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    To our great sadness, the societal shutdown due to Coronavirus also closed yeshivos. The government rightly insisted that all schools cease in-class teaching. Schools transitioned to remote learning for abbreviated...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Ok, so I have never been someone to write on internet forums, the thought of communicating anonymously never really appealed to me. But I am desperate, unfortunately...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 cup uncooked tricolor quinoa 1 large mango 2 kiwis 1 can (15 ounces) mandarin oranges well drained 1 cup fresh blueberries DRESSING 1 large orange - 2 tablespoons juice and 1 teaspoon zest 1 large lemon...

    Our rabbis taught (Avos 3:18) “Chaviv Adom she’nivra b’tzelem, Beloved is man for he was created in G-d’s image.” R’ Yisroel Lipschitz (Tiferes Yisroel) comments, notice it doesn’t say beloved...

    We finally resumed minyanim at BRS this week, albeit outdoors. As I wrote about last week in anticipation, I indeed missed the sanctity of the sanctuary and the comfort of...