Dear Rabbi and Shira, I have been dating a guy for 2 months now. We really get along well, but I am curious to meet his family. I feel like meeting his...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I have been dating a guy for 2 months now. We really get along well, but I am curious to meet his family. I feel like meeting his...
Wine plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. It is used for Kiddush and Havdalah, on Purim, the four cups of wine at the Seder, and many other occasions. It must be used carefully, however, as intoxicating...
DIRECTIONS Sprinkle the chicken with brown sugar, garlic, salt, pepper, onion powder. Drizzle with honey and squeeze the juice of blood Oranges all over. Add some sliced oranges to the pan....
In Sefer Bereishis, HaShem gives Avraham a glimpse into the future. He is told of an exile that his progeny will experience. How they will be “ger – strangers in a land, v’avadum...
The parsha begins with G-d telling Moshe Rabbeinu [our teacher], “I am Hashem. I appeared to the patriarchs with the name Kel Shakai. However the name Hashem I did not make known to them” [Shemos 6:3]. The Medrash...
I. One Shul, Multiple Minyanim It is now common for some shuls to hold multiple minyanim at different times. The most active are open nearly 24 hours a day, holding morning services every half hour, alternating rooms so there...
Sometimes we take ourselves a little too seri- ously, and feel a little – or a lot – too proud of our- selves. A person’s wealth, good looks, so- cial standing, profession- al achievements, or even religious...
In the beginning of Para- shat Vaera we read of the famous “Arba Leshonot Ge’ula” – “four expres- sions of redemption.” Hash- em told Moshe to convey to Beneh Yisrael His promise to “take them”...
When my grandfather conducted a tisch, he would often repeat over and over again: “There is no hope for me – oth- er than teshuvah...
IN MOSES’ LIFE, THE WOMAN NEEDED TO LEAD Aunts & Nephews “Amram took Yocheved) his aunt as a wife, and she bore him Aaron and Moses.” This is the story recorded in this week’s Torah portion, Vaeira . Amram,...