Yaakov Avinu assem- bled his sons just before his death to give them each a blessing. When he addressed his first son, Reuven, Yaakov that not only is he not the...
Yaakov Avinu assem- bled his sons just before his death to give them each a blessing. When he addressed his first son, Reuven, Yaakov that not only is he not the...
Isidor Isaac Rabi was a Nobel laureate physicist recognized for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance, used the world over in MRI underestimatedjusthowmuchtheyhad already forgotten. Social psychologists call that the “illusion...
I. Gehinom in the Jewish Tradition Every once in a while, someone in the media will say that Jews do not believe in “Purgatory”. This is puzzling because the fire of Gehinom...
Toward the end of Parashat Vayehi, we read of Yosef’s broth- Several different interpretations have been offered for this verse – “Ha’tahat Elokim Anochi” (“Am I in Hashem’s place?”). One particularly...
In shul many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis...
At the beginning of the parsha, Yaakov asks Yosef to swear that he will bring him back to the Land of Moreover, the Gemara says in Kesuvos and other places that...
ת”ח During the years terrible massacres ות”ט befell the European Jewish communities. The Tosfos Yom Tov zt’l, who lived during this time, proclaimed that the massacres were a punishment from...
INGREDIENTS: 4 pears, peeled and diced 6 apples, peeled and diced 3/4 cup dried cranberries 1 teaspoon grated orange zest 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup flour 1...
The Torah in Parashat Vayigash tells of Yaakob Abinu moving with his entire family – all his children and grandchildren – from the Land of Israel to Egypt. We read...