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    Although Hashem’s hand is often concealed, everything that happens to us is bashert, destined, and planned. We believe that everything is from Hashem, but we don’t always see it. However, when...

    One way to translate the word פלא†is concealed as it states (Devarim 17:8), כי†יפלא ממך†דבר†, “When a halachah is concealed from you...

     The importance of creating a special aura in our homes and in our lives on Shabbos simply cannot be overstated. We all emphasize the need to preserve a spirit of...

     The world is increasingly complicated and challenging, and we are constantly processing new developments, complications, and challenges. We tend to sit around our Shabbos tables, share on Whatsapp groups and...

     In Order to Live We need to eat and drink in order to live. After eating and drinking, waste must be expelled. We must have the proper approach to the food...

     Parashat Vayera begins with the famous story of the three angels who were disguised as travelers, and whom Avraham Avinu graciously welcomed. During their visit, one of the angels informed...

     A Man’s Level is Determined by His Wife’s Level At the beginning of the parsha, during the description of the dialogue between the Angels and Avraham, we find the verse, “And...

     The Sages use different titles to refer to different levels of scholars because not all rabbis have equal authority. In order of increasing importance: Rav, Rabbi, Rabban, the scholar’s name...