In many shuls, the question arises regarding waiting when a rabbi is taking time for shemone esrei and people are getting edgy, since they have to make the train to work or drive the kids to school. If there...
In many shuls, the question arises regarding waiting when a rabbi is taking time for shemone esrei and people are getting edgy, since they have to make the train to work or drive the kids to school. If there...
Our community is broken and profoundly pained by the loss of our beloved Esti Moskowitz a”h, a pure and irreplaceable neshama. We are all also desperate to comfort her special family during this time of extraordinary loss and pain....
Regarding the custom of Zecher L’Machtzis Hashekel, I have a difficult time finding fifty cent coins. Can I give two quarters, or is there a different way to perform this mitzvah? The Rama (OC 694:1) writes...
INGREDIENTS: One 3.5-5 LB Roast 1/2 cup of grated prepared white horseradish 3 cloves of crushed garlic 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard Salt and pepper DIRECTIONS: This is such an easy and flavorful recipe. It would make a show...
Let’s discuss desire to serve Hashem, which is one of the primary elements that turns us into a Beis HaMikdash. People don’t recognize the value of desire. Instead, they admire and respect deeds. “How many blatt did...
Parashat Teruma begins with the com- mand, “Ve’yikhu Li Teruma,” instructing Beneh Yisrael to do- nate materials for the construction of the Mishkan. Curiously, rather than commanding Beneh Yisrael to “give” or “donate” materials, Hashem commands them to “take...
Parashat Terumah presents the laws for the construction of the Mishkan, which Hashem introduces with the fa- mous command, לי ועשו – מקדש- ושכנתי בתוכם “They shall make for Me a Sanctuary, and I will reside in their...
You Shall Have A Dream At the end of the description of the Menorah, the pasuk [verse] says, “(U’Re-ay v’asay...
On Purim, we send gifts of food to friends, in fulfillment of the verse “U-mishlo’ach manos ish le-rei’ehu, and of sending portions a man to his fellow” (Esther 9:22). Mishlo’ach manos is one of the mitzvos of Purim. We...
May one buy cut fruit from a store that does not have a Hechsher? No! We get this question all the time. People are invited all the time to meetings in non-kosher places and they obviously know they can’t...