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    DIRECTIONS: It’s been so hot and humid. Nobody really wants to turn on the oven this summer. This peach burrata salad hits the spot for a filling and delicious meal with yummy seasonal produce....

    Yellowstone National Park, which is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined, contains its own Grand Canyon, considered by many to be the most breathtaking sight inside the park. The canyon is 20 miles long,...

    Parashat Re’eh begins: “Behold, I am presenting before you today a blessing and a curse.” Moshe Rabbenu proceeds to explain to the people that they have the choice between two paths – the path of mitzvah observance, which...

    The Torah in Parashat Re’eh discusses the basic laws of the three Regalim – the holidays of Pesach, Shabuot and Sukkot, when Beneh Yisrael would assemble in the Bet Ha’mikdash. In presenting the obligations relevant to the celebration...

    One of the English- language Jewish songs with the most staying power is Mordechai Ben David’s “Just One Shabbos.” Dovid Nachman Golding tells the story of when and why it was first written and produced: On one of our...