While we are still holding on to the last days of summer, and snowy days are the furthest thing from our mind, this story has a message that is relevant...
While we are still holding on to the last days of summer, and snowy days are the furthest thing from our mind, this story has a message that is relevant...
Is there anything more that can be said about the baby formula shortage? It’s a very serious situation, especially for the frum community. As supply chain issues continue to take their...
“At the end of seven years, you shall institute a sabbatical year.” (15:1) Rabbi Mordechai Gifter related that during a shemittah (sabbatical) year, the Ponevezher Rav zt”l once walked over to a...
Our dreams intrigue us and sometimes haunt us. Often, they challenge us to try to understand their meaning. Granted, not all dreams contain a divine message. As we discussed earlier,...
The Torah in Parashat Re’eh discusses the importance of charity, commanding us to lend assistance to the poor: לא תאמץ†את†לבבך≠†ולא†תקפוץ†את≠†ידך†מאחיך האביון≠Ɔכי†פתח†תפתח≠†את†ידך†לו†ÆÆƆDo†not harden your heart and do not shut your hand†from†your†brother¨†the†pauperÆ Rather, you shall open your hand to him… A famous pasuk...
Bentching with a Knife on the Table The minhag is to cover knives that are on the table before bentching. There are two reasons given for this: 1. The seforim say that barzal is something which kills, and a...
Among the many topics discussed in Parashat Re’eh is the law of the "Mesit," one who tries to persuade his fellow Jews to abandon the faith and worship idols. The Torah foresees the situation where a person may...
In 2001, Indra Nooyi was named president of PepsiCo. Five years later, she would be promoted to CEO and, in 2007, she would become chairman of the company as well....
One of the big responsibilities of a successful caretaker is the proper nutrition. Often the disease or the treatments or both affect a person’s appetite. It is oh so important...
Reb Yohonoson Eibshitz (Yaaras Dash 1:1) writes, “In the brachah of Shema Koleinu [in Shemoneh Esrei] a person should…pray for all his needs; for the minor and for the major...