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    When you ask a rabbi a question, you are committing yourself to following his answer. But what if you didn’t ask? Do you still have to follow his ruling? Put...

    Can one use a BBQ grill for both milchig and fleishig by changing the grate? Changing the grate would be inadequate. The bottom of the grill also becomes fleishig and so...

    In this week’s parshah, we are introduced to the Meraglim, the scouts chosen to explore Eretz Yisroel prior to the Jewish nation settling there. In response to the people’s request to...

    The Torah lists the names of the twelve meraglim. The Ramban (13:4) seeks to understand the order that they are listed. He writes, "They are not listed according to their flags… and not in the order they were born....

    INGREDIENTS: 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 4 stalks celery, chopped 1 large red bell pepper, diced 1/2 red onion, diced 1 (8.75 ounce) can sweet corn, drained 1/4 cup barbeque sauce 2 tablespoons fat-free mayonnaise   This is a great way...

    Every Shabbos we read a haftorah dealing with inyono d'yoma. Once in a while the inyono d'yoma happens to be that there is a chosson in shul or that today is erev Rosh Chodesh. But usually we consider the...