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    During the Nine Days, we practice habits of mourning over the destruction of our two Batei Mikdashos, our two Temples, and the millions of Jewish lives that were lost in the wake of their ruin. The Gemora teaches us...

    The two Batei Mikdash were destroyed because of aveiros, but the aveiros of these two eras weren’t the same. The primary aveiros of the first Beis HaMikdash were avodah zarah, giluy arayos, and shefichus damim. The second Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because...

    We chase opportunities most of the time; sometimes, though, they follow us. This is the story of how Boots for Israel began as an idea that birthed an initiative that...

    Last week, we cited the fundamental Rashi, that the way for a man to treat his wife like a husband should, is legad’lah u’lechavevah, to make her feel important and wanted. Making her important is one of the commitments...

    I still remember vividly one of the strangest ads I have ever seen. When I was much younger, a restaurant in my neighborhood was promoting its special menu for the Nine Days, including fish specials, tofu dishes, and veggie...

    In parshas Matos, members of the tribes of Gad and Reuven, approach Moshe, Elazar the Kohen, and the princes of the nation with a request. Both tribes had large herds of livestock. They were passing...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I was dating a guy for 3 months, and I fell hard for him. We had common goals, and enjoyed speaking about all things pre-law. We spoke night...

    The Gemara (Shabbos 9:) says that one must daven minchah before sitting down to eat a meal. (Details of this halachah are discussed in Shulchan Aruch 232:2). Nevertheless, if he began the meal, Chazal say, he may continue eating, and daven afterwards....