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    Many questions come up regarding hilchos mezuzah. For example, when one moves into a house, when is the correct time to affix a mezuzah? How high on the doorpost does the mezuzah have to be? Who is allowed to affix a...

    Emunah This week’s parashah discusses the aveirah of the egel, which was avodah zarah. Baruch Hashem, we are not tempted to worship avodah zarah anymore. Chazal (Yoma 69:) tell us that...

    I was once speaking with somebody suffering from an eating disorder. After hearing about the terrible condition that this patient was going through, I observed that this person had “a...

    We believe in fighting honorably in the rare, unfortunate case in which fighting is necessary. But does that mean that we have to be at a disadvantage? If our enemy...

    Please revisit hechsherim when visiting Eretz Yisrael. What is the equivalent to the OU when visiting Eretz Yisrael? I really don’t like to answer that question because I don’t like to...

    INGREDIENTS: 1.5 – 2lbs ground beef/lamb (you can mix or do either or) 1 cup parsley finely chopped 1 medium onion - finely chopped 1 tsp Baharat (Pereg and Lior brands make one available at most...

    Gambling is very widespread today. People go to casinos, and bet on horses and sporting events. They gamble at slot machines and play various card games. Until recently, gambling was not done...