I. Who May Duchen? The Torah commands kohanim, male descendants of the priestly families, to bless other Jews while raising their hands and reciting a specific formula, i.e. to duchen, to...
I. Who May Duchen? The Torah commands kohanim, male descendants of the priestly families, to bless other Jews while raising their hands and reciting a specific formula, i.e. to duchen, to...
At a black-tie affair, all the guests are wearing tuxedos or expensive gowns. They all look pretty much the same. But there are two groups of people at this affair. One...
The central theme of the joyous festival of Sukkos is the Clouds of Glory, the Ananei HaKovod, which the sukkah itself comes to commemorate. For forty years during their sojourn...
The subject of whether one should sit in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeres has been the topic of debate and discussion since time immemorial. There are many who have the...
Is a canvas sukkah kosher if the walls move in the wind? Sukkah walls that move in a regular wind are not valid walls. There are different opinions as to what...
The Haftara for Parashat H a ’ a z i n u (which is also read as the Haftara on the seventh day of Pesach) is the song written and sung by King David, which appears in the...
It’s Succos time. Time to get a lulav and essrog. Time to take the succah walls out of storage. Time to hang up the decorations, some old, some new. Time...
Forgiveness Should Not Create Fear. During the ten days from R o s h Hashanah through Yom Kippur, known as the “Ten days of Teshuvah,” we recite each morning one of the most beautiful and moving chapters of Psalms, ch. 130....
A woman in her seventies had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. She had the opportunity...