enjoy reading it on Shabbos. I have a question for you. I recently “dropped the shadchan” and now am dating…
The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made…
I. A Gentile Writing a Letter in a Scroll? On October 7, 2024, Senator Lindsey Graham visited the Western Wall and filled in a letter in a new Torah scroll…
We read in Parashat Lech- Lecha of an argument that arose between Avraham Avinu and his nephew, Lot, who had accompanied him when he went to the live in Eretz…
There’s No Place Like Away From Home to Learn How to be a Good Host The very first Rashi in our parsha [Bereishis 12:1] interprets the words “Go for yourself”…
Many people buy a choson and kallah a Birchas HaBayis plaque to hang in their new home. It contains the wish that their house be blessed with all kinds of…
DIRECTIONS: This is such a simple recipe. It really takes minutes to come together and it looks beautiful on the plate when you serve it. Serve them sliced on an…
We must believe that everything is for the good and that everything is from Hashem. The belief itself has the potential to turn everything around and cause the good to…
May I use a warming drawer on Shabbos? Warming drawers on Shabbos is indeed a serious issue. There are a number of things to consider. First of all, you have…
When G-d first spoke to Avraham and commanded him to leave his homeland and move to what would become known as the Land of Israel, He made several promises, including,…
Life comes with both good days and challenging ones. While we are blessed, at times we are tested. Pirkei Avos teaches “Asara nisyonos nisnassoh Avraham Avinu, Our father, Avraham, was…
An old Jewish lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25 cents each. Every day a young well- dressed man would leave his office building at lunch time, and…
When my cousin’s daughter asked me to officiate her wedding in Israel the week after Sukkos, how could I say no? Her mother, my beloved first cousin, passed away at…
I. Teaching Torah G r a n d p a r e n t s fulfill a unique mitzvah by teaching their descendants Torah. The Gemara (Kiddushin 30a) offers someone…
The first pasuk in Parashat Noach describes him as an Ish Tzaddik – “righteous man,” and also as Tamim, which means “pure,” or “innocent.” Later, however, we read that when…
The sequence of expression in the opening pasukim of our parsha [Bereishis 6:9-10] is noteworthy. The Torah begins “And these are the offspring of Noach” (Eleh toldos Noach), which would…
As the entire world was about to be destroyed by the great mabul, the flood, the only means of escape was to get passage on Noach’s ark. Only those who…
The nusach of Yizkor, is “ Compassionate Father Who dwells in heaven.” Also, at a levayah, people say, “ Hashem Who is full of compassion and dwells in heaven.” Why…
Q: Can one buy unflavored hot coffee both regular and/or decaf from any non-kosher establishment such as Starbucks or a Dunkin Donuts without a hechsher? This is a very complicated…
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups (10 ounces) all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup…
INGREDIENTS: Poppyseed Dressing 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 1 garlic clove 1 1/2 tablespoons poppyseeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons light mayo 1/3…
Parashat Noah tells the well-known story of the flood which G-d brought upon the world to destroy all of mankind, sparing only Noah and his family. The previous Parasha, Parashat…
There is a chill in the air. A nippy breeze. We’re pulling out our jackets, and the days are getting shorter. In a few days, it will be getting darker…
Henry Kissinger’s Suit There is an old Jewish anecdote about former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who decides to make for himself a custom-made beautiful three-piece suit of the finest…
Simchas Torah, October 7, will forever be etched in our hearts and minds as the day of the greatest massacre of our people since the Holocaust. The brutal, cold-blooded murder…
We understand the importance of casting a ballot on Election Day, but not everyone is familiar with the Torah’s perspective. Should people voice their opinion on who should be their…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy…
Recently certain kashrus agencies have begun to offer courses for women to make them mashgichot. These roles can be either to visit certain plants or to maintain the kosher program…
Chaim Yehuda Meyer: I read your book, Be Huge, over the Yomim Noraim and found it to be very transformative. My davening, learning, and ahavas Yisroel were all the more…
When did you start blogging? I started blogging 20 years ago, in 2004, when blogs were still a new thing. I saw some blogs saying things about halachah that I…
Tzaddikim said that if people knew the value of the esrog, they would spend all the money in the world to acquire it. The Gemara (Succah 41) tells us that…
Why do we celebrate Sukkos for seven days? After all, the Sukkah commemorates the Clouds of Glory that shielded us in the desert for a full forty years when we…
Is a canvas sukkah kosher if the walls move in the wind? Sukkah walls that move in a regular wind are not valid walls. There are different opinions as to…
Simhat Torah is one of the happiest and joyous holidays of the year. However, Simhat Torah appears to be, chronologically, “out of order.” Since we received the Torah after Pesach,…
Every day, from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Shemini Atzeres, we recite Psalm 27, “L’Dovid, HaShem, Ori V’yish’ee, HaShem, is my light and my salvation, meemee eerah, whom shall I fear?”…
Interruption of Shivah A teaching in the Mishna defines the duties of a Jew who is in mourning at the outset of a festival. “Regalim mafsikim,” state the sages, “festivals…
A renowned Rabbi once did a favor for the Gerrer Rebbe, the Lev Simcha, which the Rebbe remembered for many years. Each year, on Erev Rosh Hashana, the Rebbe would…
UNSTUFFED CABBAGE INGREDIENTS: 1 (750 ml) bottle ketchup 1 liter ginger ale 1 whole cabbage, very coarsely shredded 2 lb ground beef 1 onion 1⁄2 cup rice 2 eggs garlic…
1. Walls of the Sukkah: – Minimum Requirement: The sukkah must have at least two full walls and part of a third wall. The two full walls should be at…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m hoping you can help me. I have been friends with this guy for the past few years. We get along well and I have strong…
Birchos Kohanim is the highlight for many of those living outside of Eretz Yisrael since it is done only a few times a year. In Eretz Yisrael it is done…
On the one hand, never before have Jews been as prosperous as they are now. Both the vast majority of individuals and the community in general are currently blessed with…
In our Yom Tov prayer text, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu – “our festival of joy.” The primary theme of Sukkot is simcha – joy. What exactly is the connection…
The Torah reading on Simchas Torah contains the well- known pasuk: “The Torah was commanded to us by Moshe, a Morasha [inheritance] to the Congregation of Yaakov.” [Devorim 33:4] There…
The day which we normally refer to as “Yom Kippur” is actually called in the Torah by a slightly different name – “Yom Kippurim.” The name “Yom Kippur means “Day…
We are just days away from Yom Kippur. A time for us to reckon with our past, and daven for our future. A time to look inward, and search for…
Forgiveness Should Not Create Fear During the ten days from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur, known as the “Ten days of Teshuvah,” we recite each morning one of the most…
I recently read a story about one of the most successful magazine entrepreneurs in the world. The man was raised by a single mother in the Midwest, struggled growing up,…
Fasting (Ta’anit) – The fast on Yom Kippur is considered the strictest in Jewish law. It is not just a physical act of abstaining from food and drink but a…
Hi! I love reading your column. So, here’s my story. I’ve been married for five months. My wife is kind, considerate, and appreciative. We work long hours and enjoy our…
We are all familiar with the simonim that are eaten on Rosh Hashanah. However, some foods are avoided from Rosh Hashanah until as late as Hoshanah Rabbah. What are these…
GOLDEN POTATO SOUP INGREDIENTS: One and half pounds Yukon gold potatoes – Peeled and chopped Two parsnips – peeled and chopped One onion – chopped Three stocks of celery –…
Genocide, the targeted killing of a people, is not a modern invention. Many have tried to kill the Jews, the biblical Haman being perhaps the most famous ancient example. Other…
The Gemara teaches, “Teshuvah [repentance] is great, because it reaches the Throne of Glory.” What exactly does this mean? How does our teshuvah reach G-d’s throne in the heavens? And…
I would like to share a thought about Yom Kippur. As Rav Dovid Kronglass used to say, this is the most important week of the year. We have a tremendous…
This erev Shabbos is unique. Normally on Friday, especially in the afternoon, it is a time when we try to abstain from any serious eating for it is very preferred…
Reb Baruch Ber zt’l (Birchas Shmuel) excelled in the mitzvah of honoring his parents, and when his father was ill, he stayed with his father almost every night. One night,…
What foods should one eat at the seuda ha’mafsekes (last meal) on erev Yom Kippur? Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 608:4) writes that on erev Yom Kippur, one should eat light…
The Issur Chazal wanted to protect the Jews from assimilating with the non-Jews and therefore enacted a gezeira that the bread of a non-Jew is forbidden for a Jew to…
Please tell everyone a little bit about Joey Saban. I was born and raised in South Brooklyn as a first generation American with proud Sephardic Jewish heritage. My passion for…
Have you ever felt like a fraud? Ever experience that sentiment that you’re a fake, that you are making this up as you go and, eventually will be found out…
As we bring the year to a close, it seems like not only the year is ending, but history and the world as well. Looking back, it is fascinating to…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, In high school we were told that when we start dating, never to talk to friends about it for multiple reasons such as it can cause…
The posuk in the Torah says that melacha is generally forbidden on Yom Tov, although melacha which is needed to prepare food to eat is permitted. Once these melachos (cooking,…
As we approach a string of three three-day yamim tovim, people are thinking about their hygiene and comfort, including showering and brushing teeth. I will discuss here the longstanding debate…
It seems that every few years, someone argues that the message of the Akedah, the binding and near-sacrifice of Yitzchak (Gen. 22), is something other than that we should follow…
Many people enter the season of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur asking themselves, “What’s the point? I went through all this last year, and here I am, the same person…
The Mishna says [Rosh HaShanah 27b] that someone who passes the back side of a shul or someone whose house is next to a shul and he hears the Shofar…
ONION JAM CHICKEN INGREDIENTS: 6 chicken bottoms 4 large Vidalia onions, thinly sliced 1/2 cup of golden raisins 3 cinnamon sticks 1/4 cup of silan 1 teaspoon turmeric Salt and…
We all know Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgement, when our fate is written up and our yearly sustenance is decided. But Rosh Hashanah is also the first day…
During Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, some people ask for a drop more money, or a little bit more success, etc. But we can ask for so much more, and Hashem will…
This month many of the bakeries sell raisin challah. Many local bagel stores recently stopped selling cinnamon raisin bagels. Are raisins kosher to eat? The OU’s position is that raisins…
The famous Haftara read on Shabbat Shuba – the Shabbat in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – comes from the Book of Hoshea, and begins with the prophet calling…
It’s 2 AM. “Ani ye’sheinah, v’leebe eir, I am sleeping, but my heart is awake.” (Shir HaShirim 5:2) I came home from Selichos a little while ago, physically tired, but…
What’s the Novelty? Teshuvah, or repentance, one of the greatest gifts that Judaism and the Torah have given humanity, is the idea that G-d gives second chances. This is a…
Aryeh: Music has the power to uplift, to inspire, to elevate, and to transform a person. In the times of the Holy Temple, in the Beis Hamikdash, the Leviim were…
Everything that will take place this year was already decreed on Rosh Hashanah, so why daven? There are many different approaches to answer this question, and many of them are…
I. Have a Good Year Many people greet each other on Rosh Hashanah with blessings for a good year, “Shanah tovah.” Rav Ya’akov Ben Asher, the 14th century German- Spanish…
For many of us, the period of Yamim Noraim is like a door that constantly opens and closes, but always remains in the same place. We constantly “move” – we…
The second Mishna of tractate Rosh Hashana teaches “On Rosh Hashana all who enter the world pass before Him (for judgment) like Bnei Maron” (sheep being counted). However, the Gemara…
Every morning during Elul, we hear the shofar in shul. One of the reasons for this custom is that it is similar to the court giving a debtor thirty days…
The Rambam (Hilchos Teshuvah 7:6-7) describes the closeness to Hashem one can attain through teshuvah. He also describes the difference between before and after teshuvah. “Teshuvah is amazing because it…
What is preferable? To wake up early and recite Selichos before dawn (a.k.a. alos hashachar, which is 72 minutes before sunrise), or to stay up late and recite Selichos after…
CROCKPOT HONEY BALSAMIC BRISKET INGREDIENTS: 3 -4 lb second cut brisket or deckle 1 1/2 cups water 2 tsp seasoned salt 2 tsp garlic powder 1 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar…
The Midrash (Vayikra Rabba) teaches that on Rosh Hashanah, G-d sits on the “throne of judgment,” ready to carefully judge and scrutinize every individual. But when we sound the shofar,…
This week, the final Shabbos of 5784, we read parshas Nitzavim and Vayeilech. Nitzavim opens, “Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem…, You (Bnei Yisroel) are standing together today…” Rashi teaches that hayom,…
On Rosh Hashanah we produce three sounds via the shofar. The first sound is called tekiah, a single whole note. The second is shevarim, three shorter “broken” notes, which sound…
If you submitted the script to Hollywood, it would be rejected for being too outrageous and unbelievable. If you proposed it as a plan, it would likely be dismissed for…
As the war in Lebanon has raged on for nearly a year, recent explosions have taken a significant turn, neutralizing thousands of Hezbollah’s advanced fighters and high-ranking commanders. This blow…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I have been dating a guy for 2 months now. We really get along well, but I am curious to meet his family. I feel like…
This week’s parsha contains the terrible Tochacha – the 98 curses delineated in graphic detail, through which the Almighty warns us of what we will be subject to if we…
As we go about reflecting on our lives getting ready for Rosh Hashannah, the Day of Judgement, it is imperative to think about the following Gemara in the beginning of…
Shulchan Aruch teaches that ideally, a shofar should come from a ram, and it should be bent. The Mishnah Berurah explains that the shofar should be from a ram to…
As rabbinic positions go, Rabbi Aaron Kleinman’s is among the most unique. A commander in the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps, his role includes overseeing kashrus on various warships — a…
Parashat Ki-Tabo begins with the Misva of Bikkurim, which requires landowners to bring their first ripened fruits to the Bet Ha’mikdash, and present them to a Kohen. The Torah commands,…
Let’s travel back in time to the days the Beis HaMikdash stood in Yerushalayim. It’s harvest time, and the farmers are in the field. They’re busy collecting bikurim, the first…
Elizabeth A couple is in the midst of a tremendous fight, as a gunman breaks into their home. Pointing his rifle at the woman of the home, he asks her…
APPLE FRITTERS INGREDIENTS: 3 large apples peeled, cored and sliced into rounds 1 cup flour 1 beaten egg Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon oil 1 tablespoon brandy 3 tablespoons sugar…
“0 – 2.” That was the defiant tweet former President Trump posted shortly after an assassination attempt on his life earlier this week, the second in less than three months….
Jewish billionaire Jared Isaacman and SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis achieved a major milestone as the first non- professional astronauts to conduct a spacewalk on a commercial mission. On Thursday, the…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, My parents don’t understand me. I understand many teenagers or young adults say that, but in my case it is true and is having serious repercussions…
The beracha of shehechiyanu applies to many different areas such as Yom Tov, purchasing new items, performing mitzvahs and eating new fruits. This issue will focus on the beracha of…
The July 21, 1969, landing on the moon was a monumental achievement for mankind, and the leading Torah scholars of the time were as impressed as everyone else in the…
The Torah in Parashat Ki- Tavo makes it very clear that according to the Torah, happiness is a really big deal. This parashah is one of the two parashiyot in…
Checking Eggs for Blood Spots – What is the issue with checking eggs for blood spots? If I buy a package of eggs which is certified kosher, is this necessary?…
One of the Misvot presented in Parashat Ki-Teseh is the prohibition against plowing a field with both an ox and a donkey (22:10). In ancient times, plowing was done by…
This week’s parsha, Ki Seitzei, opens with the pasuk, “Ki Seitzei la’milchama al oy’vecha, When you go out to war against your enemies…” (Devarim 21:10). The Torah acknowledges that war…
Who’s Doing the Talking? “Does marriage change one’s personality?” Greg asked his buddy Mike. “In a way,” says Mike. “You see, when I was engaged, I did most of the…
You can avoid compounding the pain of your loved ones when you are gone. Death is a highly uncomfortable and awkward subject. As a result, most people do all they…
Elul is a time when the poskim r e c o m m e n d checking tefillin and מט״א סימן) mezuzot Although .) תקפא ס״י there is no obligation…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, My wife came from a frum household and prefers to cover her hair with a teichel, however she doesn’t cover all her hair and half of…
INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons sesame oil 16 ounces sliced baby Bella mushrooms 2 tablespoons soy sauce or coconut amino 1 tablespoon silan 2 teaspoons sesame seeds One head cabbage, shredded Juice…
In shul many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis…
Teshuvah, repentance, is about returning to G-d after sin. However, it is not enough to change yourself. You also have to attempt to undo your sin, to fix what you…
There was once a man who was mired in financial ruin, drowning in oceans of debt and without a job, and who was walking with his son when they passed…
This week’s parsha contains one of the most f a s c i n a t i n g mitzvos in the Torah: “Shiluach HaKen” [Devarim 22:6-7], sending away the…
The incredible opportunities of the days of Elul for returning to Hashem and acceptance of our repentance and prayers can be seen from an awesome statement of the Ben Ish…
Tehillim The Rashab of Lubavitz zt’l once said, “Elul is the season for saying Tehillim.” (He said this when he sent his gabbai to buy him a Tehillim in Elul….
The King’s Torah’s In this week’s parsha, Shoftim, the Torah teaches us a fascinating mitzvah concerning every Jewish King: 18 And it will be, when he sits upon his royal…
“Ok, sweet boy, go now on your journey, I hope it’s as good as the trips you dreamed about, because finally, my sweet sweet boy, finally, finally, finally, finally you…
Being Jewish, it’s natural to feel a sense of fear when considering our small numbers among a vast quantity of enemies. The large demonstrations we’ve witnessed recently against the Jewish…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks so much for your column. My family and I read it every week! Here’s my question. My husband and I agreed when we were engaged…
There is a well-known custom to recite L’Dovid Hashem Ori, the 27th chapter of Tehillim, from the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul until after Sukkos. What is the source…
I. Which Charity? Many people in the Jewish community have achieved varieties of financial success, allowing them the privilege of supporting many charities. This raises questions of communal and philanthropic…
DIRECTIONS: SHAWARMA ROLL I had made Shawarma for dinner one night this week and had leftovers so rather than go to waste, decided to repurpose them into a Shawarma roll….
Parashat Shoftim begins with a discussion of the judges who are to be appointed to preside over the nation’s legal disputes. The Torah commands the judges not to show favoritism….
The verse says: “then the two men who have the grievance shall stand before Hashem, before the Kohanim, and the judges who will be in those days” [Devorim 19:17]. The…
With Elul upon us, we acutely realize that a lot is at stake at this time of year. I’d like to share with you a few atrategies that I think…
Reb Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky zt’l told the following mashal: A hungry lion once told a fox, “Give me your heart.” The wise fox knew that if he gave his heart,…
The Torah commands in Parashat Shoftim (16:20), “Sedek Sedek Tirdof” – that we must “pursue” justice. The verse continues, “in order that you live and take possession of the land…”…
It’s that time of year. Time to stock up on school supplies and get the kids’ knapsacks ready. It’s not just the children who have knapsacks, but as adults we…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I met the man of my dreams. Everything was going smoothly until we got engaged. Our parents met to divide financial responsibilities for the wedding. They…
10 % of the people in the world are left-handed. Consequently, the amount of yiddin who are left handed is very little. However, many halachos come up on a daily…
I. Employment and Slavery The issue of drafting Israeli yeshiva students into the IDF is a perennial political topic. I would like to discuss a related topic but without any…
Parashat Re’eh begins with Moshe Rabbenu telling the people, “See that I give you this day a blessing and a curse.” He then explains that if we follow the mitzvot,…
But this shall you not eat from among those that bring up their cud or have completely separated split hooves: the camel, the hare, and the hyrax, for they bring…
Once Tu b’Av arrives we can already wish people a kesiva vchasima tova-to be written and signed in the book of good life for the upcoming new year. Since Elul…
A segulah for parnassah and financial success is to give maasar, 1/10th of one’s earnings, to tzedakah. It states (14:22) aser te’aser, and the Gemara (Taanis 9.) states, aser b’shvil…
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups grated zucchini, 2 to 3 zucchini depending on their size. 3 eggs 1 cup oil 2 cups sugar 3 teaspoons vanilla 1/4 teaspoon each baking powder, baking…
Can one buy frozen fruits that are not checked like strawberries, blackberries etc and blend it for a fruit shake? How about vegetables unchecked for a shake? Any fruit or…
Parashat Re’eh begins with Moshe telling Beneh Yisrael, “See that I am presenting you today with a blessing and a curse.” He then proceeds to explain that the people will…
In Parshas Re’eh, Moshe continues to give his final message to Bnei Yisroel. He speaks of the blessings that come with following HaShem’s mitzvos, and the difficulties that will befall…
The Fight A Jewish congregation was arguing over whether one should stand or sit during the Kaddish prayer. Half of the congregation said one should sit, while the other half…
This week, a Jew hater with 1.6 million Twitter followers posted an image consisting of a collection of supposed passages from the Talmud that paint Jews as disparaging towards and…
Our parasha begins with a pasuk stating that we are only allowed to bring Korbanot (sacrifices) at the place that Hashem chooses. This is the location where we are to…
INGREDIENTS: 4- 5 pounds of pargiot (you can use white meat chicken cutlets, but reduce your cooking time as they cook quicker than the thighs) Marinade 2 ripe mangoes 1/2…
Parashat Ekev includes the second paragraph of Shema, in which we find the command to educate our children: V’limad’tem Otam Et B’neichem – “You shall teach them [the words of…
The One Who feeds you manna in the desert…in order to test you. (Devarim 8:16) Everyone knows that life is a test. We struggle to make a living, to raise…
In Parshas Shoftim, when the Kohein exhorted the troops before battle, he said Shema Yisroel, and Rashi interprets his message, “Afilu ein bahem zchus ela Krias Shema bilvad, k’dai atem…
A counsel for joy is to learn to get along with others. This will save you from much pain and hardships. Reb Avraham Genachovsky zt’l once said to someone who…
How does one determine what bracha to make on a product? If it’s not obvious, you have to know the ingredients that are used to make the product and you…
The Or Ha’haim (Rav Haim Ben-Attar, 1696-1743) notes what appears to be a glaring contradiction between two verses in Parashat Ekeb. In the opening verse of this Parasha, Moshe promises…
Summertime finds our family upstate. Our development is blessed to have a magnificent shul, with a giant oak tree right in front of the entrance. This year, our tree of…
The Jewish Perspective Ammunition had run out for a unit in the Russian army, but it was still under fierce attack. “Take out your bayonets,” said the corporal, “we are…
Labels can cause real damage. Name calling in politics is nothing new. America has a long history of presidential candidates hurling insults at one another, going all the way back…
Although those who spend the summer in the country are usually familiar with the concept of techumim, many who visit for just a Shabbat or go camping may not be….
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi, I enjoy your column in the Jewish & Country Vues, and read it weekly. I have a situation that I would love your input….
In Order to Live We need to eat and drink in order to live. After eating and drinking, waste must be expelled. We must have the proper approach to the…
I. A Hard Day’s Night The Wall Street Journal recently published an expose on Bank of America for overworking employees. One investment banker recently died from a blood clot after…
Shabbos Nachamu An ancient sefer (written by an Italian gadol) called Sefer Minhag Tov, writes, “It is a good custom not to take a haircut before erev Shabbos Nachamu, and…
Sherry Casks: Can you please explain? Sherry is a type of wine. Wine is a very sensitive ingredient when it comes to Kashrus. There are some scotches, particularly single malt…
We read in Parashat Va’et’hanan the first of the three paragraphs that comprise the Shema text which we recite each morning and evening. This first paragraph contains the command, “Ve’ahabta…
Parshas Va’eschanan is always read on Shabbos Nachamu. V’eschanan. The parsha in which Moshe begs and pleads with HaShem to be allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel along with the Jewish…
Yosef Vs. Moshe “G-d became angry with me because of you, and He did not listen to me,” Moshe states in the beginning of this week’s parsha (Vaeschanan). “G-d said…
After rising for many years, the di- vorce rate in the United States today is lower than it was a decade ago. But be- fore you celebrate, the reason is…
Many people take their families on a getaway for Shabbat Nachamu to refresh after the challenging three weeks of Bein HaMetzarim. When staying at a hotel, many halachic questions arise,…
These poppers are a family favorite and so easy and quick to make INGREDIENTS: 3 lbs chicken cutlets cubed Bread crumbs 1/2 cup hot sauce 3/4 cup honey DIRECTIONS: Preheat…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues. Here is my issue. At what point should a person…
Q. Why are Israeli hechsherim so difficult to understand? When I travel to Eretz Yisrael, how can I know where to eat? A. This is a common question. At home,…
War is full of tragedy. Soldiers, civilians, society — nothing remains the same. People suffer injury, loss, death and displacement. Israelis today are experiencing not just war but trauma from…
In Parashat Vaet’hanan, Moshe Rabbenu tells Beneh Yisrael that when they enter the Land of Israel, they will find things readymade for them: Large, good cities which you did not…
Perhaps one of the hardest commandments to understand — let alone fulfill — is Lo Sachmod, not to be jealous. As Ibn Ezra asks (Shemos 20:14), how can the Torah…
Shabbos Nachamu is a perplexing time. Everyone is heaving a sigh of relief after the intensity of mourning, saying elaborate, tragic sequences of Kinos, and gritty fasting. Once again, we…
The Nine Days. Tisha B’Av. A time to remember the churban Beis HaMikdash, the devastation of Yerushalayim, the pain and persecution of our people. Tragically, that was not the last…
Vain Tears At the surface, it seems like a very unfair response, recorded in the Talmud: The Torah—in Numbers and again in this week’s portion of Devarim—relates how when the…
On April 11, 1944, a young Anne Frank wrote in her diary: Who has made us Jews different from all other people? Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly…
Leading to the sad day of Tisha B’Av, we read Haftarot with the rebukes of the prophecies. These rebukes are meant for us, and we should take them seriously. At…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you so much for your column. I enjoy reading it each week. I have been in the dating parsha for about a year now. My…
In this issue we will discuss the halachos nine days. During the nine days we are not allowed to do many more actions than those that are customarily not done…
I. Four Exemptions Soldiers in the field are often pressed for time and lack access to basic necessities like water. Of course, they have to eat to sustain their strength….
ONE POT MUSHROOM SPINACH ARTICHOKE PASTA INGREDIENTS: 12 ounces fettuccine 1 (14-ounce) can quartered artichoke hearts, drained 8 ounces cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 large onion, thinly sliced 2 cloves…
One of the prohibitions that apply on Tishah B’Av is that we do not wear normal shoes. In the olden days, people would walk about barefoot on Tishah B’Av, whereas…
“You have enough, circle the mountain, and turn to the north (tzafonah).” (Devarim 2:3) The Kli Yakar lived during a time when the Jews enjoyed prosperity, and he did not…
During the Nine Days, we practice habits of mourning over the destruction of our two Batei Mikdashos, our two Temples, and the millions of Jewish lives that were lost in…
Beginning Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tisha B’Av (the Nine Days) the custom of Ashkenazim is not to eat meat or drink wine, in remembrance of the destruction of the…
The two Batei Mikdash were destroyed because of aveiros, but the aveiros of these two eras weren’t the same. The primary aveiros of the first Beis HaMikdash were avodah zarah,…
In Parashat Debarim, Moshe recounts several of Beneh Yisrael’s experiences as they traveled through the desert, including the time when they prepared to journey along the border of Edom, the…
We chase opportunities most of the time; sometimes, though, they follow us. This is the story of how Boots for Israel began as an idea that birthed an initiative that…
Last week, we cited the fundamental Rashi, that the way for a man to treat his wife like a husband should, is legad’lah u’lechavevah, to make her feel important and…
I still remember vividly one of the strangest ads I have ever seen. When I was much younger, a restaurant in my neighborhood was promoting its special menu for the…
In parshas Matos, members of the tribes of Gad and Reuven, approach Moshe, Elazar the Kohen, and the princes of the nation with a request. Both tribes had large herds…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I was dating a guy for 3 months, and I fell hard for him. We had common goals, and enjoyed speaking about all things pre-law. We…
The Gemara (Shabbos 9:) says that one must daven minchah before sitting down to eat a meal. (Details of this halachah are discussed in Shulchan Aruch 232:2). Nevertheless, if he…
Some congregations have a custom to learn Pirkei Avot during the summer days, and therefore we would like to share a thought on the structure of these mishnayot. The first…
In this issue we will discuss the halachos that apply to the nine days. During the nine days we are not allowed to do many more actions than those that…
I. Prohibited Fear Fear is a normal reaction that often serves a helpful purpose of avoiding danger. However, during war, fear can endanger lives by delaying response time and impeding…
PENNE WITH CREAMY SALMON INGREDIENTS: 1 lb salmon 8 oz uncooked penne pasta 3 tbsp butter 1 medium onion (chopped) 8 oz heavy cream 3/4 cup grated Parmesan 1/4 cup…
Parashat Maseh discusses the subject of Arei Miklat – the “cities of refuge” which were to be designated for the purpose of protecting people who killed somebody by accident. Angry…
And Moshe said to the people of Gad and Reuven, “Your brothers will go to war and you will remain here?” (Bamidbar 32:6) The first Gerrer Rebbe was the Chiddushei…
Beginning Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tisha B’Av (the Nine Days) the custom of Ashkenazim is not to eat meat or drink wine, in remembrance of the destruction of the…
In Parashat Matot we read of the request made by the tribes Reuven and Gad, who approached Moshe to ask if they could permanently reside in the territory east of…
Why Aaron? The Torah never mentions the yartzeit—the day of the passing—of any of its protagonists. We do not know the day when Adam, Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef, Sarah, or…
The Torah in Parashat Pinhas tells about the census taken of Beneh Yisrael shortly before they crossed into the Land of Israel. We find in the Torah’s account of this…
CPR Dear Vues Master: Last week a two year old child almost drowned in the Catskills. Baruch Hashem there was a man at the pool that knew CPR & saved…
After the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7, there was a sudden burst of interest in tzitzis. So many people, particularly soldiers, wanted to start wearing tzitzis that there was…
Parashat Pinhas continues the story that began at the end of the previous parasha, Parashat Balak. After Balak tried to have Bilam place a curse on Beneh Yisrael – an…
After Pinchas acted with zealotry by killing Zimri and Kozbi, he was rewarded by G-d with the “Covenant of Peace”. The Netziv (1817-1893) explains why – contrary to our intuitive…
In the beginning of Shacharis, the morning prayer, we say Adon Olam. The Meforshim say that this is very appropriate since the Gemora tells us that Avrahom Avinu was the…
The Chinuch (Mitzvah 488) explains the mitzvah of being happy on yom tov. He writes, “The Torah states (Devarim 16:14) V e ’ s a m a c h t…
Can one bake an open pan of chicken/ meat in a hot oven immediately after fish was baked in an open pan? What about the opposite, fish after meat, if…
INGREDIENTS: Fruit filling 1 pound fresh rhubarb,chopped 1 pound strawberries, chopped 1/2 cup white sugar 1.5 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Topping 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup…
This week’s parsha carries the name of Pinchas, son of Elazar, grandson of the Kohein Gadol, Aaron. The backstory to this week’s parsha really begins in parshas Balak, When Bilaam…
In Search for a Successor Miriam has died. So has Aaron. G-d tells Moshe that his turn is about to come. “Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and…
For many in Israel, on the surface, life is going on as normal. Children are in camp, coffee shops and malls are full, families are taking vacations, some within Israel…
The narrative involving Bilaam, Zimri ben Saluh, and the subsequent command to Moshe to take vengeance on Midian in Parashat Pinchas raises several complex questions about the biblical perspective on…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi, last week I had Zoom date with a woman, and it went well. We laughed a lot, and seemed to hit it off. I…
The time of the three weeks is a time when activities. Why do we refrain from activities? What are included in these activities? Below we halachos of the three weeks….
The last two weeks we’ve been extrapolating many disciplines for life from the profound game of chess. Before we continue, I thought I’d share with you an interesting chess vignette…
People communicate with words, but Hashem has other forms of communication. For example, Hashem told Eliyahu HaNavi (I Malachim 17:9) “Arise, go to Tzarfat which belongs to Tzidon and sojourn…
I am a frequent traveler and sometimes I find myself in a motel with a kitchenette. Am I able to go to the local fish store and purchase kosher fish?…
Parashat Balak tells the famous story of the attempt made by Balak, the king of Moav, to annihilate Am Yisrael by hiring a gentile prophet, Bilam, to place a curse…
This week’s parsha tells us of Balak, King of Moav, and Bilaam, a sorcerer and practitioner of black magic. Balak saw Bnei Yisroel’s large encampment, their vast number of tents,…
The Sleeper Izzy is sitting in shul one Shabbos morning when he falls asleep and starts to snore. The shul caretaker quickly comes over to him, taps him softly on…
Each and every one of us needs to take a step back and take ownership over how we interact. When the peace and harmony of Shabbat concluded and we learned…
INGREDIENTS: 6-8 strips of flanken meat 3 to 4 Yukon gold potatoes cut into cubes 2 leeks using only the white part sliced them 10 cloves of garlic Sauce One…
One of the more famous symbols of the Jewish army is that they are referred to as lions. There are drawings of lions in soldier uniforms and songs that liken…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Thank you for your weekly column in the Jewish & Country Vues. I read it weekly. I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a situation….
SHIVASAR B’TAMUZ IS THIS TUESDAY, JULY 23 Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for…
I. Allowing a Sin Most religious Jews are raised and educated in a like- minded environment with schoolmates and friends from a similar background. Depending on the family and community,…
The Mishna in Pirkeh Avot (5:19) draws a contrast between two very different men – Avraham Avinu, and Bilam. Avraham, of course, was the founder of our nation, one of…
Parshas Balak contains an incident which teaches a tremendous ethical lesson. I personally find it to be one of the scariest mussar teachings in the Torah. This incident involves Bilaam,…
Parashat Hukat begins with the command of the Para Aduma, the red cow which was slaughtered and then burned into ashes. These ashes were mixed with water that would be…
Parsahas Chukas. The end of an era. Bnei Yisroel’s forty year journey through the desert is coming to a close. Forty years of travels, encampments, and life lessons. Forty years…
Stop Pounding Rabbi Sam Wolfson was giving his speech to the Jewish Federation about the “Tragedy of Jewish Assimilation.” Toward the end of his long speech, the Rabbi clapped his…
Visits to Israel used to be highlighted by sitting at the Kotel, going on tiyulim up north, shopping in the shuk, and eating shwarma throughout the country. For my past…
This week’s Haftara (Chukat) feels like it could be taken from a modern-day newspaper, as it addresses the Jewish people’s right to the land of Israel, particularly in relation to…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am dating a guy who wants to be a rabbi. He’s a smart individual with sterling middis and a big heart. At the beginning of…
The Jewish people have al-ways focused on birthdays. On Pesach, we celebrate the birth of the Jewish nation. We say in Mussaf that the world was created on Rosh H-shana….
DIRECTIONS: I never buy cole slaw from the deli counter especially since it’s between $6-$8 per lb. It’s so easy to buy a medium head of cabbage and slice it…
I. Shoes Off In the Diaspora, Ashkenazim perform Birkas Kohanim (the priestly blessings) only on holidays. However, in most places in Israel, it is done every day, albeit without the…
Parashat Hukat introduces us to the mitzvah of parah adumah – the special red cow that was used for purifying. The cow was slaughtered and burned, and the ashes were…
Parshas Chukas begins with the laws of Tumas Mes, where we learn that if a person comes in contact with a dead body (or is merely under the same roof…
Last week, I introduced the idea that we can learn many life skills from the popular game of chess. So, let us continue. When playing the game of chess properly,…
Moshe Rabbeinu was punished for hitting the stone, and the meforshim explain, in various ways, exactly where Moshe erred and what he did wrong. Rashi teaches that his sin was…
Can I drink coffee at a non-kosher restaurant? It is not possible to make one universal statement about the kashrus of coffee prepared in a non-certified restaurant because each establishment…
In the May 31, 2022 issue, Mishpacha Magazine posed the following question and invited me and others to respond: Question: My oldest son is a smart and energetic eight- year-old….
Summertime is the perfect season to beat the heat by taking a refreshing plunge in the pool. But when Shabbat rolls around, things get a bit more complicated. Can we…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , I’m not sure what to do. After a very long three months of both of us working on large professional projects, my husband and I…
Q. If a Jew owns a store, why does it need a hashgachah? Isn’t there a concept of eid echad ne’eman b’issurim, which means that we believe one who testifies…
A soldier in active times, which sadly we find ourselves at the time of this writing, often has only a few minutes a day in which he can learn Torah….
Parashat Korah tells the story of the quintessential mahaloket – fight. The story is that of the rebellion led by Korah, who set out to challenge the authority of Moshe…
The Measure of A Person Is How He Acts When He Is Right When Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to demonstrate that he was correct and that Korach was wrong, he made…
INGREDIENTS: 4 to 5 pounds of beef back ribs For the dry rub 2 teaspoons smoked paprika 1 teaspoon each of garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper Your favorite…
Recently, together with my Rebbetzin Shoshy, I celebrated the bar mitzvah of one of my new grandchildren, Isaac Schwartz, son of my wonderful new children Moshe and Devorah Schwartz. (I…
Rebbe Dovid Lelover zt’l said: Had Korach known that he can serve Hashem from behind the oven [where the simple Yidden used to sit] and his avodah will be as…
May one eat a salad at non-kosher restaurants while on the road? Rav Belsky, zt”l ruled that one may absolutely not eat a salad at a non- kosher or vegan…
Parashat Korah tells the story of the uprising led by Korah against Moshe Rabbenu. Korah assembled a group of 250 followers and challenged Moshe, charging that he had no right…
I was running errands, when a woman I did not recognize approached me. “Are you Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis’ daughter?” When I proudly answered, “Yes”, she continued. “You don’t know me,…
Thirty years after the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s passing on 3 Tammuz, 1994, I can still hear his wise, holy words — how he ignited the Divine spark in every Jew, viewing…
Throughout the ages, there have been different practices regarding keeping tzitzis tucked into pants or out. In addition, Chassidim wear their tzitzis garment over their shirt, while Ashkenazim wear it…
I. When to Recite Gomel One of the thankful and praiseful blessings we recite is Gomel, in which we thank Hashem in public for preserving us in a dangerous situation….
Parashat Shelah tells the tragic story of the meragelim – the spies who were sent to see the Land of Israel before the Jewish People journeyed there. The spies conspired…
The pasuk says regarding Tzitzis, “And you shall remember all the commandments of Hashem.” The Talmud says, “Rabbi Meir used to say: How is Techeles different from all other colors?…
The tfilah of Elokai n’tzor continues, “V’limkal’lai nafshi sidom – May my soul be quiet to those that curse me.” Now, cursing is a rather radical action. The Siddur Meforesh…
The Chazon Ish zt’l said, “It is impossible to pass through this world without troubles. The difference between people is how they accept them. Some people pass through the world…
I’m hosting a picnic and some people prefer fish to meat. Can I grill both of them together? The Gemara (Pesachim 76b) teaches that one may not cook fish and…
INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons sesame oil Two bags defrosted, cauliflower rice One bag mixed frozen vegetables, defrosted 2 teaspoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon ginger Two eggs scrambled…
Parashat Shelah tells the tragic story of “Het Ha’meragelim” – the sin of the spies, who were sent to scout the Land of Israel in advance of Beneh Yisrael’s entry…
A mission gone awry. In this week’s parsha, Shelach, we learn of the meraglim, scouts sent to check out the Promised Land, prior to Bnei Yisroel settling there. As Moshe…
The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer. — General Montgomery The Hole in the Roof A rabbi stands before his congregation and reports to them that…
I was speaking with a nurse in a doctor’s office last Friday when mid- conversation, responding to something I said, she used the word “bashert.” The word made no sense…
While the winds of war blow harder every day, Israel is preparing for the northern front with Hezbollah in Lebanon. As always, everything that our nation faces is guided by…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , I’m engaged to an awesome girl but I am not sure what to do about her work habits . She has a challenging job that…
Miriam’s Act of Patience: Payback Time Comes Years Later When Miriam the prophetess was afflicted with Tza’raas, she was required to remain outside the camp, per the prescribed procedure. During…
In our Maariv prayers, we thank Hashem for being, “Machalif es hazmanim – Changing the seasons.” Since it adds spice and variety to life, we acknowledge our appreciation for this…
It states (Tehillim 32:10) “For him who trusts in Hashem – Hashem’s kindness will encompass him.” The Midrash says on this pasuk, “Even if a person is a rasha if…
Does one need to tovel electric appliances? There are many different appliances; there is no one rule. For example, an urn should be toiveled. Obviously, after you toivel an urn,…
Parashat Behaalotecha begins with what appear as three unrelated topics, but which in truth share an important common theme. The first topic is the command to Aharon regarding the daily…
Parshas Beha’aloscha opens with HaShem instructing Moshe to speak to Aaron regarding the lighting of the menorah. A task that Aaron, as Kohen Gadol, was honored with. “Va’yaas kein Aaron,…
The Economist An architect, a surgeon, and economist are arguing who of them holds the most prominent position. The surgeon said, ‘Look, we’re the most important. The very first thing…
INGREDIENTS: Salad Chop the following One small head of cabbage one bunch of scallions 3 to 4 Persian cucumbers Dressing Put the following ingredients inside a blender 1 bunch parsley…
Every year, about 11 million children in the United States participate in school- level spelling bees. The most prestigious competition is the annual Scripps National Bee that has been held…
Jews around the world have strong s e n t i m e n t s regarding hostages, stemming from a profound sense of unity and familial connection. When one…
In response to “flawed Flatbush” and “flooded in Flatbush” , I would like to share my story . I am a mother with 4 sons and 2 daughters. The boys…
The tefillah of Aleinu is said daily after each tefilla, as well as during the Yomim Noraim. During the week one can see many people leave shul before reciting this…
I. Non-Slaughtered Meat A surprising leniency gets a brief mention in the Talmud but might have practical relevance for Israeli soldiers today. Jewish soldiers have to keep kosher, of course,…
At the end of Parashat Beha’alotecha, the Torah tells a story about Miriam, Moshe Rabbenu’s sister, who made some unkind remarks about Moshe to their brother, Aharon. Moshe, due to…
Is one allowed to have dairy meals on Yom Tov? When the Beis Hamikdash stood, the mitzvah of Simchas Yom Tov (Rejoicing on Yom Tov) was fulfilled by partaking of…
Tradition teaches that the souls of all Jews who would ever live until the end of time were present at Mount Sinai when the Torah was given. This concept actually…
There are some childhood memories that one never forgets. Memories that remain etched in your heart and soul. Memories that even years later can be seen in your mind’s eye….
The Desert What was the significance of the fact that Torah was given in a wilderness, in a barren and infertile desert, not in a civilized terrain, nor on soil…
Not everyone can travel this summer. For some, it is difficult to take time off, for others the high cost is a barrier, and for others, there are physical or…
As preparation for the Chag of Shavuot, the h o l i d a y commemorating the receiving of the Torah, we would like to explore and delve into some…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. I’ve been married for a year and a half. When we dated, I felt like we had better communication, but…
Fish Cakes with Roasted-Garlic Corn Rounds and Lemon Aioli Serves: 6-8 • Fish cakes and roasted garlic herb butter. Served with corn on the cob rounds and a lemon aioli….
There is a widespread custom to remain awake on Shavuos night to learn Torah. This custom spawns many halachic queries. Why should we stay up learning on Shavuos night? What…
I. Singling Out a Teaching When you say something, sometimes the loudest part is what you leave unsaid. The Gemara (Bava Basra 164b) warns against praising someone because that can…
The upcoming holiday of Shavuot, the celebration of our receiving the Torah, along with the name of the book we are now beginning – “Bamidar” (“in the desert”) – gives…
Everyone is aware that the High Holiday period between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur is a period of judgment (Din). However, not everyone is aware that the Ari z”l and…
How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that?…
The purpose of mattan Torah is to believe in Hashem. As the Vilna Gaon zt’l (Mishlei 19:22) עיקר נתינת- התורה לישראל- הוא ,writes was Torah The “, בכדי שישימו -’בטחונם…
We have witnessed one of the most shameful, disgusting episodes in American history. If I had submitted the outline of the Trump trial to a publishing house, they would have…
The Desert What was the significance of the fact that Torah was given in a wilderness, in a barren and infertile desert, not in a civilized terrain, nor on soil…
The internet has become a very angry place and “rage bait” influencers are in large part to blame. More clicks means more money and the more enraged you can make…
As the weather rapidly gets hotter, people tend to spend more time traveling, camping, or simply sitting in their backyard gardens. However, it’s not just people who come out when…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I’m a weekly reader of your column. I figured this was the right place to ask my question. On my friend’s very first date, she…
In Order to Live We live in world today where it is very hard to real- ize what we are missing by not having the Bais Hamikdosh around. We get…
The horrific October 7 attacks were such a surprise and shock that soldiers stationed elsewhere or away on leave for the holiday dropped everything they were doing and ran to…
VIRAL ONE POT FRENCH ONION SOUP PASTA INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup olive oil 3 yellow onions, thinly sliced 2 tsp crushed garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 cup dry white…
Parashat Bamidbar is almost always read on the Shabbat immediately preceding Shavuot. What is the connection between this parashah and Matan Torah, the event that we celebrate on Shavuot? Parashat…
The pasuk says, “And with you shall be one man from each tribe (ish, ish l’mateh), a man who is a leader of his father’s household (rosh l’beis avosav, hu).”…
As we make final preparations for Shavuos, including a fervent desire to come away from the Yom Tov with a renewed commitment to the “learning” of Torah, we need to…
An opportune time for preparation is during the sheloshes yemei hagbalah, the three days before Shavuos. Rebbe Avraham HaMalach instructed his students not to come to him during sheloshes yemei…
Is one allowed to have dairy meals on Yom Tov? When the Beis Hamikdash stood, the mitzvah of Simchas Yom Tov (Rejoicing on Yom Tov) was fulfilled by partaking of…
The Midrash, commenting on the opening verse of Sefer Bamidbar, observes that the Torah has been compared to three natural phenomena: fire, water and a desert. Many Rabbis raised the…
Choices. Dilemmas. Life altering decisions. Each of the individuals in Megillas Rus is faced with a choice, a decision that would determine their future. While Rus was written about three…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks so much for your column. My family and I read it every week! Here’s my question. My husband and I agreed when we were engaged…
While preparing a dish for cooking, one is often unsure if he has to check the eggs for blood spots. In addition, companies receive eggs in various forms and the…
After the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7, there was a sudden burst of interest in tzitzis. So many people, particularly soldiers, wanted to start wearing tzitzis that there was…
The Mishnah in Pirkeh Avot (4:22) teaches: Do not let your evil inclination assure you that the afterlife is your escape. For against your will you were created; against your…
A Medrashic Machlokes in Bechukosai that Tracks with a Halachic Machlokes in Pesachim Parshas Bechukosai begins with the blessings the Ribono shel Olam promises if we will keep the Torah….
At the conclusion of the Shemone Esrei, we take three steps backwards. In explanation, the Mishnah Berurah [223:2] sends us to the Beis Yoseif, who says many reasons for this…
The Torah writes the tochachah (the curses) twice. Once is in this week’s parashah, and again in parashas Ki Savo. One difference between the two tochachos is that this week’s…
INGREDIENTS: 1-2 heads cauliflower cut into small florets 1/3 c sweet chili sauce 1/3 c soy sauce 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 tsp garlic powder Juice of 1 lemon DIRECTIONS:…
Can I drink coffee at a non-kosher restaurant? It is not possible to make one universal statement about the kashrus of coffee prepared in a non-certified restaurant because each establishment…
The Haftara read for Parashat Behukotai is a prophecy from Sefer Yirmiyahu, and contains the famous verse, “Baruch Ha’geber Asher Yibtah B’Hashem, Ve’haya Hashem Mibtaho” – “Blessed is the man…
We count Sefira day by day, from Pesach to Shavuos, reciting a bracha each day. We are reminded about how precious time is. Every day, a gift from HaShem. Every…
The Endless Quest A story: It was Simchat Torah, and the disciples of Rabbi Mendel of Horodok, many of whom had journeyed for weeks to spend the Yom Tov with…
I was once talking to a mother in our community who has several significant challenges in her family. I asked her an innocuous question, something like, how are you doing…
A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a rumor that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi had been killed by an Israeli agent named “Eli Kopter.” This fictitious…
Parashat Behar begins with the mitzvah of shemitah, which forbids a farmer from working the land for an entire year every seven years. The Torah emphasizes that Hashem taught this…
Parshas Behar contains the Torah’s prohibition against cheating: “When you make a sale to your fellow or when you buy from the hand of your fellow, do not victimize one…
Elokai n’tzor concludes as we back up three steps and say a final petition. “Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisroel, v’imru amein – He who makes…
The Gemara (Succah 45:) states: Reb Shimon bar Yochai said, “I can free all people from judgment [that they won’t be punished for their aveiros]. Together with the merits of…
How does one determine what bracha to make on a product? If it’s not obvious, you have to know the ingredients that are used to make the product and you…
The Torah in Parashat Behar (25:37) introduces the prohibition against lending on interest: “Et Kaspecha Lo Titen Lo Be’neshech.” The Or Ha’haim (Rav Haim Ben-Attar, 1696-1743) adds a deeper level…
Mikrah – coincidence. But we know that there are no coincidences in life. That all is b’yad HaShem – in HaShem’s hand. In fact, our rabbis teach that the word…
INGREDIENTS: Chocolate Iced Cake Yellow, Red, & Orange hard candy Rolled wafer cookies DIRECTIONS: As we won’t be having any lag B’Omer gatherings with bon res and activities this year…
In the Beginning A man comes to the psychiatrist, shouting that he is in dire need of help. The psychiatrist attempts to calm him down but to no avail. The…
Years ago, someone gave me a Tony Robbins cd to listen to. I was excited to hear what one of the most inspirational people of modern times would have to…
Of the many lessons we have been taught over the last seven months, one critical one is humility. I will leave for those in Israel to explore at a later…
It’s hard to avoid seeing the similarity between what is happening recently in Iran and the holiday of Purim, which both took place in Persia. At that time, the Jews…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues. Here is my issue. At what point should a person…
Lag B’omer Lag B’omer is a day which people celebrate with great simcha and joy. What is the reason for this great celebration? When does it start? At night or…
I. Where to Daven Soldiers, like all professionals, use their extensive training and experience to inform their behavior in the field but ultimately they must improvise based on real-life circumstances….
My family experienced the deadly effects of antisemitism in America firsthand. We’ve recently seen how a posse of violent demonstrators spewing antisemitic vitriol can imperil airports, bridges and universities while the world remains inert….
The parashah begins with the words (21:1), “Say to the kohanim, the sons of Aharon and say to them…” The word “say” is written twice in this sentence. Rashi explains,…
May I use a warming drawer on Shabbos? Warming drawers on Shabbos is indeed a serious issue. There are a number of things to consider. First of all, you have…
Rabbi Shimon and the “Keter Shem Tob” Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai teaches us in Pirkeh Abot (4:13), “There are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of Kehuna, and…
This week’s parsha, Emor, tells us about HaShem’s eternal gift to Bnei Yisroel. The gift of Shabbos. “Sheishes yomim tay’aseh melacha, Six days you shall do work, u’vayom ha’shvii Shabbos…
Every evening, I turn my worries over to God. He’s going to be up all night anyway. — Mary C. Crowley God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved…
We just finished celebrating a Yom Tov during which we said in davening and Kiddush, over and over again, Asher bachar banu mi’kol am, You have chosen us from all…
INGREDIENTS: Gefen Puff Pastry Chopped Shawarma Caramelized Onions 1 Egg Sesame Seeds DIRECTIONS: I had made Shawarma for dinner one night this week and had leftovers, so rather than go…
Given the display of moral decline in the most elite universities, there is no better time to reassess the age-old question of whether it is halachically permissible to attend college…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you so much for your column. I enjoy reading it each week. I have been in the dating parsha for about a year now. My…
The Gemorah says that one may not earn money on Shabbos. Money earned on Shabbos is called sechar shabbos and is prohibited in order to prevent one from conducting business…
I. Employment and Slavery The issue of drafting Israeli yeshiva students into the IDF is a perennial political topic. I would like to discuss a related topic but without any…
At the end of Parashat Emor, the Torah tells an upsetting story about a man from Beneh Yisrael who got into a fight, and as a result, he publicly cursed…
Have No Regrets When You Offer Your Thanksgiving Offering In addition to the mitzvos of the Kehunah, this week’s Parsha contains some of the mitzvos which pertain to Korbonos. The…
The tfilah Elokai N’ztor continues with, “V’chol hachosh’vim alai ra’ah, meheirah hafeir atzasam v’kalkeil machashavtam – All those who plot evil against me, may their plans be quickly foiled and…
Parshas Kedoshim. “Kedoshim te’hiyu, You shall be holy…” (Vayikra 19:2) To live a life of sanctity. The mission statement of our nation. A message so important, so vital, that HaShem…
Judge Favorably This week’s parsha, Kedoshim, contains a commandment, which we often do not think about as such: “With Justice you shall judge your fellow man.” The Talmud gives two…
While some are counting down to Mother’s Day this Sunday with great excitement and anticipation, many are looking at the calendar with dread and anxiety. For those desperately longing to…
At various colleges across the nation, s t u d e n t demonstrations have sprung up in response to the Israel- Hamas conflict, following the lead of activists at…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am dating a guy who wants to be a rabbi. He’s a smart individual with sterling middis and a big heart. At the beginning of…
Ever since the State of Israel came into existence, there has been a debate whether or not to recite Hallel on Yom Ha’atzma’ut. We will discuss the reasoning of those…
ARAYES INGREDIENTS: 1.5 – 2lbs ground beef/lamb (you can mix or do either or) 1 cup parsley finely chopped 1 medium onion – finely chopped 1 tsp Baharat (Pereg and…
I. A Time for War Koheles (3:6) notwithstanding, there is never a good time for war. We hope and pray for a time when there will be no war. But…
One of the commands in Parashat Kedoshim is Lo Ta’auninu (19:26), which refers to a certain type of witchcraft which was common in the ancient world. The people would decide…
“And G-d spoke to Moshe saying: ‘Speak to the entire Community of Israel and tell them You must be Holy, for I the L-rd your G-d am Holy.’” [Vayikra 19:1-2]…
Here, on the eastern coast, spring finally seems to be here. It looks nearly certain that we won’t see snowplows until next year and, as the plants start to bloom…
One of the mitzvos of this week’s parashah is (Vayikra 19:18) Lo Sikom, that we may not take revenge. The Sefer HaChinuch (mitzvah 241) writes: “It is the way of…
Hafrashas challah is a huge mitzvah and a wonderful opportunity to do a mitzvah. The most important issue you have to know about hafrashas challah is that you can only…
The Torah in Parashat Kedoshim (Vayikra 19:23) commands that when Beneh Yisrael enter the land and plant trees, they must refrain from eating a tree’s fruits during the first three…
Few writers and speakers inspire like Rabbi Paysach Krohn. Author of nineteen books, including his famous “Maggid” series of short stories, Rabbi Krohn travels around the world inspiring audiences with…
Last week we discussed the monetary concerns of employing a cleaning lady to clean before Pesach, such as snatching a cleaning lady from her place of employment or dealing with…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Help. I’m not sure what to do, and in traditional avoidant fashion, a=have pushed off till now to ask you. I mean, we knew about the…
MEATBALLS INGREDIENTS: 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup water, divided 1-1/2 cups finely chopped onion, divided 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 pounds ground beef 1 can (8 ounces)…
One of the many important halachos that we are faced with at the seder is the proper volume to eat or drink in order to fulfill the mitzvah of the…
I. Avoiding the Korban Pesach We know from tax law the difference between avoidance and evasion. Tax avoidance involves structuring your finances to legally minimize your taxes. In contrast, tax…
The third of the four questions in the Mah Nishtana, which the child asks at the seder, has to do with the two “dippings.” The child observes that normally, no…
Rav Avraham Yitzchok HaKohen Kook (1865- 1935), the first Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael in modern times, was an outstanding genius, but he was a controversial figure. Certain rabbinic personalities…
In families all over the world and through the millennia, the Seder ritual has started off with the chanting of Kadeish, U’rchatz, Karpas…, and so on – the fifteen steps…
As the family celebrated the seder, a young grandchild of Rebbe Yochanan of Tolna zt’l was roaming around the house and came across the closet where the items sold for…
Does purified water enhanced with minerals require Pesach certification? Although the OU approves bottled and distilled water without Pesach certification, when it comes to enhanced water an OU-P is required….
The first of the ten plagues which G-d brought upon the Egyptians was “Dam” – the plague of blood, when G-d transformed the water in the river to blood. The…
It’s almost Pesach, so much to plan, so much to prepare. On our to-do list is purchasing wine for the seder. Some like it sweet, others appreciate the dry wine…
Not the Cookie Cutter Model “The Torah speaks of four children: One is wise, one is rebellious, one is simple and one does not know how to ask.”—Haggadah This simple,…
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. The circumference of the collider is 16.565 miles, and it contains thousands of magnets. It was…
Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita, the Morah D’Asra of Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Brooklyn, New York, is a respected Talmid Chochom and a warm and dynamic individual, loved by…
I. Shabbos Clothes We greet Shabbos and spend the entire day clean and proper, dressed in fine clothes. What do you do if you have to wear an army uniform?…
Parashat Tazria – as well as the majority of the following parashah, Parashat Metzora – discuss the laws of tzara’at, a skin condition which would befall a person mainly as…
The pasuk says, “And if the Kohen examines the Tzoraas and sees that it has spread, he need not (further) examine the yellow hair, the person is Tameh (impure)” [Vayikra…
After saying the Yi’h’yu l’ratzon following Sim Shalom, some people have the minhag to say the kapital of tehillim “Shir lama’alos, esa einai el haharim,” before commencing Elokai n’tzor. This…
It states (Shir HaShirim 7:2) “beautiful are your footsteps in the shoes…” The Gemara (Succah 49:) says that “in the shoes” refers to Aliyah L’regel when the Yidden go up…
If someone is going away for Pesach to a hotel- what kashrus questions should they ask before booking? What issues can come up at a hotel over Pesach? The kashrus…
PESACH BROWNIE S’MORES INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup oil 4 eggs 1 1/2 cup of sugar 1/2 cup of potato starch 1/2 cup of cocoa powder (use Hershey’s cocoa for the best…
Parashat Tazria introduces the laws related to Sara’at – a skin infection, similar to leprosy, that would befall a person as a result of certain sins. The Torah says that…
Pesach. A night of recalling the miracles of our past, and recognizing the miracles in our lives today. The words “b’chol dor vodor, in every generation and generation” appear twice…
As Israel and the Jewish people face the horrors of October 7th, 2023, I wish to share the story of a fascinating 9-11 diary (capturing a significant theme of the…
As we approach the month of Nissan, I have been thinking a lot about what Yom HaShoah will look like this year. The reality is we, and every community I…
You must be living under a rock if you didn’t come across one of the thousands of videos and articles published recently about the Red Heifer (Para Adumah). It seems…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I just spent Shabbos at my future in-laws, and I don’t know what to do. They are a wonderful family, sweet, and welcoming. The only problem?…
In Yiddish a potato is called a kartufel. The reason why it is called a kartufel is because the potato which was meant to be a tufel food has been…
Joe Lieberman, the Shomer Shabbos former four-term US Senator from Connecticut and Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2000, was niftar this past Wednesday in New York City at the…
Pesach preparations are complex and multi- faceted. Way before Pesach, many people personally go to the matzah bakery and physically assist in the baking of the matzos, fulfilling the Talmudic…
Even when a person harms himself due to a wrong decision, he should believe that what happened was bashert. Hashem placed in his mind to make that choice, so it…
Selling chametz in different time zones: What happens if the chametz is in America, but its initial owner will be in Israel for Pesach? When the Rabbi is selling the…
Must I use wine for the four cups, or may I use grape juice instead? There are two schools of thought among the Poskim. R’ Moshe Feinstein (Hagaddah Kol Dodi…
The Haftara for Parashat Shemini, taken from the Book of Shemuel II (chapter 6), tells of the tragic events that took place during what was to have been the joyous…
“Vayehi bayom hashmini, and it was on the eighth day.” (Vayikra 9:1) The number seven connotes tevah, what is natural, as in the days of the week, while eight is…
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. — Saul Bellow Light travels faster than sound. That’s why most people seem bright until you hear them speak. —…
INGREDIENTS: 3⁄4 cup oil 3⁄4 cup cocoa 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups potato starch 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups powdered sugar, for rolling cookies…
Recently, the Princess of Wales announced that she has cancer. In a video recorded in Windsor, the former Kate Middleton disclosed her diagnosis in order to put an end to…
On Monday, April 8, a historic total solar eclipse will take place. This cosmic event will be visible across a narrow route, called the path of totality, which extends through…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, Thanks for your column, I enjoy reading it on Shabbos. I have a question for you. I recently “dropped the shadchan” and now am dating…
We are all familiar with the customs of kitniyos on Pesach, but who does it apply to, what is included in the custom, and what about derivates or extracts from…
Many times one is faced with different questions as to what requires tevilah. For example, glass, china, stoneware etc. The halachos of how to tovel were dealt with in a…
In the Israeli army, it is common for fully Torah observant soldiers to serve by the side of soldiers who are not. When a soldier has to serve a shift…
In Parashat Shemini, we read about the dramatic events that happened on the eighth and final day of the inauguration of the Mishkan. This was a special day, when Aharon…
This week’s parsha begins with the “Eighth Day.” During the previous week the Jewish people had occupied themselves with what is known as the “Seven Days of Consecration” leading up…
There have been many who have responded to the October 7th massacre on paper. They may have dealt with military or political issues, moral questions, or other pertinent issues. Many…
Shlomo Levinger is a 26 year old frum magician & mentalist from Far Rockaway, NY. He grew up in Queens and went to Yeshiva Ketana of Queens & Tiferes Moshe…
The prophecy read as the Haftara for Parashat Sav comes from Sefer Yirmiyahu (7), and in this prophecy, Yirmiyahu criticizes the people for offering sacrifices without undergoing a process of…
Did morning ever come too early, and you gave yourself “just five more minutes”? You close your eyes… and somehow five minutes turns into thirty. Maybe you had a friend,…
And then the fight started … “My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, ‘What’s on TV?’ I said, ‘Dust.’ “And…
When a convert stands in the mikvah about to immerse, undergo a radical transformation, and be born anew, the Beis Din asks a series of questions. One of the most…
Many Jewish people feel frightened at this time as antisemitism reaches new peaks. Many wonder where would be a safe place to migrate, while they know that there isn’t any…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column, I read it every week. Maybe you can help me with a problem that I’m having. Since I came home from Yeshiva,…
INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup olive oil 3 yellow onions, thinly sliced 2 tsp crushed garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 tbsp all purpose flour 2…
Many people are not familiar with the halachos of shaimos. The problem with the volume of shaimos, only developed fairly recently with the advent of cheap, commonly utilized printing methods….
When Jews are drafted into inhospitable armies in the diaspora, they are required to work on Shabbos and eat non- kosher food or face severe punishment. Effectively, they are coerced…
One of the mitzvot that apply on Purim ismatanot l’evyonim – the requirement to give charitable gifts to the poor. This obligation differs from the standard mitzva of tzedakah, in…
Double Entendre in the Word “Hoda’ah” Among the Korbanos mentioned in this week’s parsha is the Korban Todah. The Medrash says that in the future all the Korbanos will be…
The world over, Jews will soon be wrapped- up in the annual search for chometz. Most of us are also aware that this is not simply s p r i…
In Krakow, there was a Jew known as “the Krakover Shikur.” He loved Chodesh Adar, and he would get drunk every day of Adar. He explained that Haman the rasha…
Why is mechirat chametz for a supermarket that continues to sell chametz during Pesach a valid sale? It isn’t. The regular mechiras chometz that you and I do does not…
The hardest part of coming to Israel is leaving. A visit to Israel these days involves connecting with the heroic and courageous soldiers of the IDF, engaging with the seemingly…
Many wonder why some people have a kosher Megillah scroll if they’re going to hear the Megillah reading from the Baal Kore’. The simple answer is that if one indeed…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy…
During the days and weeks before Purim the mail is full of letters requesting matanas l’evyonim. In this issue we will discuss which people one has to give to, how…
I. Amalek Today With the October 7th Hamas attacks and the subsequent war, many have discussed the concept of the timeless war against Amalek. Amalek is the paradigm of the…
The Megillah introduces Mordechai as an Ish Yehudi and also as an Ish Yemini. The Gemara explains this to mean that from his mother’s side, Mordechai descended from the tribe…
BOOZY BOURBON MEATBALLS INGREDIENTS: Meatballs 2 lbs chopped meat 1/2 cup bread crumbs 2 eggs 2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoon onion powder 2 teaspoon basil dried 4 tablespoons olive…
The Symbolism of Haman’s Offer of Silver Shekels The Megillah [Esther 3:9] states that Haman offered to increase the King’s coffers by 10,000 kikar silver in exchange for the right…
The bracha of Sim Shalom continues, “Bar’cheinu Avinu. kulanu k’echad – Bless us our Father (Hashem), all of us as one.” The Rokei’ach interprets this to mean, ‘Like our forefather…
There is a contradiction in the pesukim of the Megillah whether Purim is a yom tov – a day when work is forbidden – or not. When the megillah discusses…
Regarding the custom of Zecher L’Machtzis Hashekel, I have a difficult time finding fifty cent coins. Can I give two quarters, or is there a different way to perform this…
The Midrash (Ester Rabba 7:13) draws a connection between the Purim story and the story of Mechirat Yosef – the sale of Yosef as a slave by his brothers. After…
The days became weeks. The weeks became months. October, November, December, January, February, and now we are approaching the end of March. Who would have believed that what began on…
The Farmer A Texas farmer was touring England. He happened to meet an English farmer and asked him, “What size farm do you have?” The Englishman proudly announced, “Thirty-five acres!”…
Is the OU now giving hasgachas on mezuzahs, tefillin & sifreiTorah? The timing you asked me is the most appropriate because Rabbi Genack, lay leader in these efforts, Yehuda Neuberger,…
For some reason, people think that drinking is acceptable at certain times, such as on Simchas Torah, at a Shalom Zochor, at a wedding, and on Purim. Many people become…
When a soldier moves position on Shabbos, he has to carry with him his gear as a matter of self- preservation, piku’ach nefesh. What about his personal items? Can he…
Parashat Pekudeh begins with numbers. After the Mishkan was built, Moshe presented an accounting of the precious metals – the gold, silver, and copper – which Beneh Yisrael had donated…
You Don’t Necessarily Get What You Pay For In Terms of Divine Presence Being Present The pasuk in Parshas Pekudei says, “All the gold that was used for the work…
In the blessing of Peace, we ask, “Sim shalom, tova uverachah – Grant us peace, goodness and blessing,” Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, zy”a, explains we clarify that we only ask…
Reb Shlomo Cohen was a student of the Chazon Ish, and he was renowned for his hasmadah in Torah. At one point in his life, he became involved in some…
Is one permitted to bathe, take a haircut or listen to music on Taanis Esther? The Meiri (Sefer Magen Avos 23) writes that Taanis Esther is different than other communal…
HARVEY WALLBANGER CAKE INGREDIENTS: Cake: 1 Box yellow cake mix 1 cup vegetable oil 4 large eggs 1/4 cup amaretto liqueur 1/4 cup vodka 1 package vanilla instant pudding mix…
Parashat Pekudeh continues the Torah’s discussion of the Mishkan, the portable Temple which Beneh Yisrael carried with them through the wilderness. The purpose of the Mishkan – which was also…
The Hebrew language is like no other, it is Lashon HaKodesh, the Holy Tongue. Its words are not just a combination of letters, but each word is holy, with the…
The Long Journey The drama was almost complete. The people exiled in a foreign country for more than two centuries, and for much of that time in unbearable conditions, experienced…
A few weeks ago, I was travelling and davened in a shul in another community. In the middle of davening, I was trying to concentrate on my conversation with Hashem…
We have previously discussed the difference between Chanukah, where the Maccabees took up arms to defend their sovereignty, and Purim, where the Jews relied on prayer without engaging in physical…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to make of this. I’m dating a guy who we have great chemistry with on dates, conversation is good, and we connect…
Rabbi Hershel Schachter shlita, 82, a noted rosh yeshiva and posek, has had a distinguished career with the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) for over 50 years. Rav Schachter became an…
There is an interesting Medrash on the pasuk “See G-d has called by name Betzalel son of Uri son of Chur of the tribe of Yehudah” [Shemos 35:30]. The Medrash…
The Gemora in Megillah teaches us that Esther requested, “Kavuni l’doros – Affix me for all generations,” please write my story for posterity. This is a very strange request. We…
The Medresh (Tanchuma Tisa 3) states that Moshe said to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, “Ribono Shel Olam! When I die, no one will mention me!” Hakadosh Baruch Hu replied, “I swear,…
Is one allowed to eat blood? Eating blood is as bad as it’s going to get. The Torah says in a number of places “lo sochlu cal dam”- do not…
Upon reading Parashat Vayakhel, we cannot help but be struck – and perplexed – by the Torah’s verbosity. The Torah laboriously repeats all the details regarding the construction of the…
Mi’sheh’nichnas Adar marbim b’simcha, When Adar arrives, simcha increases. Can it be with the advent of a new month, simcha automatically enters the picture, transforming all our days to “happy…
Preserving a Letter There is something very intriguing about these parshios Vayakhel & Pekudei. Anybody even slightly familiar with the Torah is aware of its unique conciseness. Complete sagas, rich,…
INGREDIENTS: Salad 1 bag defrosted shelled edamame 4-6 Persian cucumbers, chopped 1 bunch scallions, chopped 2 avocados, chopped Dressing: 1/4 c olive oil 1/4 c rice vinegar 2 tbsp sesame…
At the request of his parents, I recently met with a young man who had stopped going to Shul on Shabbos morning. (People think when we get semicha, Rabbis get…
The story of the rabbit and the turtle, often known as “The Tortoise and the Hare,” is a classic fable tale that has been passed down through generations and goes…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m married for a year and a half. I have a problem. I can’t stand my husband’s best friend. I feel like he’s a bad influence…
The Mitzvah One is obligated to send mishloach manos on Purim to his friend etc. This mitzvah was introduced during the time of Mordechai and Esther and is considered a…
I recently drove on my own from Brooklyn to Monsey for a wedding. I wanted to listen to 10 minute mini-shiurim but because I was driving alone, I would not…
Parashat Vayakhel begins with Moshe commanding the people to observe Shabbat. He says: Sheishet Yamim Taaseh Melachah, U’byom Hashevii Yehiyeh Lachem Kodesh Shabbat Shabbaton L’Hashem- “For six days, work shall…
What if you find a dairy utensil (ex. a spoon) in the meat drawer or vice versa? Depending on how you wash dishes and run your kitchen, there can be…
The Torah in Parashat Ki-Tisa reiterates the command to observe Shabbat, explaining that Shabbat makes us realize “Ki Ani Hashem Mekadishchem” – “that I am the G-d who makes you…
This week’s parsha, Ki Sisa, tells of the tragic episode of the Eigel HaZahav, the Golden Calf. Imagine Moshe Rabbeinu, descending from Har Sinai with the Aseres HaDibros. He heard…
Whence Such a Transformation? It was one of our lowest points in history, the nadir of the Jewish people. Forty days earlier, they heard the voice of G-d; they vowed…
My children’s latest report cards went out recently and some of my children posted on our family WhatsApp group the grades they were proudest of. I jokingly shared that my…
Soldiers in war zones face a myriad of challenges that evoke deep existential fear. The constant exposure to life- threatening situations, where survival is uncertain, is a primary source of…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I’m a big fan of your column in the Jewish Vues and enjoy reading it on a weekly basis. I’m having a problem dating. My…
INGREDIENTS: Two sheets of puff pastry One side of skinless salmon Lemon pepper seasoning One container tofutti cream cheese Half a cup freshly chopped dill Quarter cup capers DIRECTIONS: This…
Purim is a very exciting time, and some people spend a lot of time planning their costumes. What is the source of this custom? What are some of the reasons…
I. Five Days of Megillah Earlier this month, I was notified that the IDF Rabbinate faces a shortage of Megillah scrolls. There are a number of ways to handle this,…
Once, during a class I gave to a group of young men, I asked them to tell about something annoying that happened to them recently. One of them related that…
Leave The Worrying To — Avinu BaShamayim [Our Father In Heaven] The pasuk [verse] at the end of the parsha says, “Three times in the year all males should appear…
Most of us, upon blunt and honest reflection, will sheepishly and ashamedly admit to ourselves that our tefilos are very sub-par. We realize to our dismay that even though we’ve…
Pirkei Avos (6) states that one of the 48 traits needed to acquire Torah is Simchah, joy. The Maharal (Derech Chaim Avos 6) explains, “Simchah is a great level. When…
I WAS REMINDED of Israel’s military tour de force in Entebbe when I read of the recent rescue of hostages Fernando Marman, 60, and Luis Har, 70, from a Rafah…
When did you start performing at the Camp HASC concert? 14 years ago was my first time. Fill in the blank: When Moshiach comes__________ We will need a lot of…
Linking the Ephod and the Choshen There is an intriguing mitzvah recorded in this week’s parsha: “And they shall bind the choshen by its rings to the rings of the…
If you could give $1,000 and turn it into $14 billion for Israel, wouldn’t you? If you could prevent anti- I s r a e l / a n t…
During times of conflict, individuals are urged to employ every means at their disposal to ensure victory. This encompasses acquiring the finest equipment, ammunition, intelligence, and other resources. However, these…
Dear Rabbi and Shira , Hi. I’m a weekly reader of your column. I figured this was the right place to ask my question. On my friend’s very first date,…
The Jewish people have al-ways focused on birthdays. On Pesach, we celebrate the birth of the Jewish nation. We say in Mussaf that the world was created on Rosh H-shana….
In 1927, when Rav Ahron Soloveichik was 10 years old, he sent a letter to his older brother Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who at the time was studying in Berlin….
In the beginning of Parashat Tetzaveh, Hashem commands Beneh Yisrael to provide pure olive oil for the kindling of the menorah. Our Rabbis teach that olive oil was used for…
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups of shredded chicken One onion, chopped Two carrots, chopped 1/3 cup flour 3 cups chicken broth One cup frozen peas Two frozen pie shells DIRECTIONS: This is…
Moshe Not Mentioned In Tezaveh: The Tribute of Anonymity There is a very famous statement of the Baal HaTurim in this week’s parsha. The Baal HaTurim notes that this is…
The final blessing of Shemone Esrei is Sim Shalom, where we ask Hashem to “Grant us Peace.” The Tur, zt”l, zy”a, explains that since right before this blessing we say…
This week’s parashah discusses the mitzvah of kindling the menorah’s lights in the Mishkan with pure olive oil. There are nine levels of quality olive oil listed (Menachos 86.). Olive…
Can one use very sweet cinnamon challah for lechem mishneh, even though it is more like cake than bread, and the bracha would be mezonot? Very sweet cinnamon challah is…
Parashat Tesaveh describes the Bigdeh Kehuna – the priestly garments, which include the four special garments worn by the Kohen Gadol, and the four other garments worn by all Kohanim….
It was summertime. My parents were upstate lecturing in the Pine View Hotel. I was taking courses in Brooklyn College, and being that my siblings were in sleep- away camp,…
The Gemorah says one who experiences any of four occurrences recites the beracha of hagomel. These four are: 1. Traveling by sea. 2. Walking through a desert. 3. Being freed…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues. Here is my issue. At what point should a person…
Kohanim are the descendants of Aharon, the priests of our people. In past eras, a kohen had a special role in the nation. Even today, a kohen retains certain privileges…
The Torah in Parashat Teruma discusses the construction of the Mishkan and its furnishings. Undoubtedly the most sacred of all the furnishings of the Mishkan was the aron – the…
“And You Shall Take for Me Teruma” — Doing For Oneself This week’s parsha contains the section in the Torah that deals with the building of the Mishkan. The Torah…
Parshas Terumah is all about generosity and giving. This trait translates practically into our most important relationships. Rav Elya Lopian, Zt”l, introduced a fundamental lifetime concept: To strengthen one’s love…
This week’s parashah discusses the halachos of how to build the Mishkan. The Torah applies to all generations, so there is a concept of Mishkan even today. It states, (25:8)…
INGREDIENTS: 2 spaghetti squash 1 red pepper 1 onion 1 14.5 oz can fire roasted, diced tomatoes with garlic 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese DIRECTIONS:…
Please explain the word “GLATT”-is it still shayach today? Very, very much! Not only is it relevant today, but it probably has more applications today than it originally did. Glatt…
The first of the furnishings of the Mishkan discussed in Parashat Teruma was the Aron, the sacred ark, in which the original Torah scroll was stored. G-d commanded that four…
This week’s parsha, Terumah, details the construction of the Mishkan, and its vessels. “V’asu Li Mikdash, v’shachanti b’socham, And they shall make me a Sanctuary, so that I will dwell…
The Smuggler Tony comes up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He’s got two large bags over his shoulders. Joe, the border guard, stops him and says, “What’s in…
The Grammy Awards, presented by the Recording Academy of the United States, are regarded as the most prestigious and significant awards in the music industry worldwide. As far as awards…
Jews around the world have strong sentiments regarding hostages, stemming from a profound sense of unity and familial connection. When one member of the community suffers, it’s felt as if…
The Rambam, in one place in his writings, discusses the proper attitude we are supposed to have to things which the Torah forbids us to do. When a person sees…
The parsha begins with the words “And these are the laws which you shall place before them.” [Shemos 21:1] In commenting on this pasuk, the Medrash cites the passage: “Through…
They told me this morning at the Daf that Super Bowl Sunday is the busiest pizza day of the year. And 1.33 billion chicken wings will be consumed! As everyone…
The Divrei Shmuel had a gabbai named Reb Yisrael Zalman Shelovsky. One day, the Divrei Shmuel said to his gabbai, “I need two hundred rubles. Please bring me two hundred…
Do you ever have it where two people can be eating the same food, but need to make different brachos? There are many examples. I’ll give you an example in…
Parashat Mishpatim presents a long series of laws, involving mainly interpersonal relations. We find here, for example, the prohibition against speaking insensitively to a widow or orphan, the responsibility to…
Parshas Mishpatim. The word “mishpatim” (mishpat) means justice. It is a parsha of civil and ethical laws – laws that create a sphere of social justice in society. The mishpatim…
SOY GARLIC CHICKEN WINGS INGREDIENTS: Sauce 1/2 cup honey 1/3 cup soy sauce, 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoon ginger, finely diced 1/4 cup water Chicken 2 pounds chicken wings,…
Rage Therapy A man walks into a bar. He calmly orders a drink and proceeds to abruptly pick up his glass and hurl it at the shocked bartender. After a…
“You are insane!” Those were the words Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a used to greet me when I visited him this week and shared that we had a group of 70…
In today’s climate, people are grappling with uncertainty about how to respond to the increasing inשcidents of anti-Semitism worldwide. The dilemma arises: should we flee or stay and confront the…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. I went out on a first date last week, and everything was going nicely. Despite the differences in our backgrounds,…
Gambling is very widespread to-day. People go to casinos, and bet on horses and sporting events. They gamble at slot machines and play various card games. Until recently, gambling was…
Genocide, the targeted killing of a people, is not a modern invention. Many have tried to kill the Jews, the biblical Haman being perhaps the most famous ancient example. Other…
The rishonim discuss whether bikur cholim is a mitzvah from the Torah or a mitzvah d’rabbanan. Many sources imply that bikur cholim is a Torah obligation. If the basis for…
What bracha do you make on licorice? She’Hakol. It was never mezonos. Those that learned mesechtas brachos learned that any food that has one of the 5 grains is mezonos….
Parashat Yitro tells of Ma’amad Har Sinai – Hashem’s revelation to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai, and Moshe’s ascent to the mountaintop after the revelation in order to receive the…
I called a friend whom I hadn’t spoken to for a while. “How are you doing…. How’s life” I asked. “Ehh…” “What’s ehh?” “Ehh is ehh” she responded. What ever…
The Story of Yisro The opening of this week’s parsha tells the story of the priest of Midian, Yisro, who chooses to come to the wilderness to spend time with…
According to a new ADL report, antisemitism in the United States has “skyrocketed” since Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel. In the last three months, there were 3,283 antisemitic incidents…
When times become challenging, and anti- Semitism rears its ugly head in various parts of the world, Jewish individuals often choose to conceal their Jewish symbols to mitigate potential risks…
INGREDIENTS: Two cans of solid white tuna in water drained 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons honey 3 tablespoons mayo Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 red bell pepper finely…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I started dating a guy from across the country on zoom and everything was going well for the first 2 months. We got along well, and…
The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made…
The 1848 (5608- 9) cholera epidemic has become famous in Jewish history because it was the moment when the 37- year old Rav Yisrael Salanter first took on a leadership…
Parashat Yitro is named after Yitro, Moshe Rabbenu’s father-in- law, who had been an idolater and then decided to embrace Judaism and join the Jewish People. When he arrived, Moshe…
Yisro Was Impressed By G-d’s Harsh Treatment of Moshe “Yisro… heard all that G-d did for Moshe and for the Jewish people.” As a result, Yisro was very impressed and…
The bracha of Modim, Thanks, continues with Tzur chaiyenu, Hashem is the Rock of our lives. The Maggid Tzedek explains the metaphor simply: Hashem protects us like an impenetrable rock….
Last Sunday, Ari Hirsch from The Jewish Vues had the honor to interview Jewish Music Superstar Avraham Fried at the ”A Time For Music 37“ Camp Hasc concert. How many…
An inspiring story is related about the Spinka Rebbe, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss (1875-1944), who was holding his annual Tu B’Shevat tish. The table was set royally, laden with beautiful…
The Human Tree “The human being is a tree of the field,” the Torah states. In fact, the Jewish calendar reserves one day each year, the “New Year for Trees”…
Dearest fellow visitors to Israel, One of the more popular refrains I have heard from people considering going to Israel during these challenging times is something along the lines of:…
On Thursday last week, South Africa presented its case at the World Court in The Hague, asserting that Israel is engaged in genocide in Gaza. The legal representatives urged the…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I have a question. I am a newly ,married man, and my wife said that her Kallah teacher taught in class that she should have…
The beracha of shehechiyanu applies to many different areas such as Yom Tov, purchasing new items, performing mitzvahs and eating new fruits. This issue will focus on the beracha of…
In their first three years, trees produce fruit that are orlah, which we are forbidden to eat or derive any benefit from them. We exhibit the important trait of patience…
ROASTED FIG AND CARROTS INGREDIENTS: 8 dried figs 1/4 c orange juice 3/4 lb carrots, peeled and cut into 1” sticks 3/4 lb sweet potatoes peeled and cut into 1”…
Parshat Bo tells the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim, the Exodus from Egypt. Throughout the Torah, the importance of this event, and of remembering this event, is emphasized. And many mitzvot…
In this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu is told by G-d, “Please speak into the ears of the people and a man shall ask from his neighbor and a women shall…
We next ask Hashem, “R’tzei Hashem Elokeinu b’amcha Yisroel uvis’filasam – Favor Hashem our G-d, Your nation Yisroel and their tefilos.” We first ask Hashem to favor us. For if,…
The Ramban at the end of Parashah Bo writes that the miracles of yetzias Mitzrayim proved to Bnei Yisrael and the world that (1) Hashem exists, (2) He knows what…
The Mishna (Rosh HaShana 1:1) relates that Tu B’Shevat (the fifteenth day of the month of Shevat) is the Rosh Hashanah (new year) for trees. What does this mean? There…
Rabbi Haim Palachi (Turkey, 1788-1869), in his work Mo’ed Le’kol Hai (chapter 30), discusses a number of different laws and customs relevant to the month of Shevat. He begins by…
Chaim Meisels, 29, is the great-grandson of the Satmar Rebbe, R’ Beirach Moshe. About eight years ago, Chaim chose to immigrate to Israel and enlist in the IDF. Chaim left…
During the winter break season, many families choose to go on vacations to rejuvenate after a year of stress. While it is undoubtedly a joyous time that should be enjoyed,…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I don’t know what to do! I’m 21, have returned from seminary and have completed 2 years of college.. My parents, friends and family are all…
For thousands of years people have engaged in inappropriate behaviors. Our evil inclination was given to us when we were born. However, in years past if one sinned or committed…
In 1438, a great meeting of German rabbis was convened in Nuremberg during which the rabbis issued a number of communal enactments. During Shabbos davening, R. Nosson of Eiger, a…
Parashat Vaera tells of the process of Yetziat Mitzrayim, how Hashem punished the Egyptians until Pharaoh finally let Beneh Yisrael leave. This story is all about freedom, about our ancestors’…
Moshe threatens Pharaoh that if he refuses to send the Jewish people out from Egypt, Hashem will smite the country with a pestilence (“dever”) that will wipe out the entire…
INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have…
In this all-encompassing sixteenth blessing, we ask Hashem, “Shema koleinu – Listen to our voices.” In his sefer Beis Elokim, the Mabit explains that we choose to say the words…
The pasuk in this week’s parashah states (7:7) “Moshe was eighty years old, and Aharon was eighty- three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh.” Why does the Torah tell…
Taking ozempic, wegovy, and the new wave of weight loss treatments. Is it allowed halachically? Those of us who are learning Daf Yomi are now learning Mesechata Bava Kama and…
Surprisingly, the Torah in Parashat Vaera interrupts the story of the Exodus from Egypt with a genealogical record of the first three of the tribes of Israel – Reuben, Shimon…
Beis Shevat. Yahrtzeit of my dear father, HaRav Meshulem ben HaRav Osher Anshil HaLevi, zt”l. It is now twenty-eight years since my father’s petira. My husband remarked to me that…
Three Boys Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging of how great their fathers are. The first one says: “Well, my father runs the fastest. He can fire an arrow,…
For most of the 20th century, the vast majority of Jews in the United States identified with the Democratic Party and voted for Democratic candidates. Even now, according to Pew,…
A soldier in active times, which sadly we find ourselves at the time of this writing, often has only a few minutes a day in which he can learn Torah….
Parashat Shemot begins by listing the names of Yaakov Avinu’s sons who had come to live in Egypt. At first glance, this list is entirely unnecessary. We just read several…
The Difference Between ‘Melacha’ and ‘Avodah’ We are told that after Moshe Rabbeinu came to Pharoah and asked him to free the Jews, Pharoah reacted negatively. The King of Egypt…
The Gemora teaches us, “Im ein daas, havdala minayin – Without knowledge, how does one differentiate?” This is the reason why on Motzoi Shabbos we say the havdala the insertion…
The Rayatz of Lubavitch zt’l says, “People think that all they need to do is wait for Moshiach, but they forget that in Mitzrayim, they needed tefillah, too, and only…
Taking ozempic, wegovy, and the new wave of weight loss treatments. Is it allowed halachically? Those of us who are learning Daf Yomi are now learning Mesechata Bava Kama and…
INGREDIENTS: Quarter Cup Butter Quarter Cup Flour 1 chopped onion 2 cups half-and-half 6 cups vegetable stock 3 pounds chopped broccoli 8 ounce bag shredded carrots 8 ounce bag of…
When G-d spoke to Moshe for the first time, and instructed him to return to Egypt and lead Beneh Yisrael to freedom, He mentioned that when the people will leave…
Sefer Shemos, the making of our nation. Shemos is also known as Sefer HaGeula, the Book of Redemption. Shemos takes us from the brutal, bitter slave camps of Egypt, through…
Irritation, Aggravation, and Misery A boy asks his father to explain the differences between irritation, aggravation, and misery. Dad picks up the phone and dials a number at random. When…
During these extraordinary times for the Jewish people, there have been extraordinary stories, videos, and vignettes emerging. The challenge is to not only watch them, marvel at them, cry with…
As the winter vacation rapidly approaches, many individuals aspire to travel to the Holy Land. However, concerns persist about potential dangers, instilling fear among those contemplating the journey. If there…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. I’ve been married for a year and a half. When we dated, I felt like we had better communication, but…
There is a mitzvah to light neiros on Erev Shabbos in honor of the holy Shabbos. Some poskim maintain the obligation is d’orasia, however, most poskim say it is a…
Top 3 ingredients in a good politician. Emuna, Meserat Nefesh, Smart Name a person ALIVE that you never met, that you would like to meet? Donald Trump If you could…
The blessing of Es Tzemach, where we Daven for salvation, is the fifteenth bracha of Shemone Esrei. Perhaps we can say that the number fifteen hints to Hashem’s Name Y-ah…
It is a good omen to finish a sefer on a positive note, but Chumash Bereishis doesn’t seem to end positively. The final words of the sefer are (50:26) “Yosef…
Pizza: Hamotzi versus Mezonos. Which bracha? If the dough for the pizza is old fashioned dough, flour and water, it’s going to be a question of hamotzi. If it’s made…
Parashat Vayehi begins with Yaakob Abinu summoning Yosef and asking, “Please do not bury me in Egypt.” Yaakob had Yosef promise on oath that he would bring his remains back…
Pashas Vayechi. The closing of Sefer Bereishis. The end of an era. “Vayikrivu yemei Yisroel lamus, When the end of Yisroel’s (Yaakov) life approached, Vayikra l’vno, l’Yosef, he called upon…
A BRIBE FOR YOUR PROFESSOR A professor was giv- ing a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his…
Our shul recently hosted Bret Stephens, the Pulitzer Prize- winning journalist and foreign affairs expert. In his talk, he referenced a column he wrote for the New York Times reflecting…
INGREDIENTS: 3 large apples peeled, cored and sliced into rounds 1 cup flour 1 beaten egg Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon oil 1 tablespoon brandy 3 tablespoons sugar 3/4 cup…
“Am Yisrael Chai!” It is a phrase we’re all very familiar with, chanted throughout the ages and echoed the world over today. A famous story associated with this expression involves…
Someone suggested to me that I should write to the two of you. Although, I’m not sure what my questions are. I started seeing a girl only two weeks ago…but…
Fruit smoothies are a popular treat. However, they often contain strawberries and other fruits that might harbor insects. Many kosher certified yogurts contain strawberries and raspberries. Are these smoothies and…
Soldiers go out to war and do not know if they will return. If the worst happens and they do not return, their wives cannot remarry without proof of death….
We all have people in our lives who annoy us, who make us upset, who get on our nerves. It could be a coworker, a neighbor, a sibling, a sibling-in-law,…
Yaakov Invokes Heavenly Blessings for His Grandchildren From “The Angel Who Redeemed Him” “And he blessed Yosef and said ‘the L-rd before whom my fathers walked, the L-rd who has…
Earlier this month, the Congressional hearings chaired by Virginia Foxx (RNC) brought to light long-held suspicions about the loathsome ideologies encouraged, nurtured, and broadcast in the corridors of higher learning….
We read in Parashat Vayigash of Yaakob Avinu’s move to Egypt, where he was reunited with his beloved son, Yosef, whom he had not seen in twenty years, and whom…
Twenty-two years passed since Yosef had last seen his family. Hard years. Years of slavery. Years of imprisonment. Yosef is now ready to reveal himself to his brothers. Through his…
Transformation of a Brother Yosef could not contain his tears, nor can we, when we read each year the story of how after a feud and separation that endured for…
The Beis Yosef asks a well-known question to which hundreds of answers have been suggested. If a flask of oil was found that had enough for one night and it…
In recent months, we have witnessed a clear division in the world into two opposing sides: those who harbor intense hatred and disdain for the Jewish nation and those who…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you for your weekly column in the Jewish Vues, I enjoy reading it with my family. I’d like your help on a problem that I’m…
ASARA B’TEVES IS THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for…
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds Yukon gold baby potatoes sliced in half or quarters 1/4 cup melted butter 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese. Garlic, salt, and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Preheat your…
Laws about gun control serve as perpetual fuel for political debates. However, everyone agrees that some people should carry guns in some circumstances. Whether police officers or soldiers, on duty…
The Torah in Parashat Vayigash tells the dramatic story of Yosef’s revealing his identity to his brothers. When he decided to finally tell them who he was, he announced to…
Yaakov Listens To His Messages: The Wagons Indicate Yosef Is Still Alive The pasuk [verse] in this week’s parsha reads “And they told him (Yaakov) that Yosef was still alive…
The Maharal, zt”l, zy”a, in his Chidushei Aggados on Shas, asks the following question. When we say the primary Chanukah prayer of Al HaNissim, the focus is on the miracle…
One can do several things to banish sinas chinam and attain ahavas chinam. There are tactics for increasing shalom among people. One approach is to judge your fellow man favorably…
Kashrus and The War- Has there been any interesting questions that have come up from a kashrus perspective related to the war? Although this is not directly related to kashrus,…
In 1977, after serving in the opposition for many years, Menachem Begin won the election that would make him Prime Minister. Soon after, Begin was in the process of assembling…
Doug Emhoff, the Jewish husband of Vice President Kamala Harris and commonly referred to as the Second Gentleman, expressed concern on Thursday, the first night of Hanukkah, about the rising…
Dear Rabbi and Shira I’m engaged to a great young woman. We connect well, have similar life goals, and are excited to get married and spend the rest of our…
Chanukah lights are kindled in most shuls. This has also expanded to public Chanukah lightings in many cities throughout the world. There is also a large Chanukah lighting in the…
How does a soldier light Chanukah candles? There is an important rabbinic commandment to light Chanukah candles (really, flames) for all eight nights of Chanukah. Normally, we light in our…
Parashat Miketz tells the miraculous story of Yosef’s rise to power in Egypt. After having been falsely accused of assaulting his master’s wife, and sitting in jail for twelve years,…
Help Wanted: Ish Navon V’Chachom — Bureaucrats Need Not Apply Our Parsha begins with the story of Pharoah’s dream. Yosef interpreted that the seven thin cows swallowing up the seven…
CAULIFLOWER CHEDDAR LATKES INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. Cauliflower, chopped and steamed 1 russet potato, peeled and grated 1 small onion, diced 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. black pepper…
The Maharal, zt”l, zy”a, questions a seeming contradiction between two Gemoras in Masechtas Shabbos. First, the Gemora states that the time of the mitzvah of lighting the menorah, is from…
Yosef told Pharoah (41:25) “What Hashem is doing, He has told Pharaoh.” Reb Moshe Minder zt’l (Toras Avos) explains that Yosef told Pharaoh that everything that occurs in the world,…
What bracha do you make on donuts? There is a custom, a minhag, that many people have to eat donuts, sufganiyot, on Chanukah. Somehow, the donuts keep on expanding. They…
We read in Parashat Vayeshev of the hatred that Yosef’s brothers felt toward him. The background to their hatred is the special love shown to Yosef by their father, Yaakob,…
“V’lo zochar sar hamashkim es Yosef, va’yishkocheihu, And the chief wine butler didn’t remember Yosef, and he forgot him” (Bereishis 40:23) The closing words of last week’s parsha, Vayeishev. Words…
The Judah-Tamar Drama It is a fascinating story: Judah has three sons, Er, Onan and Shalah. His oldest son, Er, married a woman named Tamar, but died prematurely, without children….
Please tell everyone a little bit about yourself: Your age, your family, your job etc. I’m 61 years old. I live in West Hempstead and daven at Congregation Eitz Chaim…
Fill in the blank: Galus will end when _________________ When all Yidden love each other and they are B’Agudah Achas that’s what the Midrash Tanchuma tells us What is your…
As we all know, we use olive oil to light the Chanukah menorah. Recently, olive oil has become very popular for its health benefits. Olive oil has many other uses…
I. Davening for a Soldier We daven for a time when there will be no more war. We also daven that until that time arrives, our soldiers return from the…
Parashat Vayeshev tells the story of Yosef, who was sold as a slave by his brothers, and brought down to Egypt. He became the slave of an Egyptian nobleman named…
G-d Measures Out Punishment — Exactly The Torah tells us that when Yosef’s brothers were about to sell him, they lifted their eyes and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites carrying…
At this time of the year, when walking in the mall or other shopping areas, it is common to hear the jingle, “Tis the season to be jolly, Tra-la-la la-la,…
The Kav HaYashar (96) writes, “Every candle that is lit for a mitzvah is extremely holy. If we had ruach hakadosh, we would perceive the future when we light those…
INGREDIENTS: FOR THE GLAZE: 1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar 3 1/2 tablespoons whole milk or soy milk to keep pareve 2 teaspoons vanilla extract FOR THE DOUGHNUT HOLES: 5 cups…
Can a person who is invited on Chanukah to a wedding eat at the wedding before they light candles in their house? The right thing to do is light candles…
After vanquishing the Greeks from Yerushalayim, the Hashmonaim set out to cleanse the Bet Ha’mikdash, which had been defiled by the Greeks, and they dedicated the Bet Ha’mikdash anew. As…
Who doesn’t love Chanukah? Family gathering around the menorah, basking in its light, singing together the age-old melodies of Haneiros Hallalu and Ma-oz Tzur. Soon after, it’s time to take…
Why the Obsession with Israel? I do not see a way of r a t i o n a l l y explaining the obsessive hatred to Israel and Jews…
I vividly remember playing football as a child and getting hit (accidentally) in the solar plexus. Gasping for air, it felt like I would never catch my breath or breathe…
It is Chanukah, Baruch Hashem, and the theme of the holiday is consistently referenced in the blessings and prayers. Let’s analyze some of the themes highlighted during this special holiday…
I’m engaged to wonderful woman, who shares the same values as I do, is caring, kind, and sensitive. We had a great vort, but as we begin talking about the…
In this week’s parsha we read about the reunion of Eisav and Yaakov after many years of separation. Eisav, responded to the generous gifts that Yaakov sent to him, by…
In the fourteenth blessing of the Shemone Esrei, we focus on the city of Yerushalayim. We must know as Jews that the most beautiful and important city in the world…
The Chayei Adam (siman 67) writes, “Honoring parents is a mitzvah from the Torah, and it is from among the most stringent obligations. A person must honor his father and…
When is the optimal time to light Chanukah candles? The Talmud (Shabbos 21a) relates that Chanukah candles should be lit when the sun disappears from view, and should remain lit…
We read in Parashat Vayishlah the famous story of Yaakob’s wrestle with an angel, whom our Sages identify as “Saro Shel Esav” – Esav’s angel that was sent from the…
“We stand with Israel” has become popular phrase seen on posters at solidarity rallies, spotted on store windows, and placed on front lawns. I would like to add to it……
FRIED COOKIE DOUGH BALLS INGREDIENTS: For the Cookie Dough • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature •…
The Final Moments It is not unusual for a husband and wife to have an argument. But all would agree that for everything, including a dispute, there is a proper…
For the last month and a half, nobody I know has slept through the night. Certainly, those in Israel, especially those married to soldiers, and those who are parents or…
The Mufti, Haj Amin ימח שמו Husseini-al וזכרו, was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Islamic leader who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II and vehemently opposed the establishment…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. My chasan who is generally responsive and attentive has become very distracted now that football season has started. He spends…
On Chanukah, we insert Al Hanissim into our davening and bentching. It is very practical for us to discuss all the halachos that apply to this. Some questions we will…
I. Shabbos Clothes We greet Shabbos and spend the entire day clean and proper, dressed in fine clothes. Do we also need to wear fine shoes that we have designated…
Chanukkah is one of two holidays that the Rabbis instituted to celebrate great miracles that happened to our nation, the other, of course, being Purim. Several differences exist between the…
Q: Is Turkey Kosher? – I have heard that there are some Jews who do not consider turkey kosher. Can you tell me the reason for this? As far as…
The opening verse of Parashat Vayeseh tells, “Va’yeseh Yaakob Mi’Be’er Sheba Va’yelech Harana” – “Yakaob left from Be’er Sheba, and he went to Haran.” Rashi notes that the first half…
Vayeitzei… And he left. This week’s parsha, Vayeitzei, opens with Yaakov Avinu on the run, fleeing the wrath of his brother Eisav. “Vayifga bamakom, And he (Yaakov) arrived to the…
This is the time for courage, resolve, and to embrace your Jewish identity. The Jewish world is on fire. The bloodbath orchestrated by Hamas and Iran on Saturday, October 7,…
According to a new Reuters poll, a majority of Americans now back a ceasefire in the war Israel is fighting again Hamas. Disturbingly, nearly 70 percent of Americans said the…
If you had your first child, and that child is the first of the holy Shvatim who are the building blocks of Klal Israel, what would you name him? Considering…
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds of colorful cherry tomatoes 1 dozen chopped Kalamata olives 2 tablespoons capers 2 pounds of trimmed green beans DIRECTIIONS: Green beans are such a fantastic vegetable. Anyway…
One can look at many shuls during Krias Hatorah and people can be speaking, looking in a sefer etc. One of the biggest times where talking takes place in shul…
I. Aliyah in Response to Crisis We learn from Ya’akov that the common response to danger, to plead with G-d, is proper. People promise to become better if they or…
Rashi brings a very famous Midrash in his commentary to Parashat Vayetzeh, about Yaakov’s experiences when he ran away from the Land of Israel. The Torah says that when the…
The first Rashi in the parsha notes that the pasuk [verse] beginning “And Yaakov departed” appears to be a little out of place. At the end of Parshas Toldos, the…
The bracha of Al HaTzadikim, where we pray for the welfare of the righteous ones, is the thirteenth blessing of the Shemone Esrei. Perhaps this is because thirteen is the…
Chazal (Pirkei Avos 3:16) say, “A trap is spread out before all people.” The Baal Shem Tov zt’l explains that the trap is the pursuit of parnassah. The Maor Einayim…
Free Plowing Back in the ‘40s, a Jewish guy was arrested for smuggling guns into Israel, then known as Palestine. He was taken into one of the British prisons. While…
As twins, Jack and Oskar shared the same DNA, the same nature, and yet, they emerged radically different people. Born in Trinidad in 1933, they were six months old when…
In this article, we will address the intriguing question of how two children—Yitzchak and Ishmael—both born to the same father, Avraham, manifested as polar opposites: one embodying the epitome of…
Hi Rabbi and Shira, My wife is constantly late to literally everything in her life. She’s had trouble holding employment due to her tardiness. I’m so sick of being late…
Much has been dis- cussed over the years regarding Thanksgiv- ing dinner. We will discuss whether such a party is allowed, and if turkey may be served. The underlying point…
Religious Jews violate Shabbos in response to even a life threatening situation. Religious soldiers fight war 24/7 in order to protect lives. This is widely understood nowadays. But was it…
SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE INGREDIENTS: Topping: 1 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup flour 1 cup chopped nuts (pecans preferred) – you can omit if there are nut allergies 1/2 cup margarine…
In the beginning of Parashat Toldot, the Torah tells us that Yitzhak married Rivka, “the daughter of Betuel…from Padan Aram, the brother of Lavan.” Rashi points out that we already…
This week’s parsha contains the story of Yakov and Eisav, the two brothers who went their different ways. Yakov was righteous and Eisav was wicked. The Rabbis teach that although…
As the scary, tumultuous events of the Israel- Hamas conflict unfold daily, we see before our eyes the fulfillment of many Biblical and Midrashic forecasts. About Yishmael, the Torah tells…
When we teach emunah, we receive Hashem’s brachos. Avraham Avinu would teach emunah when he performed hachnasas orchim. He would tell his guests, “Do you think you ate my food?…
Dairy Equipment and Yoshon Categories Offered in Response to Community Requests Of the hundreds of weekly queries OU (Orthodox Union) Kosher fields from consumers via its Kosher Hotline and Webbe…
The Torah tells in Parashat Toledot that Yishak Abinu had special love for Esav because “Sayid Be’fiv” (25:28). Rashi gives two explanations for this phrase: 1) Esav would hunt animals…
The weeks pass, the war continues. The hostages – men, women, children, babies – still have not come home. Our hearts ache just thinking of them in the Gehinnom of…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I hope you can answer this question for me. My boyfriend and I are really struggling with this issue and we can’t seem to get…
The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made…
A few weeks ago, we discussed the debate between Rav Shaul Yisraeli and Rav Shlomo Goren regarding the siege of Beirut. As mentioned, on August 6th, 1982, then Chief Rabbi…
One of the most famous passages in Rashi’s commentary to the Humash is found in the beginning of Parashat Hayeh-Sarah. The Torah tells us that Sarah Imenu lived 127 years,…
Sarah is the only one of our Matriarchs whose age at the time of her passing is documented in the Torah. We are explicitly told the age of each Patriarch…
There are many fascinating secrets hidden in Biblical Names and here are two intriguing examples from this week’s parsha Chayei Sorah. The Torah tells us about Efron HaChiti. Here was…
Chazal tell us, “Who is wealthy? He who is satisfied with his lot.” That is true wealth. As we wrote, “Hashem blessed Avraham with everything.” The Midrash states that “everything”…
INGREDIENTS: 2 lbs pargiot diced salt, pepper, onion, garlic and paprika Olive Oil 1 cup orzo 2 cups chicken broth juice of one lemon 5 ounces spinach DIRECTIONS: 2 lbs…
The Food and Drug Administration has cleared lab-grown meat, created from cultured animal cells, for human consumption. What is the OU’s take on this? Is it kosher? It’s still being…
Parashat Haye-Sara tells the story of Avraham’s search for a burial plot for his wife, Sara. We read that Avraham purchased the site of Me’arat Ha’machpela in Hevron from a…
While this week’s parsha, Chayei Sara, tells us of the death of Sara Imeinu, it opens with the words “Chayei Sara, the life of Sara”. Why the “life of” when…
Touched to the Core The Jewish world is on fire. The bloodbath orchestrated by Hamas and Iran on Shabbos Simchat Torah (October 7, 2023) in Southern Israel has woken up…
In the early 20th century, universities in America, including elite Ivy league schools, imposed a Jewish quota, denying many qualified and worthy applicants’ entry, simply because they were Jewish. For…
Playing the victim, also known as utilizing the victim card, encompasses the act of fabricating or intensifying feelings of victimhood for various purposes. These reasons can include making their actions…
Sheya Mendlowitz, a music producer whose work heavily influenced the landscape of Jewish music for four decades, was niftar this past Friday, 12 Cheshvan, 5784. He was 61 years old….
The career of Sheya Mendlowitz is one of great magnitude. His name is prominently displayed on hundreds of stereophonic systems, tapes, cassettes, and compact discs. He was the first to…
Parashat Vayera begins with Avraham Avinu sitting outside his tent during the heat of the day, looking out for guests. Avraham at this time was reeling from his berit milah,…
At the start of this week’s parsha, the Almighty appears to Avraham, who was sitting at the doorway of his tent “in the heat of the day” [Bereishis 18:1]. Rashi…
In the 6th perek of Pirkei Avos, we are taught that there are 48 acquisitions that one needs to practice to truly acquire the Torah. The Tiferes Yisroel adds another…
The Be’er Mayim Chaim (Noach) discusses how s u p e r n a t u r a l miracles happened to Avraham, but not to Noach. Avraham threw the…
Does one need to tovel electric appliances? There are many different appliances; there is no one rule. For example, an urn should be toiveled. Obviously, after you toivel an urn,…
We read in Parashat Vayera about the final of the ten tests that Avraham confronted and withstood – the test of Akedat Yishak, when G-d commanded him to sacrifice his…
Am Yisroel is now entering week 4 of a most difficult war. Week 4 of much pain and heartache, of many tears being shed; for lives lost, for the injured…
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds of colorful cherry tomatoes 1 dozen chopped Kalamata olives 2 tablespoons capers 2 pounds of trimmed green beans DIRECTIONS: Green beans are such a fantastic vegetable. Anyway…
Hospitality The opening of this week’s parsha, Vayeira, relates the tale of Avraham sitting during a hot day at the entrance of his tent and observing three men standing nearby….
While the primary horrors and atrocities in Israel occurred on October 7, the fallout and aftershocks are continuing every single day. Despite Hamas literally videoing, promoting, and memorialize their brutal…
During wartime, individuals often experience fear, stress, and anxiety due to the constant threat to their safety and well-being. Fear arises from the immediate danger of combat and potential harm,…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, thanks for your column. I had the following question. I heard that Rabbi Lebowitz had advised people not to go out to restaurants during the…
The tefillah of Aleinu is said daily after each tefilla, as well as during the Yomim Noraim. During the week one can see many people leave shul before reciting this…
I. Danger in Yeshiva? It is now common for many American yeshiva students to spend a “gap year” in Israel after high school. This year usually fosters religious growth through…
Avraham Avinu was born into a chaotic world. It seemed like no One was in charge ch”v. The world appeared to Avraham like an abandoned house that caught fire, that…
Do you ever have it where two people can be eating the same food, but need to make different brachos? There are many examples. I’ll give you an example in…
When G-d first spoke to Avraham and commanded him to leave his homeland and move to what would become known as the Land of Israel, He made several promises, including,…
It was June 1967. The Six-Day War was raging in Eretz Yisroel. My uncle, HaRav Amram Jungreis z”l, was the rav of a small town on the outskirts of Tel…
Israel is, thank G-d, a strong country, with an exceptional military that combines courage, skills and profound moral standards. Israel will fight back until Hamas accept a cease-fire, at least…
Most of us have become accustomed to using WhatsApp to communicate and in some cases manage our family, social, and professional lives. Indeed, WhatsApp is used to send more than…
In our parasha (Lech Lecha) of Brit Ben Habetarim, Hashem promises Havraham Avinu the Land of Israel and delineates the northern and southern borders. The pasuk reads: “On that day,…
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup warm water 11⁄2 Tbsp yeast 1⁄2 cup sugar 1⁄4 cup oil 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 4 cups bread flour 1⁄2 Tbsp salt DIRECTIONS: Place the warm…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I got married to Yehuda earlier this year. He is sensitive, attentive and is Kovea itim to learn daily. We are happy, but as all couples…
Looking around the shul during chazaras hashatz, we can see people learning Torah or simply not paying attention. Sometimes we have no idea where the shaliach tzibbur is up to….
When we pray, we talk to the King of kings. In that spirit, we should dress as if we are meeting a king (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 91:5). Most…
The Torah in Parashat Lech-Lecha tells of Hashem’s famous command to Avraham Avinu,Lech Lecha – to go forth, to leave behind his home and travel to the Land of Israel….
There’s No Place Like Away From Home to Learn How to be a Good Host The very first Rashi in our parsha [Bereishis 12:1] interprets the words “Go for yourself”…
A hint to the upcoming geula, redemption has been making the rounds in virtual media. We know that when Moshe Rabbeinu came back from Midian to Mitzrayim, he uttered the…
Eis tzarah hee l’Yaakov, It is a time of deep pain and tragedy for Klal Yisroel. We are all walking around with aching hearts. We are one nation, one people,…
Q: Rabbi YY Jacobson, some of my friends protested this week, blaming Israel for the atrocities of Hamas. Can you answer some of the questions posed? A: Absolutely. I wish…
Dear fellow Jews who don’t yet live in Israel, We are living in extraordinary times, days in which atrocities about which we pledged “Never Again” have happened, with dozens of…
There are a few passages in the Torah and other sources that deal with prophecies regarding the time of Mashiach’s arrival. Never before in history have these prophecies appeared so…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I have been dating a guy for 2 months now. We really get along well, but I am curious to meet his family. I feel like…
It is unfortunate that cell phones have made their way into our shuls. Yet cell phone usage is not only an issue during davening. Throughout the day, we can’t go…
Anyone who owns a gun needs to understand proper gun training, safety and usage in order to avoid tragedy. These issues are crucial but not our topic. Here I am…
Hashem had an infinite number of ways in which to rescue Noach and his family from the flood. For example, according to tradition, the flood did not affect the Land…
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups (10 ounces) all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup…
INGREDIENTS: Poppyseed Dressing 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 1 garlic clove 1 1/2 tablespoons poppyseeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons light mayo 1/3…
G-d told Noach “And from every clean animal take unto you (tikach lach)…” [Bereishis 7:2]. Just a few pasukim later we read: “Two by two they came to Noach (ba-u…
Since we heard the horrifying news at the close of Simchas Torah (some heard from gentile workers even on Simchas Torah), Klal Yisroel has been walking around in a daze…
It states (8:11), V’hinei Aleh Zayis Teref B’Piah, “The dove had an olive branch in its beak.” Rashi says that Teref has two translations. It means either snatched or food….
May I use a warming drawer on Shabbos? Warming drawers on Shabbos is indeed a serious issue. There are a number of things to consider. First of all, you have…
The opening verse of Parashat Noah tells us, “Et Ha’Elokim Hit’halech Noah” – that Noah “walked with G-d.” The Seforno (Rav Ovadia Seforno, Italy,1474-1550) explains this to mean that Noah…
When we witness a profoundly distressing event, such as the one we have just experienced in Israel, it is natural to have mixed emotions. On one hand, we feel deep…
In shul many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis…
Can it be? It’s happening again… only worse. I remember Yom Kippur, fifty years ago. We were in shul, when we heard the devastating news. War in Eretz Yisroel. A…
We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together. When the Jews of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were liberated on…
Israel is currently laying siege on the Gaza strip in order to prevent terrorists from leaving, particularly with Israeli hostages. Is a full siege on Gaza halachically permissible? In the…
Sherry Casks: Can you please explain? Sherry is a type of wine. Wine is a very sensitive ingredient when it comes to Kashrus. There are some scotches, particularly single malt…
We read in Parashat Bereshit the famous story of Adam and Havah’s sin in Gan Eden. Hashem had commanded Adam and Havah not to eat the fruit of a particular…
INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have…
The “Ki Tov” (That It Was Good) of Monday Was Delayed Until Tuesday The third day of Creation [Bereishis 1:9-13] is the only day in which the expression “G-d saw…
Chumash Bereishis is also known as Sefer HaYashar – the Book of the Upright. This is because one of the primary aims of studying it is to learn from the…
“I do not expect from you to refrain from sin because of a lack of interest in sin; I want you to abstain from sin because of a lack of…
Dear Rabbi and Shira, In high school we were told that when we start dating, never to talk to friends about it for multiple reasons such as it can cause…
Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin taught: Everything in the Torah is contained in chumash Bereishis. [The average person will not recognize it, but concealed in the words of chumash Bereishis are…
Whenever an author or artist completes his work, he makes a point of appending his signature to the work. Somewhere on the title page of a book or a corner…
Is a canvas sukkah kosher if the walls move in the wind? Sukkah walls that move in a regular wind are not valid walls. There are different opinions as to…
A woman in her seventies had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. She had the opportunity…
A renowned Rabbi once did a favor for the Gerrer Rebbe, the Lev Simcha, which the Rebbe remembered for many years. Each year, on Erev Rosh Hashana, the Rebbe would…
The Torah commands us to reside in Sukkot during this holiday in order to remember “that I had Beneh Yisrael reside in Sukkot when I took them from Egypt.” The…
The subject of whether one should sit in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeres has been the topic of debate and discussion since time immemorial. There are many who have the…
The Yom Tov of Succos is upon us. All over the globe, Klal Yisroel sits under the schach and reflects back to over 3000 years ago when Hashem protected us…
Chol Hamoed Sukkot is a cherished family time, often prompting people to plan trips and outings since children are off school, and parents are off work. However, a common question…
Our time in this world is limited. We strive to do all the good we can and avoid doing wrong. When we sometimes misstep, we try to do teshuvah and…
The Gemara tells us that after one’s demise, he will be asked, “Did you wait for the salvation (for Moshiach)?” The Imrei Emes of Gur zt’l said that the question…
Dear Rabbi & Shira I’m a Baalas Teshuva struggling to find “the one.” Many people won’t date me because of my family background. The ones that do date me, I…
Dear Shira and Rabbi, When I graduated high school I said to myself and my parents that I did not want to date right away. I wanted to wait until…
ONION SOUP DIRECTIONS: This onion soup is so easy to make and delicious to eat in the Sukkah. Slice six large Vidalia sweet onions and add them to your soup…
USHPIZIN – Aramaic for guests. Seven nights of Succos. Seven exalted, spiritual guests. We welcome the holy neshamaos of the raya mehemna, the faithful shepherds, leaders of our people, to…
In our Yom Tov prayer text, Sukkot is called “our festival of joy.” The primary theme of Sukkot is joy. What exactly is the connection between Sukkot and joy? A…
The Torah reading on Simchas Torah contains the well known pasuk [verse]: “The Torah was commanded to us by Moshe, a Morasha [inheritance] to the Congregation of Yaakov.” [Devarim 33:4]…