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    The opening verse of Parashat Noah tells us, “Et Ha’Elokim Hit’halech Noah” – that Noah “walked with G-d.” The Seforno (Rav Ovadia Seforno, Italy,1474-1550) explains this to mean that Noah dealt kindly with other people, and sought to...

    When we witness a profoundly distressing event, such as the one we have just experienced in Israel, it is natural to have mixed emotions. On one hand, we feel deep pain and concern for our brothers and sisters...

    In shul many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis at all. What is the reasoning behind covering...

    We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together. When the Jews of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were liberated on April 20th 1945, they sang Hatikvah. At the end...

    Israel is currently laying siege on the Gaza strip in order to prevent terrorists from leaving, particularly with Israeli hostages. Is a full siege on Gaza halachically permissible? In the summer of 1982, the Israeli army placed a siege...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have a memory of food from your youth? I have so many - including...

    The “Ki Tov” (That It Was Good) of Monday Was Delayed Until Tuesday The third day of Creation [Bereishis 1:9-13] is the only day in which the expression “G-d saw that it was good” is mentioned twice. This expression...