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    One of the many important national conversations taking place these days involves recognition and awareness of privilege. To some people, privilege is a negative thing and something to be ashamed...

    The Torah in Parashat Balak tells the famous story of Bilam’s failed attempts to place a curse on Beneh Yis- rael. Bilam, a non-Jewish prophet, was summoned by Balak, the...

    Turn to Hashem Hashem wants us to always be turn- ing to Him for our needs. The Gema- ra (Yoma 76.) states: Students once asked Reb Shimon ben Yochai: “Why didn’t the...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m dating a really great girl. We started right before Covid- 19 and Baruch Hashem have continued to date despite the challenges that social distancing presented. Things...

    INGREDIENTS: •1 lb chicken breasts (2 medium) •1/2 tsp garlic salt or to taste •1/8 tsp black pepper or to taste •2 tsp olive oil 6 cups romaine lettuce •1/2 cup cherry tomatoes halved •1/2 english cucumber...

    “They Fell on their Faces” It states in this week’s parasha (16:20-21), Hashem said to Moshe and Aharon”, Separate yourselves from this assembly, and I will destroy them in a moment.’” Moshe...

    The posuk in Bamidbar 17:31 says, “As soon as Moshe finished talking to them, the ground opened up and swallowed them.” The kashya is, why didn’t Moshe daven that Korach...

    I’m hosting a picnic and some people prefer fish to meat. Can I grill both of them together? The Gemara (Pesachim 76b) teaches that one may not cook fish and meat...