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    Perhaps one of the hardest commandments to understand — let alone fulfill — is Lo Sachmod, not to be jealous. As Ibn Ezra asks (Shemos 20:14), how can the Torah command us not to feel an emotion that comes...

    Shabbos Nachamu is a perplexing time. Everyone is heaving a sigh of relief after the intensity of mourning, saying elaborate, tragic sequences of Kinos, and gritty fasting. Once again, we indulge in the merriment of music, meat and wine,...

    The Nine Days. Tisha B’Av. A time to remember the churban Beis HaMikdash, the devastation of Yerushalayim, the pain and persecution of our people. Tragically, that was not the last churban to befall our nation....

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you so much for your column. I enjoy reading it each week. I have been in the dating parsha for about a year now. My problem is...

    In this issue we will discuss the halachos nine days. During the nine days we are not allowed to do many more actions than those that are customarily not done from Shivah Asar B’Tammuz through during the time before Rosh Chodesh...

    I. Four Exemptions Soldiers in the field are often pressed for time and lack access to basic necessities like water. Of course, they have to eat to sustain their strength. Must a soldier wash his hands ritually before...