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    After all the chagim its time to watch what we are eating and get back on track.    Try this delicious rainbow salad with orange vinaigrette for Parshas Noach. Add some grilled...

    We are informed that Hashem created the world for kindness, as it says “Olam chesed Yiboneh.” Avraham Avinu arrived at the conclusion when he meditated over the purpose of the...

    In Sefer Yehoshua, Perek Alef, posuk yud ches, the posuk teaches us that anyone who will not listen to Yehoshua and rebel against the king should die. The Gemara in Sanhedrin, daf mem tes, amud alef learns from this posuk that one...

    Who wrote Koheles, the biblical book of Ecclesiastes? The traditional answer to the question of Koheles’ authorship is Shlomo Ha-Melekh, King Solomon, who according to tradition wrote Shir Ha-Shirim, Koheles...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 lb lean ground beef 1 onion , diced 2 cloves garlic , minced 2 medium potatoes , peeled and diced 3 1/2 cups beef broth 1 can (28 oz) diced tomatoes with juice 1 8...

    In the Succos liturgy, we say “Bal tehei mitzvas succah kala b’einecha ki k’neged kol mitzvoseha das chukoseha shkula – Let not the mitzvah of succah be light in your...

    In Devarim, Perek Lamed Bais, posuk gimmel, the posuk teaches us that when we call out Hashem’s name we must bring greatness to Hashem. We learn from this halacha that one must recite Birchas HaTorah before he learns. There is a...

    We live in times of plenty, in a where the basic standard of living would have been considered a mere few decades ago to be a life of wealth and...