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    I. Sefaria Controversy A minor controversy brewed recently when some people noticed that Sefaria provides readers a non-Orthodox Bible translation. This offers us an opportunity to have a long overdue discussion about what Sefaria is and is not, and how...

    INGREIDENTS: A couple of cloves of fresh garlic, minced Sprigs of fresh rosemary, chopped Olive oil Himalayan sea salt Freshly ground black pepper DIRECTIONS: Here’s another easy no fail recipe. The key is to start with an excellent piece...

    The meraglim spied on Eretz Canaan for forty days, and they were punished that they must remain forty years in the desert. As it states (14:34), “Like the number of days that you spied out the land, forty...

    Tears A man and woman were recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. While cutting the cake, the wife was moved after seeing her husband’s eyes fill with tears. The wife took his arm, and looked at him affectionately. “I never...

    We now focus on the eighth bracha of the Shemone Esrei which starts out with the request Refa’einu, “Heal us Hashem and we will be healed.” The Gemora teaches us in Mashechtas Shabbos [32a], “Amar Rav Yitzchak b’rei d’Rav...