Twice during the Seder on Pesah we take a piece of food and dip it into a liquid before eating it. First, after Kiddush, we take the Karpas – a vegetable – and dip it...
Twice during the Seder on Pesah we take a piece of food and dip it into a liquid before eating it. First, after Kiddush, we take the Karpas – a vegetable – and dip it...
One of the main staples of the holiday of Pesach is the Matzah. We are all familiar with the Matzah--a very thin, crunchy, yearsago,whileRabbiBenTzionMutsafi testified that up to 40 years ago,...
GROUND COFFEE What could be the issues with unflavored ground coffee - regular or decaf - for Pesach? Regular caffeinated and unflavored coffee is kosher for Pesach even without special supervision. Decaffeinated coffee needs a Pesach...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi. I read your column all the time. I hope you can help me. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve gone out with this guy several times....
At the very end of the maggid section of the Haggadah, after we’ve gone through and discussed the story of our ancestors’ bondage in Egypt and the great miracle of Yetziat Mitzrayim, just before we drink the...
I. Three Seder Practices Generally speaking, when it comes to the Pesach Seder, people know the details of their own family’s practices but not those of many other families. From conversation, they might know what different people eat...
The Mishna (Pesachim 35a) enumerates the types of grains that can be used for making matzah to fulfill the mitzva of eating matzah on Pesach. The Gemara notes that the five grains listed in the Mishna are an exhaustive...
This article is dedicated as an aliyas neshamah for my dear mother, Rebbetzin Esther bas HaRav Avrohom HaLevi a”h, who was born on the first Seder night. As my zeide was...
Rabbi Simcha Scholar founded and has led one of the most impactful and inspiring organizations in the Jewish world. Chai Lifeline, with its renowned Camp Simcha and many other related...
One of the sacrifices discussed in Parashat Sav is the Korban Toda, or thanksgiving offering. A person who emerged safely from certain dangerous situations – illness, captivity, desert travel or an overseas trip – was required to bring this...