In Parshas Re’eh, Moshe continues to give his final message to Bnei Yisroel. He speaks of the blessings that come with following HaShem’s mitzvos, and the difficulties that will befall the nation if they abandon...
In Parshas Re’eh, Moshe continues to give his final message to Bnei Yisroel. He speaks of the blessings that come with following HaShem’s mitzvos, and the difficulties that will befall the nation if they abandon...
The Fight A Jewish congregation was arguing over whether one should stand or sit during the Kaddish prayer. Half of the congregation said one should sit, while the other half insisted one should stand. Every time the Kaddish was...
This week, a Jew hater with 1.6 million Twitter followers posted an image consisting of a collection of supposed passages from the Talmud that paint Jews as disparaging towards and discriminating against non-Jews, seeing them as inferior, and treating them...
Our parasha begins with a pasuk stating that we are only allowed to bring Korbanot (sacrifices) at the place that Hashem chooses. This is the location where we are to build the future Beit HaMikdash, the holiest site...
INGREDIENTS: 4- 5 pounds of pargiot (you can use white meat chicken cutlets, but reduce your cooking time as they cook quicker than the thighs) Marinade 2 ripe mangoes 1/2 cup of low sodium soy sauce 2...
Parashat Ekev includes the second paragraph of Shema, in which we find the command to educate our children: V’limad’tem Otam Et B’neichem – “You shall teach them [the words of Torah] to your children” (11:19). The adult generation...
The One Who feeds you manna in the desert...
In Parshas Shoftim, when the Kohein exhorted the troops before battle, he said Shema Yisroel, and Rashi interprets his message, “Afilu ein bahem zchus ela Krias Shema bilvad, k’dai atem she’yoshia es’chem – Even if you only have the...
How does one determine what bracha to make on a product? If it’s not obvious, you have to know the ingredients that are used to make the product and you have to understand the processes used to make...
The Or Ha’haim (Rav Haim Ben-Attar, 1696-1743) notes what appears to be a glaring contradiction between two verses in Parashat Ekeb. In the opening verse of this Parasha, Moshe promises Beneh Yisrael that in reward for their observance...