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    One of the great Biblical acts of valor was the zealous execution of the Nasi Zimri and the Midianite Princess Kozbi by the courageous tzaddik, Pinchas. Although the Torah rarely discusses rewards, Hashem informs us that Pinchas was granted a great...

    We find an interesting pasuk in the parashah of Akeidas Yitzchak (Bereishis 22:7). “Then Yitzchak spoke to Avraham his father and said ‘Father – ‘And he Avraham) said,’ Here I am, my son. And he (Yitzchak) said ‘Here are the fire and the...

    It is possible at some point in your life you might have wondered who would come to your funeral and how many people would show up. A Belgian man took his curiosity to find out the answers to...

    Sages tell us an astounding fact: that Bilaam had prophetic powers on par with Moshe Rabbeinu. The verse says, “There arose not in Israel another prophet equal to Moshe” [Devarim 34:10]. The Rabbis explain that there did not arise...

    I. AI as a Posek Everyone is talking about the implications of artificial intelligence (AI). While the current version of AI frequently gives laughably incorrect answers, it offers us a realistic idea of the possibility of a coherent technology...

    The beracha of shehechiyanu applies to many different areas such as Yom Tov, purchasing new items, performing mitzvahs and eating new fruits. This issue will focus on the beracha of shehechiyanu as it applies to new fruits and other daily applications. The...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 pounds ground beef 1 small onion, grated 3 tablespoons of your favorite bbq sauce 3/4 cup Jason seasoned breadcrumbs 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 6oz package of pastrami diced and sautéed in olive oil with 1...