I. Whom to Honor Is a child obligated to honor a parent who leaves Torah observance? We are speaking here of the child’s obligation and what is best for the child,...
I. Whom to Honor Is a child obligated to honor a parent who leaves Torah observance? We are speaking here of the child’s obligation and what is best for the child,...
The posuk in Mishlei states, “K’kesef l’matzreif vk’cur l’zahav, ish k’fi mehalalo – Like silver in the refinery and gold in the crucible, so is a man according to his...
“The world breaks everyone, and afterwards some are stronger in the broken places.” -- Ernest Hemingway Broken The simple reading of the story (recorded twice in Torah, in Exodus, in this...
There are many lessons to draw from the Olympics currently taking place in Tokyo. The tenacity, resolve, grit, discipline, drive, and sense of teamwork of each athlete, is simply inspiring...
Parashat Ekeb features the section known as “Ve’haya Im Shamoa” – the second paragraph of the Shema text which we recite each morning and evening. The first paragraph – “Shema...
Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman tells that he once needed to drive from Lakewood to Monsey, and there was a group of yeshiva students who needed a ride, so he took them...
Four times a year we read in the Torah about ma’amad har Sinai: on Shabbos when we lein the parshas of Yisro, V’eschanan, and Eikev, and on Shavuos. According to...
The recent decision to discontinue selling Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in selected areas of Israel has roused the Jewish world, supporters of Israel, and opponents of economic boycotting. Fortunately,...