21 May Life as a Wedding – The Finitite as a Portal to the Infinite
This Thursday, May 23rd, known in Hebrew as Lag B’omer, the thirty-third day of the omer, is the anniversary of the passing of one of the greatest sages and spiritual...
This Thursday, May 23rd, known in Hebrew as Lag B’omer, the thirty-third day of the omer, is the anniversary of the passing of one of the greatest sages and spiritual...
On some level of awareness we all know that our days are numbered. How to cope with that recognition is perhaps the greatest challenge of life. For some, acknowledging mortality is...
If a person has the opportunity to do the mitzvah of Kiddush Levana and the mitzvah of sefiras ha’omer, which mitzvah should he do first? The issue at hand is...
Parshat Behar effectively concludes the legal section of Vayikra- the sefer with the highest degree of halachik density. The entire book of Vayikra contains only two stories which interject in...
I. HAPPINESS ISN’T UNIVERSAL Many people feel that their lives are enriched by Judaism. Their rituals and holidays bring joy and meaning while deepening their marriage and family ties. The...
Name: Jeff McNeil Born: April 8, 1992 in Santa Barbara, California Nickname: Squirrel Drafted: by the New York Mets in the 12th round of the 2013 Major League Baseball Draft. 2019 Salary: $567,714 How do you like playing...
We love dessert, but I don’t always have the time to make something fancy or complicated. Using a Duncan Hines cakes mix and doctoring it up is the perfect solution. We still get a delicious home...
How is it possible for a mortal human being to cling to Hashem? The Rambam answers that by cleaving to talmidei chochomim, you are fulfilling this posuk. Why is that?...
In Parashat Emor the Torah presents one of the most important of the 613 Biblical commands – the prohibition against “Hillul Hashem,” defaming the Name of God: “You shall not...
Whether he was your server or not, at some point during your meal at Butcher Block in Boca Raton, Mark was likely to stop by your table to say hi,...