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    The Yom Tov of Succos is upon us. All over the globe, Klal Yisroel sits under the schach and reflects back to over 3000 years ago when Hashem protected us from hunger, certain dehydration, and the nighttime frost...

    The Gemara tells us that after one’s demise, he will be asked, “Did you wait for the salvation (for Moshiach)?” The Imrei Emes of Gur zt’l said that the question also means, “Did you wait for Hoshnah Rabbah,...

    Dear Rabbi & Shira I’m a Baalas Teshuva struggling to find “the one.” Many people won’t date me because of my family background. The ones that do date me, I find go...

    ONION SOUP DIRECTIONS:  This onion soup is so easy to make and delicious to eat in the Sukkah. Slice six large Vidalia sweet onions and add them to your soup pot with a...

    USHPIZIN – Aramaic for guests. Seven nights of Succos. Seven exalted, spiritual guests. We welcome the holy neshamaos of the raya mehemna, the faithful shepherds, leaders of our people, to our succahs. Avrohom, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef,...

    In our Yom Tov prayer text, Sukkot is called “our festival of joy.” The primary theme of Sukkot is joy. What exactly is the connection between Sukkot and joy? A number of weeks ago, we read in...