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    As we engage in the seasonal mitzvah of counting the sefira, and observe the national period of mourning for the tragic deaths of the 24,000 disciples of Rabbi Akiva, we...

    Parashat Shemini tells of the events on the eighth and final day of the Mishkan’s inauguration. For seven days, special sacrifices were offered, and Aharon and his sons – the...

    The Gemorah (Moed Koton 14B) understands from the pesukim in parshas Shmini that the kohein gadol does not observe aveilus over the death of a relative. (See Sefer Ginat Egoz,...

    There’s a limit how much spirituality a man can endure, as it states, “Man cannot see Me and live” (Shemos 33:20). Nadav and Avihu surpassed that limit and their neshamos...

    The period between Pesach and Shavuos contains a mourning period–different days depending on one’s custom–during which certain joyous behaviors are forbidden (commonly called Sefirah because this period also includes the...

    In Vayikra 9:22 the posuk tells us that Aharon lifted his hands and bentched Klal Yisroel. The Gemara in Sotah 38a says that we learn from the word “Ko“ that...