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    I. Whom to Honor Is a child obligated to honor a parent who leaves Torah observance? We are speaking here of the child’s obligation and what is best for the child,...

    There are many lessons to draw from the Olympics currently taking place in Tokyo. The tenacity, resolve, grit, discipline, drive, and sense of teamwork of each athlete, is simply inspiring...

    No Worries In this week’s parashah it states “Hashem will remove from you all illnesses and all diseases of Mitzrayim…” (7:15). Notice that the passuk discusses two types of sicknesses:...

    In Devarim 10:12 the posuk tells us, “Now, what (ma) does Hashem want from you? Just to have yiras shomayim.” The Gemara Menachos 43a learns from this pokuk that we...

    The recent decision to discontinue selling Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in selected areas of Israel has roused the Jewish world, supporters of Israel, and opponents of economic boycotting. Fortunately,...